How do we create a world of humanity? We answer this question and more in this episode of Wisdom of the Ages as host Ayn Cates Sullivan talks about holding a positive vision of an awakened humanity. Ayn also shares some ways to assist with the paradigm shift by believing in the power of our words. Ayn vouches on the idea that it is possible for us to live in a world in which we all thrive, as long as we believe in ourselves. Join Ayn in today’s episode and take part in envisioning a new humanity.

Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages: Weaving the Sacred into Modern day Reality. During times of shift and change, it benefits us to have strong lineages and deep roots as we blossom into a new humanity. And that’s what this monologue is about today, envisioning a new humanity.

Each week I introduce spiritual teachers, healers and authors from around the world and also offer monologues like today. You can listen to many more spiritual episodes on And you can find more spiritual books and a lot of fairytales on my publishing website, which is

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Today, I want to speak about the relevance of spirituality and why the guardians of the sacred mysteries are stepping forward now, and also why we should respect them. It seems that the human family is divided now and I believe it is time to look again towards something deeper, something new. And right now, I see the Earth and her quickening. I see her energy lines alive and healthy running like dragons around her body. I see one person at a time awakening to the awesome truth of who they are like a precious and unique snowflake, not like another.

I imagine a future in which not only do all have food, clothing and shelter, but a world in which we all thrive. An Earth where the air, water and soil are pure and animals are honored. I see a world where the mysterious fire of divinity is recognized within each of us and the sounds of creation are the melody we learn to play. I see a humanity healed, unified and reborn and you into this precious moment. I see the turning of the ages.

I want to ask ourselves, “How does this paradigm shift again?” I mean, do you remember a time when someone helped you when you were struggling? You probably loved them for assisting you during a time of need. And the question is right now, how will you pass this loving wisdom forward? How will you help another? How will you choose to be of service? You see, our thoughts, our words and our deeds co-create the reality that we live into.

Let’s consider simply holding a positive vision of an awakened and unified humanity. It’s amazing when we tell a story how the response differs from when we changed the gender or race or location. Let’s think about it. What stories are we telling? Our words have power. We have to learn to spell at school, right? What spells are we casting? Are we recognizing with our thoughts and words, the inner sparkle and light within all beings?

I like to say human light beings because we’re all rainbows, slightly different kaleidoscopes. Our lives are unique and that’s what inspires us. I mean, we’re all different. There’s lots of variety. We have different resonances. Some people we resonate with and maybe others, we don’t so much and it’s important to feel that. Who do we harmonize with? Those are the people and places we are attracted to. We sing the same song.

And if the chords aren’t resonant, then we don’t need to play. Simple, we don’t resonate. Don’t play with them. The poets and mystics have been singing about an alternative existence for a long time. We all remember Joni Mitchell, right? We Are Stardust. She sang it at Woodstock and she was right. I mean, according to National Geographic, 40,000 tons of cosmic dust fall on the Earth every year. Yeah, so we are. We’re stardust.

But I would like to tell you a story about how I learned to revise the world quite a long time ago. We’re going to have to move back in time. I’m going to give you a firsthand description of the new age movement that I stumbled into in Britain. It was a few decades ago and I’ll share both the pros and the cons.

I mean, stories have ups and downs, quests, challenges and discoveries. But before I get into it, I’m going to take a short break. But when I come back, I will speak about some of the giants I have met and how standing on their shoulders helps me see a positive vision for humanity. Yes, people helped me. And I would like to pay that forward now. And perhaps this vision will help you too. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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