SPM – Compassion, The Secret to Positive Parenting

Jessica Silverman is a Certified Parenting coach, Positive Parent Educator and an early intervention speech-language pathologist, and she joins Laura Greco in an interesting discussion around compassion as the secret to positive parenting. Jessica takes great pleasure in serving the needs of children and their families. She is the founder of Parenting with Clarity, which is a heart-centered business designed to help parents experience greater ease and positive and lasting changes in their families. She shares much wisdom and heart as you will hear and she herself is a parent of 2 children. Join us for this compassionate discussion and gain the wisdom shared here. Hello. I'm Laura your host, and you are listening to SuperPower Mamas. I'm so excited to have both you and my guests with me. Today, we are talking on the topic of compassion, the secret to positive parenting. I have Jessica [...]

2020-10-12T19:32:18-07:00January 8th, 2019|

SLSP – Project Menopause: Unlocking the Secret to Aging with Grace and Dignity

Allison Willette, a Registered Nurse and Naturopathic Doctor, joins Tatiana Berindei in discovering the secret to aging with grace and dignity. She practiced in Maine as a primary healthcare provider prior to moving to Massachusetts. Dr. Willette grew up on a farm in southern Minnesota and then earned her bachelor’s degree in English from the College of St. Benedict. After taking some time to travel; she later graduated from nursing school in Minneapolis. When Dr. Willette chose to follow her heart, she left nursing to study naturopathic medicine. Listen in as she shares her secrets about aging that will inspire women to age with grace and dignity. Hello, everyone. And welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I have with me Dr. Allison Willette. And we are going to be discussing her Project Menopause, Unlocking the Secrets [...]

2022-06-05T10:59:46-07:00July 11th, 2018|
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