The Frequency of Miracles Im Series. We dive deep into the foundational beliefs that inform the very basis of reality. We look for the ways we drift away from living in harmony and witnessing the magic in our day-to-day existence. From there we move forward to consciously create a different story for the future. Don’t miss this extraordinary IM Series that guides you to and through the ecstatic and totally-worth-it frequency of miracles. #IMSeries #SuperPowerExperts #messages #miracles #existence #harmony #magic #create #consciousness #divine #God #peace #dreams #limitations

The Frequency of Miracles

When we ask people what they want, more than anything, if all limitations were removed, the answer always falls just short of what’s truly possible. As though, no matter how much we protest to the contrary, our deepest dreams never dare to approach the miraculous. They might get close to things like freedom, connection with God, and peace, but the idea that we can experience the miraculous in every moment never actually penetrates our deepest recesses to challenge the most basic limitations. 

And why is that? What keeps us from dreaming all the way into the miraculous, stopping just short, settling for the consolation prize. When did we decide that believing in the miraculous isn’t just childish, naive and foolish, it’s impossible in all but the most exceptional circumstances? What authority convinced us that the best we can hope for is to pretty up the mundane and decorate inevitable suffering inherent in a life lived just outside divine reach? 

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The Series

In The Frequency of Miracles IM Series, we dive deep into the foundational beliefs that inform the very basis of reality. We look for the ways we drift away from living in harmony and witnessing the magic in our day-to-day existence. From there we move forward to consciously create a different story for the future. Don’t miss this extraordinary IM Series that guides you to and through the ecstatic and totally-worth-it frequency of miracles. 

In this series, you’ll:

  • Learn the power and ultimate necessity of living in harmony with all things.
  • Understand the relationship between believing and seeing. 
  • Learn the process to consciously create with the divine. 
Super Power Experts. A Human Research & Development Institute. Experience Your Superpowers #superpowerexperts #superpowernetwork #community #Research # Development #Superpowers

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