ILP – Wacky Wondrous Things

Do you love wacky wondrous things? Then this is the episode for you! In this episode of the Infinite Light podcast, hosts Ayn Cates Sullivan and Mirabai Devi welcome this topic to the show. They talk about the beginning of the New Age movement, working the angelic, devas, nature spirits, and higher consciousness, the nectar and ambrosia of the divine mother, dynamic meditation, how to start listening to higher guidance, and so much more! Tune in today to learn all about these wacky wondrous things!

2023-06-20T18:00:38-07:00June 26th, 2023|

ILP – Whisper Angel

Who is the Whisper Angel? In this episode of the Infinite Light Podcast, Mirabai Devi interviews co-host Ayn Cates Sullivan about her newly released children's book, Whisper Angel. This interview is fine for children but can be listened to by anyone who loves the angelic realm. They speak about 4 different archangels, the reality of angels, and a little angel named Hope. Tune in today to learn more about the Whisper Angel!

2023-08-07T14:18:36-07:00June 12th, 2023|

ILP – The Journey of Mirabai Devi

What is the life journey of Mirabai Devi? In this episode of the Infinite Light Podcast, hosts Ayn Cates Sullivan and Mirabai Devi open up and share the spiritual journey Mirabai has gone on over the years. They talk about exploring the realms of loving consciousness, religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism and more, the different paths leading back to God, and an overall biographical story based on spiritual bliss. Tune in today to learn more about the true journey of Mirabai Devi!

2023-05-23T17:46:10-07:00May 29th, 2023|

ILP – Women and Self-Realization

Why are women so important in the spiritual journey? This episode is a dialogue welcomed by host of the Infinite Light Podcast, Mirabai Devi on the topic of Women and Self-Realization. Yoginis having tea in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Defining self-realization can help one know how to attain and sustain higher consciousness. The difference between a self-realized teacher who can take one into unity consciousness and an inspired spiritual teacher or sage. Samadhi is a spiritual state, a union with the divine. People are fortunate if they have one taste of Samadhi. Is it possible to sustain this enlightenment and sustain it? How do we transcend the small self and merge with the True Self? Why humanity is so destructive, and is it possible to change? Is there Hope for humanity?

2023-07-25T14:03:54-07:00May 15th, 2023|

ILP – Eternal Body of Light

What is an eternal body of light? In this episode of The Infinite Light Podcast, host Ayn Cates Sullivan warmly welcomes the topic of eternal bodies of light. She talks about how establishing a light body can help us navigate through chaotic times, how eternal light bodies help us step into the Aquarian Age, mystery schools are what they teach about bodies of light, and how to find freedom in all things. Tune in today if you want to learn how to access your own eternal body of light!

2023-03-07T18:26:07-07:00March 20th, 2023|

ILP – Clearing and Releasing Negativity, Part #2

How can you start clearing and releasing the negativity in your life? In this episode of The Messages of Infinite Light Podcast, host Mirabai Devi welcomes the topic of positivity to the show. This episode is part 2 of the Clearing and Releasing Negativity, Part #1 episode. She talks about habits, and behaviors, that cleanse emotional, physical, and mental health. Tune in today as Mirabai shares how to cleanse yourself to start clearing and releasing negativity!

2023-02-28T18:38:55-07:00March 6th, 2023|

ILP – Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine

Who is the Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine? In this episode of The Messages of Infinite Light Podcast, host Mirabai Devi welcomes the topic of divine femininity and motherhood in all aspects of our lives. This episode awakens the Divine Feminine in you, and talks about how we can see Divine Motherhood in all different religions, cultures, and walks of life, no matter our beliefs. Tune in today to learn all about the Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine!

2023-02-07T18:55:38-07:00February 20th, 2023|

ILP – Peace on Earth

What is true peace on earth? In this episode of the Messages of Infinite Light Podcast, host Ayn Cates Sullivan warmly welcomes this abstract episode all about world change. There is so much division and strife in the world, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Ayn talks about how to establish real peace in our lives, and in the universe. Finding peace and solitude can be one of the hardest tasks, but the outcome is worth the wait. Tune in today as Ayn talks about basic goodness, the Tree of Life, feeling peaceful and earth, and summoning true peace on earth!

