Can one’s soul live without having guilt? Shame and guilt are two things that block us from finding our true selves. In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Lois Hollis express their thoughts on how shame and guilt can cause both physical and mental illness and the power of addressing our wounds. Lois is the writer of the book called Now is the Time. It is a thirty-page book full of poetry and light codes or messages from angels that invites you to delve deeper into the forgotten places of your heart and soul. Tune in to this episode and listen to Ayn and Lois to know more about divine assistance and the success stories of people who broke free from the chains of negativity.

Welcome friends and mystical travelers, this is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages: Weaving the Sacred and to Modern day reality. And apparently, we’re going to invite in some today. We’ll find out what those are. Each week I offer stories, interviews, and spiritual monologues to inspire, heal, and uplift the soul, and you can listen to many more episodes on

Let me tell you why you’re going to be interested in this episode. My guest today is Lois Hollis, and we’re discussing how we can give up shame and guilt because these things bind us and really keep us from being the wonderful being that we can be. We can give grief up to the mighty alter of bliss and we’ll get back to that, and why that line’s important in a minute.

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In her channel, I’m going to call it a book of poetry. It’s a very interesting book. You could call it light codes or messages from angels. It’s called Now is the Time. It’s a very tiny book, it’s like 30 pages, but the words have a lot of impacts. And I want to read these words before I introduce my guest, just to sort of get a taste of who she is. It goes like this, the spirit of the wind talks to my soul as it glistens within the framework of love. It talks to my shadow with the green within the forgotten places of the earth.

I thought that poetry was beautiful, and the whole book is like this. It invites you deeper, deeper into your heart, and into your soul, and into these forgotten places. And if we’re bound by shame and guilt, this is really not normal for humans. We do not need to be bound by these things. What we need to do now is to open up to poetry. Poetry matters. Now open up to the gateway of mysteries. So I want to speak to you just very briefly about the hero/heroine’s journey, and the quest for the truth of who we are. When we really decide to go on the quest, this does not mean that we’re going to expect everything to stay normal. In fact, what we’re doing when we start to quest, is we are really being brave, and we’re turning around and we’re looking at the things that do serve us and the things that do not serve us.

Ultimately, if we want to find all the facets of our being, we need to be willing to walk into our wounds and come back with our light. And that’s what this show is about today. Lois Hollis has been on her own heroine’s journey, and she’s going to share something about that. And although everyone’s hero or heroine’s journey is different, they also have similarities. I mean, first of all, there’s a call to adventure. And then most of us decide that we’re too busy, there’s some reason we can’t do it. And then there’s a jolt.

Like something that happens. And then, because of this event, we find ourselves on the quest, and suddenly we’re looking at things we didn’t want to look at, but it’s happening. I mean, it’s really happening globally right now. If you think about it. Maybe it’s a betrayal, might be personal, loss of a job, a breakup of a relationship and suddenly we’re traveling down the outer road, which is really an inner journey.

Before, I’m just going to take a quick ad break here, and before I do, you might just check in with yourself. Just in this moment. Just as we begin, just take it a very brief moment, and take a breath, check into your body. How are you feeling right now? Are you feeling free? Are you feeling bound? What are you feeling? And by the end of this episode, I want you to check in again, into your body. It’s your body, it’s your mind. I really liked encouraging people to claim their sovereignty.

When we get back from this short break, we’re going to talk about this beautiful little book, Now is the Time, and also some other work that Lois Hollis is doing. She’s just finished a movie called I’m Good, which will be on her website soon. And yeah, so I’m just going to leave you with one little quote, she says, “Shame and guilt are not ours to own or to give.” So that’s a little hint. So stay tuned, we’ll be right back, and I’ll introduce Lois Hollis and we will be talking about how we break free. So stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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