How do we co-create with reality? Are we in control of what we do or are we just aligning with destiny? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan speaks with wise guest Penny Kelly about co-creating with reality. Penny shares how we must have an astrological understanding of the extent of our free will. This will help us develop consciousness and connect with the active universe we belong to. Join Ayn and Penny in today’s episode and discover how you can co-create with reality.

Okay, here we go. Wholehearted welcome love and blessings. This Ayn Cates Sullivan, one of the superpower posts, and you’re listening to Wisdom of the Ages. And today we’re going to be speaking with a wise guest, Penny Kelly about co-creating with reality. So I was really thinking about this subject on the way here today. Yeah. When I was in college, I took a Philosophy class on the nature of existence and I remember being really troubled about this question of whether or not we have free will or if the course of our lives is predetermined. And one morning , I got out of the car and I managed to slam the car door on my finger. It was one of those existential moments that, I mean, luckily I didn’t close it too hard, but as I sucked on my rather bruised finger, I asked myself if that was just a stupid accident that I created through negligence, or if that was a predetermined bet about c0-creating?

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And so by the time I made it to my philosophy class, I decided that it was best. And at that moment we’re handed a pop quiz, but I was ready, and I was busily scratched out my 10 pages on the subject and I’m happy to say midnight, but the question stayed with me and after going home, I stopped by a bookstore. I wanted to continue to explore this question. And I found this book about co-creating and it was a wonderful book, I still carry it with me. It was by Robert Bly, it was an anthology of poetry called News of the Universe, and this was a life changing book for me. And perhaps it was dharmic, maybe some subtle reminder of my life’s purpose and mission. And anyway, or maybe I just went to a bookstore, but anyway, I fell in love with mystical poetry.

Many of the poems and Robert Bly’s anthology addressed what I could not put into words. And I started to write poetry, I was always a bit of a mystic and I thought, well, “here we go”. If I can write it down, and as a mystical point, I can use metaphor to explain what my mind cannot fight grass. So anyway, I’ve written three books, Mystical Poetry Now, one’s Tracking The Deer, one’s called The Wind Towards Points Of Elimination and one’s Three Days In The Light. And I’m really hoping that my guest, Penny Kelly, will read one of her mystical points at the end of the episode, from her new book, Child of the Brown Earth. To me poetry is a very rare treat and, yes, through metaphor and storytelling, what the egoistic mind cannot quite grasp perhaps the higher mind can’t, so.

Anyway, just to carry on with that story, later, I moved to Britain and I went to go see an astrologer. There was just a lot going on in my life right then and I wanted somebody else to look at my chart. So she looked at my astrology chart and she said “Oh, you poor thing. You’ve married this foreigner and you’re going through a divorce” and she started telling me exactly what was going on in my life. And I looked at the symbols on the page, and I was like “how do you know that based on these symbols? I mean, do I create my own reality or has it already been created? Can I align with the higher reality what’s going on here?”. And you know, at the time I just thought I was this horrible person making a lot of mistakes. And when she started explaining that, yes, I would actually go through this and then I would go through this. I relaxed a little bit like, Oh, okay. So I’m just here learning it seems.

So she explained that the outer planet, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, or Destiny planets, and you really can’t do anything about the transits. But according to Western astrology, we did have some free will, at least in terms of our spiritual evolution and consciousness, when it comes to the inner planets, the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, whatever you feel about that, it’s really interesting when you lay at night and just look at the stars and imagine, or perhaps even hear their music. We live in an incredibly active universe. So as I once looked at this chart and I realized I was actually living out a destiny, but my freewill, I could use my freewill to evolve consciously. So I felt a little more at ease about the divorce and became really curious. So I spent a year actually learning astrology from her. I even read charts professionally for a few years and then, another spiritual awakening happened and I realized that you can actually step off your chart. So maybe we’ll talk a little bit about this in this show with Penny Kelly, but during the Eighties and Nineties, I started having stronger and stronger mystical experiences, and you know, so this question has stayed with me. “Do we create our own reality?”

Obviously our thoughts, our words, our deeds impact the world that we live into, but how much are we actually in control of ? And how much are we just aligning with the destiny? I mean, there’s a new age concept that we create our reality, but how so? So we’re going to get with Penny Kelly in a minute, we’re going to get really into this.

So, let’s see here. Think about this show we’re also going to get into Kundalini awakening, what that is, the process of spiritual awakening, stepping into the liberation process and maybe, even fully stepping into a new paradigm. We might also cover a little bit about our fear of spirituality and sanity because in the West, it’s all about functionality and the wakening process is not necessarily about functionality. So I think, well, we’re going to cover that too.

So as Penny Kelly says, “it is the nature of consciousness to start co-creating”. So we’re going to take a little ad break. I’ve recorded many episodes with spiritual authors, teachers, as well as monologues on spiritual awakening. If you’re into this subject, you can go back and check them all out on So stay tuned, we’ll be right back.

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