What do you do when your body is tired? Even though we all get tired, burnout is another important thing to talk about. In this episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perrotti and guest Cyndie Burkhardt talk about how burnout is possible when tired becomes a chronic state. Join Wendy and Cyndie as they chat about the warning signs that you may be headed for burnout and what you can do to turn it around. 

Welcome. You’re listening to A Glimpse Inside. I’m Wendy Perrotti. What do you do when your body is tired? I mean, really tired. The literally can’t-get-out-of-bed kind of tired. If you’re like my guest today, you’ll see it as a wake-up call. Maybe even an opportunity for reinvention. After a long stint working with fortune 500 companies, Cyndie Burkhardt’s personal commitment to a healthy lifestyle took a front seat. Blending corporate experience with a professional health and nutrition training, she established a wellness consulting business to help organizations bring their health focus campaigns and public programs to life. Cindy is also a trusted advisor to individuals wanting to achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Simultaneously, she is continuously nurturing her life’s passion for photography. She’s been the Chief Photographer on an expedition ship through the Baltics. She’s documented a food trek in Sicily and historical excursions in Israel. She’s captured both portraits in Cuba and New York City. Cindy will climb over, under, or out on a limb to get the shot. I love that description of you, Cindy. Welcome.

Thank you, Wendy.

And it’s so true about your personality. Everything about you says that and folks are going to get to hear that story in a minute, but before we get there, tell us what you’re up to now.

Well, thank you again for having me. I appreciate it. And I did laugh when you read that because I was just working on a project over the weekend and I was just looking out somewhere that I wanted to take a photograph and I had to do a bit of climbing and I was along the extremely rocky shoreline and I was literally tiptoeing along some rocks and thinking, I just hope I don’t fall. So I actually kind of literally did do that and it just made me laugh out loud.

And you’re in Croatia right now?

Yes, I’m in Croatia right now, because I arrived in Croatia in March and then there was a pandemic and I decided to stay for a whole bunch of reasons, which we can get into more later if you’d like, but I basically stayed for safety reasons and Croatia was really safe at the time in terms of keeping things under control and low numbers of COVID cases. And as time went on, my travel visa ran out. You have three months and I was still here and it seemed like traveling home was still kind of tricky, so I decided to sign up for residency here and my application was just approved about a month ago. So I live here now.

Wow, congratulations!

I love staying here in Croatia.

That’s so cool.

Croatians laugh at my corny joke, but it is pretty cool. So I have a one-year residency here. So based on the introduction you said in my different backgrounds, I’ve decided that I’m relaunching my reinvention, so to speak, here in Croatia. So all of my different worlds are coming together now as I’m literally in the middle of figuring out how I’m going to go forward and while I originally thought when I was traveling, I’d have a year abroad and then I’d be figuring these things out back at home, the pandemic has me in Croatia. So I figured the universe just has something different in mind for me and whatever I thought I might have done when I left home over a year ago to travel, I’m doing it now and I’m doing it here. So there’s a combination of the health and wellness business and coaching that I love and that I’m going to be doing, and there’s a combination of photography and all of the–I’ll call it content that I’ve been creating with storytelling and with photographing stories and places and travel opportunities and people.

And I’m looking at how that’s going to integrate with the wellness business. And then I have this corporate background as well and I thought, well, I can’t really segment my life anymore and say, “I used to do this. I used to do that.” I’m choosing to see myself as one person, which seems like a good idea, and integrate all these things together and see what I can come up with in terms of starting something new or collaborating with new people and possibly starting a business here. I literally just came back in time to meet you today from a business meeting on how someone can start up a business here, who’s non-Croatian. So it looks like things are going in that direction. And I’ve got very few answers, but a lot of hope and a lot of inspiration and a lot of ideas. So I’m really at the point of trying to figure out what I’m going to do as well as networking and meeting people here and seeing where things take me.

I love it. So we’re going to get into the story of how you ended up in Croatia and your incredible reinvention up until this point. And before we get there, we’re going to take a really, really quick break talking what to do when your body is tired. For those of you listening in about the discussion of when your body is tired, you know that weekly we allow you to get into a drawing to win a 90 minute private from stuck to a happy coaching session with me. You can text AGI Win to (647) 558-9895 if you want to get in on that drawing, and Cindy, how can folks who want to get in touch with you or follow your travel blog, how do they reach you, find out more about you?

Well, there are two ways that would be amazing. There’s probably more, but one is on my website its photo-diaries.com. My project is on there. It’s called 12 Countries in 12 Months and I also have a blog where you can follow all the travel I’ve been doing. Also, LinkedIn is a great way to connect with me. It’s got a lot of my business background for people who are interested in that side and it talks a little bit more about the intro that you gave me. And I also have two Instagram pages where I’ve been posting for the whole past year. I’ve been posting for several years a lot. One is @CyndieRabbit, like the bunny. So it’s literally my name, Cindy rabbit. And the other one is called EverywhereCindy.

Okay. And Cyndie.

That’s right.

We want to make sure that people can find you. All right, folks, stay with us. We will be right back. This is an incredible story. If your body is tired, if it’s giving you a hint that maybe it’s time for a wake-up call, you absolutely don’t want to miss what Cyndie’s got to say. We’ll be right back.

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