SLSP – Breaking Through the Church’s Toxic Relationship to Sex

Do you have a toxic relationship with your sexuality because of messages you received from the church? Then this conversation is for you! In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei talks with former youth pastor and promoter of the Purity movement Nathan Novero. Having finally found his true path to God through sacred experiences with his body, Nathan is diligently working to shift the conversation that is happening within the church around sin and sexuality. Tune in to this episode to gain insight into how you, too, can shift your relationship to sex into one geared more towards positivity and sacredness. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I'm your host Tatiana Berindei, and today, I am really excited to have with me, Nathan Novero. We've got a big juicy topic today. We are going to be talking about Breaking Through the [...]