Assume the Position, Ladies: Inviting the Rise of the Divine Masculine

Assume the Position, Ladies: Inviting the Rise of the Divine Masculine The Masculine and the Feminine In the Expanding Motherhood series we covered three major aspects of the mother archetype within the context of expansion. As we prepare for the fatherhood series, we notice the father archetype feels very different. In fact, after deeper inquiry, masculinity isn’t on its own trajectory of expansion at all, the expansiveness of the masculine IS the feminine. Or, more specifically, the masculine journey isn’t one of expansion, but, rather, one of definition. How do we know this? The most obvious answer is also the most polarizing. When deconstructing power majority groups, the biggest challenge is in categorizing, encapsulating, defining something so pervasive. You see, once something grows beyond a particular power point, it actually ceases to be defined. Basically, it is no longer a “thing,” [...]

2023-05-16T23:21:43-07:00March 6th, 2023|

Speech was never free

Speech was never free Freedom of speech is simply the latest rock overturned in an effort to illuminate all the cracks in our country’s foundation. It also happens to be our favorite term to throw around when something even remotely threatens our ability to say whatever we want without consequence. However, speech was never free from consequence. Speech was never free from responsibility for hurt it causes. Speech was never free from responsibility for destroying others. Speech was never free from responsibility for planting seeds that grow into intolerance. Speech was never free from responsibility for the very worlds it creates. Essentially, freedom of speech never meant freedom from responsibility. We teach our children this, or should, but then conveniently forget it when we feel justified in our very-adult conversations about really important things that embolden our inability to control ourselves or act like mature [...]

2023-03-21T16:57:39-07:00April 6th, 2021|

Agents of Change Assemble: The time is now and this is what we trained for

Agents of Change Assemble: The time is now and this is what we trained for! This discussion follows on We Did This: And the inarguable solution for global recovery. This is for all the light workers, teachers, trainers, pastors, healers, counselors, coaches, and transformationalists. If that’s you, read on. For those of you who got lost back at "light worker" and want to be sure you’re not falling for some sneaky wine flavored kool-aid ploy, keep seeking. This journey is full of twists and turns and perhaps taking up the mantle as a fully-identified agent of change hasn’t landed in you yet. It will. Stay the course and guidance becomes clearer. For the rest of you, we have work to do. Truth, with a capital T, only becomes our truth when we surrender into the experience of total communion with the divine. - Tonya [...]

2023-06-05T11:42:18-07:00December 2nd, 2020|

Do You Suffer From Premature Collaboration?

Do You Suffer from Premature Collaboration? (It's more common than you think) Collaboration is the hot topic in business these days. Entrepreneurship is full of folks throwing that word around like it’s the next secret to success. And they’re right. Many of us got the message loud and clear that our big visions and missions for world change require us cracking the code on how to work together. From books like Tribes and Tribal Leadership to organizations like Super Power Experts and CEO Space International, team leaders and pioneers have any number of resources to choose from in their quest to master collaboration. But not all perspectives on collaboration are created equal and not all situations are ready for collaboration. That’s right. Collaboration cannot be the first step toward achieving a goal…any goal. In every successful collaboration, three key elements exist. And these elements MUST be present in order for any collaboration to succeed. Of [...]

2023-05-13T16:44:01-07:00June 16th, 2017|
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