Forgiveness: Meaning Across Dimensions

Forgiveness: Meaning Across Dimensions Forgiveness seems to be the spiritual, metaphysical word du jour. It's an interesting concept and takes on many different meanings depending on where you sit in your journey. At the most basic level, let's look at a common definition: Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Most circles I interact with consider conversations about victims and offenders to be faux pas. However, even without calling it out, I'm not sure there's a way to remove these pieces altogether.  In spiritual conversations, on the surface forgiveness feels like an empowered, peaceful concept. And as a tool to guide you through certain aspects of the journey, it's a valuable reminder not to hold [...]

2021-05-28T01:18:54-07:00November 20th, 2016|

SPU – The Super Power of Uplifting Others

Carla Reeves embodies uplifting others as a Personal Mindset Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur. She holds the vision of others’ greatness and teaches them to use journaling to harness that vision. Listen in as she shares how to write your way into your Super Powers.     Hello everyone this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm really excited to have with us today Carla Reeves. She is, if you can imagine like, light, being encapsulated in a body that’s how I would describe this woman. Like, I met her from across a room at a networking event, and she's just vibrant. Like she has one of those or a body that you just can't help but be drawn into. She's very pleasant. She's very loving. She just makes you feel good when you're around her. And that's my experience with her. But in [...]

2018-10-15T16:22:15-07:00November 18th, 2016|

SPU – The Super Power of Knowing What Truly Matters

Karen and Aimee of What Truly Matters join us to share their wonderful mixture of the corporate and metaphysical worlds. Listen in as they describe their integrative Super Powers and how they use them to change the world.   Hello! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm delighted to have with me today two wonderful amazing energetic women, Karen and Aimee, from What Truly Matters. I have to be honest, I don't feel like we've known each other very long in this little sphere of the world. But as soon as we connected it was just, oh this lovely feeling, you are going to know exactly what I'm talking about as soon as they open their mouths. And you'll see people are starting to feel it now already. But what's so fantastic about these women is not just their amazing energy and this, they just [...]

2018-10-15T16:26:42-07:00November 11th, 2016|

The Role of Women’s Empowerment in Collective Higher Consciousness

Women’s empowerment as a movement plays a catalytic role in higher consciousness, both as individuals and a collective. Despite what most people can conceive, we experience the world collectively. As individuals it’s easy to think our experience is uniquely our own. We've come up with thousands of reasons and ways to be separate from each other. We feed off of the divide in perceived difference. But even in this we prove how unified and connected we are. We feel each other and feed off of each other and thereby create reality together. Human Nature vs. Ego Our human nature is not to be separate - to hate, judge, divide, oppress, and kill each other. These are symptoms of ego. Our ego is only a part of us, and whether or not it defines who we are and what we do is entirely our choice. In awakening to our true and [...]

2017-04-20T11:56:17-07:00November 9th, 2016|

SPU – Activating Super Powers

Activating Super Powers with the Founder of In Flow CEO, Stephanie Beeby. As a business intuitive, Stephanie acts as a catalyst for her clients as they activate their Super Powers. Stephanie discusses her experience with visions and deja vu experiences. She reads the energy regarding her clients opportunities and the business mission or vision. And she incorporates her experiences with vibrations and frequencies to serve her clients and illustrate the fluctuation in time and productivity.  Listen in as she explains how the vibration of a business means everything and how to harness it for success. Hello, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Personal Power Expert. And I'm thrilled to have with us today, Stephanie Beeby. Stephanie's quickly becoming one of my new favorite people. She's over there with InfloCEO to the business intuitive and what I love is that she is a self-proclaimed catalyst who acts of [...]

2018-10-15T16:29:18-07:00November 4th, 2016|
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