REC – On Death and Dying

What is your perspective on death and dying? Do these words mean loss? Why do we grieve when someone important to us dies? In this episode of Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva, view death and passing through a different lens, a perspective far different from the usual. Whenever someone dies, the little pieces they left--- memories, things, and experiences make us mourn and feel empty. Furthermore, the fact that we identify dead people as physical bodies we cannot see anymore gives us a sudden burst of emotions. Tune in and join The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva discuss death, loss, fear, and seeing ghosts. Justin Recla: In this episode of Reclamation, I see dead people. This episode is called On Death and Dying. And for those of you who don't know, yes, I actually do see dead people. I've seen dead people since I [...]