Does fear override and stop you from making it happen? In this episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perrotti conducts her second coaching session with award-winning writer Claudia Quinn. It has been two months since their last session and Claudia says a lot has happened in her life after being decisive and having a clarity of mind. Claudia shares that she is also surprised by the direction her life is taking. Join Wendy and Claudia in today’s episode and discover how you can also make things happen for yourself.

Welcome. This is A Glimpse Inside, and I’m Wendy Perrotti. You’re listening to episode three of our four-part series, This is My Year. On our last episode we met Claudia, an Executive in corporate communications, who at that time hated what she’s doing. She wanted more than anything to just write.

Today, we’re here to coach her on making that happen or maybe something else. Claudia’s gut last time told her, “You are a writer.” But fear kept overriding and saying, “You’re not good enough.” Even though this is crazy, she’s an award-winning Writer. The last time I talked to Claudia, we asked her to trust her gut. Even though you’re hearing these episodes about a week apart, the recordings have a two month span between them. We’re going to have a lot to dig into with her today. And Claudia, I am so happy to have you back.

Thank you so much, Wendy. I really appreciate the opportunity.

Before we start talking about making it happen this year, we were chatting a little bit before we hit record and the ‘it’ might be different. Let’s take a look at what that is. But let’s start by having you bring us up to date on where you are when it comes to trusting your intuition, any homework that you did from our last session, and what’s been going on for the last two months.

Yeah. It’s been an interesting two months, Wendy. A lot of things have happened in that short period. Kind of personal family emergencies having to do with my dad’s health. And to be candid, I haven’t really written that great American novel, and I haven’t done a lot of writing. Major life events, I was laid off from that job that I was really unhappy with, which is a really good thing. I can’t tell you how relieved I felt when I got the notice. And second and maybe not so good is my father suffered a stroke earlier in the year. And he’s finally home, but he’s just a different person.

In the course of the time since we last spoke, I will say that, again, haven’t written. But I did do the exercise where I started talking out loud to my inner critic, Calamity Kyle, I call him. That inner voice that’s always telling me, “No, you can’t do it. No, don’t do it. It’s unsafe. You’re not good enough.” Et cetera. Interestingly, that exercise alone has sort of given me some courage to look other things in the face. Probably things that in different circumstances I would have sort of not pursued, or I would have convinced myself that, “Nah, not going to do it.” It’s been a really interesting time.

What are some things do you mind giving us some of what are some of the things that you’ve kind of looked at or taken head on because of your conversations with Calamity Kyle?

I would say if I could summarize it in one word it’s assertiveness. I’ve seen that manifest in this job opportunity that presented itself shortly before I got the layoff notice. It’s for an executive position higher than one I would have ever really held. More salaries at stake here than I’ve ever made. It’s something that does interest me from a work perspective. It’s a global company, and it would involve some international travel, some domestic travel, and being able to use my foreign language skills.

I think pre this discussion and before I started chatting with Calamity Kyle, I kind of think I would have choked during the interview process and probably wouldn’t have made it past round two. But actually right now I’m on round eight. Yeah. It’s crazy. The other thing, too, as far as assertiveness is dealing with my father’s situation. He’s pretty much reliant on 24/7 care. We live in different counties, so it’s very difficult for me. I can’t just move into his home and sort of supervise things.

This past week, I’ve had to do just that. It’s a temporary thing. But I had a major problem at the very, very beginning of his time at home, and that was with the caregiver team I handled. They told me at the very beginning that, yes, they were skilled and qualified to take care of the needs of a 89 year-old man with dementia, and all the things that come with that. Come to find out on the first day they just completely freaked out. They changed the team altogether, because the team that had interviewed for it said, “We’re not up to this.”

So, I had strange people in my father’s house tending to his needs. They were, to be candid, pretty neglectful. I think pre Calamity Kyle conversations, I would have just been sitting wringing my hands going, “Oh my gosh. What am I going to do?

I still have these folks on a week more to go.” But actually I was able to just put my foot down and say, “No, you guys are not cutting it. You’re out of here, and this is your last day.”

I don’t think I would have done that previously. I’m one of those people that really hates to offend, and I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings. I sort of always second guess myself, too. It’s like, well, under different circumstances I probably would’ve thought, “Gee, maybe this is just part of it. Maybe I should just give them a chance.” But one of them caused a really awful injury to my father and I thought, “Okay, no. This is ridiculous. These people have to go.” It’s that sort of decisiveness and clarity of mind that I think has really just kicked in after I started kind of facing down or talking down that inner voice.

Okay. I think this is a perfect sort of breaking point for us to take a quick break. Because what we find over and over again and I think this is so important for our listeners to hear as well, is often what you gain from these sorts of endeavors from looking within and really doing this deep work to move yourself forward, to get yourself unstuck, to trust your intuition. Often what you gain is not the initial outcome that you intended.

We’ll talk a little bit when we come back from break about detaching from the outcome, so that you can really see opportunities, and see your own growth, and trust your gut as things unfold in your life. This is really exciting. I love the work that you’ve done, and I love that you really dug in. It’s hard to talk to a little creature that is sitting on your desk out loud. It’s a weird thing to do.

I’m really psyched that you took me up on the challenge, and I can’t wait to dig in when we come back from this really quick break. We’ll talk about making it happen, and getting clear on whatever that is for you. So, stay with us. We’ll be right back. For those of you who are interested in this kind of work, you can find out more about coming on the show at There’s a button to click as soon as you go to the website. I hope to see you on the other side. We’ll be right back.

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