Alive Parenting

What is alive parenting? In this episode of the Spiritual Ecstacy Show, host Gabriel Cousens warmly welcomes this topic. He talks about how an alive parent takes on the role of a spiritual warrior, the art and mystery of parenting being the source of love, sweetness, and caring guidance. He shows you how to support your children to reach the highest expression of sacred design, and support your children to be the truth they are meant to be. Tune in today to learn about alive parenting! 

Gabriel Cousens:

Welcome to my program called Spiritual Ecstasy. Today, we’ll be discussing what it means to become an Alive Parent. My name is Dr. Gabriel Cousens. I’m a physician of the soul, a spiritual teacher, a holistic physician, a psychiatrist, a family therapist, a father of two, a grandfather of three, an acknowledged yogi and a Rabbi, and a Native American Sundancer in humanitarian for the last 48 years. Also write 13 books, including my latest book Into The Nothing: A Spiritual Autobiography, and my book called conscious parenting. And a lot of the material that I’m sharing today is for my book, conscious parenting.

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What is conscious parenting? We’re going to start with a little quote from my book, “The Art in the mystery of parenting is being the source of love, sweetness, and powerful, gentle discipline, fused with the ability to bring with holy loving firmness, our food for order out of lice casts so that one’s children are best empowered to reach the highest expression of their sacred design and holiness in the world.” In short, the role of the alive parent is the way of the spiritual warrior. Now, that being said, you may look at what’s really going on in our world today. And this is why, to me, this is very important, the coach parenting because why is a nation we allocate so much of our resources to war? Why do we continue to cut education funding for our children? That’s a pretty important question. This is like a culture of death cycle, which has never worked out for the health and spiritual well-being of society. It doesn’t make our children healthy. Will it be alive, people? You and a starting point for getting out of this vicious cycle are to stop the ride long enough to clear the dizziness. And that I believe is what’s happening with parents throughout the world and particularly in the United States today. And when we are able to be quiet within ourselves, we begin to see how our government prioritizes its budget but not toward the real health and well-being of our children. And the objective is, is more a sense of domination of our children, rather than how we can help them flourish as Saint Teresa Vela said in 1515, to 1582. Yes, overthrow any government that makes you weep inside the child believes the external and focus is his or her energies there. The Warrior conquers the realms within and becomes gifted. And really, that’s what we’re talking about when I talk about alive children conquering, teaching our children to conquer their inner realms and in essence, become gifted. Know the question that we’re going to address when we come back from the break, is whether we look into our children as a mirror for ourselves and how we may contribute to helping them become alive children. So before we take a break, I want to mention that this is Dr. Gabriel Cousens, this program is called Spiritual Ecstasy. And we’re talking about becoming an Alive Parent, you can reach me at or for articles about parenting, appropriate nutrition, spiritual life, family life, and also couple relationships. So we’re going to take a break for about 10 seconds.

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