WOA – Color, Sound & Consciousness

What is the miracle in color healing? How can the sound of love make things whole? In today’s episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by guest Leslie Sloane to talk about how color and spiritual awakening go together. Ayn and Leslie share their experiences with the Aura-Soma color therapy that eventually led to Leslie creating her own therapy system called the Auracle’s. Join Ayn and Leslie in this episode to learn how you can create your own direct knowing with the divine in this time of inter-dimensional shift. Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages, a podcast where we invite The Sacred into Modern day Reality, and quite often the colorful, which we'll be exploring today. So you can listen to many more spiritual interviews, and also, I've started doing quite a lot of [...]