Shining Out from Within: The stripped-down path to self-discovery

Shining Out from Within: The stripped-down path to self-discovery Ins and Outs The path to self-discovery is filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, and ins and outs. Often our obsession with looking at the obvious and reacting to the apparent leads us to conveniently forget that last part. The ins and outs of this journey are where the magic happens. They hold the richest, juiciest, yummiest, and, yes, messiest pieces of us. And the secret we never understand until we stand on the other side is that it is only through traversing yourself from the inside out that we ever truly know ourselves.  But is it worth it? What could possibly lie on the other side of sifting through bruises and scars, distant memories of moments better left unearthed, that would justify the journey? Well, nothing short of total and complete freedom would do. [...]

2020-07-30T07:17:11-07:00June 15th, 2020|

Make the Most of Motherhood

Make the Most of Motherhood Motherhood is one of the most obvious core-level relationships we have in the human experience. And, it goes without saying, it can also be one of the most complicated. Within the construct of motherhood is enwrapped our earliest memories of connection and so much of that gets carried forward into other areas of our lives. In the IM Series Expanding Motherhood, we share this definition of motherhood: Motherhood is the complex arrangement of various roles, responsibilities, commitments, and privileges afforded to the brave souls who choose to raise the offspring. If we expand out the definition of offspring to include that which gets created, we start to see how our very first relationships inform the roles we play. Not just our roles as children and parents, but also what we believe about creation and what we should or can expect [...]

2023-03-21T16:50:00-07:00April 16th, 2020|
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