2022-12-13T17:49:01-07:00December 26th, 2022|


HELP! How can you get help? In this episode of the Messages of Infinite Light Podcast, Ayn Cates Sullivan delivers a special monologue. What happens when we get disconnected from the Divine? Ayn talks about light awareness, how to break free from the chains of life, and how to access our higher selves. Tune in to this episode all about how to get help!

2022-11-29T18:34:27-07:00December 12th, 2022|

ILP – Divine Mother Meditation

ILP - Divine Mother Meditation What is Divine Mother meditation? In this episode of Message of Infinite Light, host Mirabai Devi introduces the power of the Divine Mother. She shares the role of Divine Feminine in providing balance in the world today. With proper meditation, we can open ourselves to connect with the Divine Mother. She provides help to get through a trying and emotional period with her unwavering love, grace, healing, and compassion. Tune in to align your frequency with the feminine aspect of the primal creator of the universe through the Divine Mother meditation. Mirabai Devi:  Welcome to Messages of Infinite Light. I am Mirabai Devi and I am here today to share a beautiful, beautiful meditation on the Divine Mother and introduce you to her and more about what she's all about.The Messages of Infinite Light is a joint venture between [...]

2022-09-19T18:28:52-07:00October 3rd, 2022|

ILP – Infinite Love and Unity Consciousness

Can we bring ourselves out from the darkest hours of our lives through the help of infinite love and unity consciousness? In this episode of Message of Infinite Light, hosts Ayn Cates Sullivan and Mirabai Devi share the possible things that happen when we connect with the Divine and taste the nectar of source. Generally, everything within us that holds a distortion comes up for healing. However, it takes courage to face our unhealed parts. But, when we tap into the Infinite Love of the Divine Mother, there are no bad parts within us, only unhealed places. These unhealed parts of ourselves should be touched by light and unity. Once we realize that we are all one, we can step into the Unified Field of Awareness. Tune in to feel the infinite love and be aware of the unity that offers us comfort during downtimes.

2022-08-23T18:26:57-07:00September 5th, 2022|

ILP – Past Lives & Akashic Records

How are our past lives and Akashic records intertwined? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan welcomes her future co-host, Mirabai Devi, to tap into Past Lives accessing the Akashic Records. We have to access our higher soul to enter the library of Akashic Records, a place where all truths are known and where we learn that every moment matters. Within families, generational trauma is often present. Every family member is also obliged to play their role perfectly within the house's four walls. Tune in how we can access our past lives through our Akashic Records and create instantaneous healing to live the present well.

2022-08-26T12:18:17-07:00August 24th, 2022|

ILP – An Evolving Humanity

What are the ways humanity continues to evolve? In this episode of Message of Infinite Light, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Mirabai Devi discuss how society evolves spiritually, both individually and collectively. According to them, everything is changing and being upgraded - our financial institutions, religions, educational systems, medical models, and agriculture models. We have to remember that there is one thing we can control regardless of the situation. It is our mind. Mirabai says that our thoughts are where we live. Tune in to manifest evolving humanity and new earth.

2022-06-06T15:46:01-07:00June 6th, 2022|

ILP – Heading Toward Liberation

How can one experience a journey of healing toward liberation? In this episode of Message of Infinite Light, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Mirabai Devi tell that spiritual awakening has begun and is not for the faint of heart. Mirabai explains how the Divine Light has opened her up as a spiritual teacher. She also shares what it means to become spiritually liberated. Tune in as we head toward liberation– let us put on our spiritual wings and fly together!

2022-05-09T18:19:23-07:00May 23rd, 2022|

ILP – Love of the Divine

Have you felt the love of the divine? How can this kind of love help us move forward away from suffering? In this episode of Message of Infinite Light, host Ayn Cates Sullivan sits with Mirabai Devi. Mirabai has been devoted to helping people awaken spiritually for 30 years. She has 4 Global Movements: The Divine Feminine Movement, The Lightworker Training School, A Power of Love an Online Membership Portal, & The Mirabai Devi Foundation. They discuss how humanity is awakening and the symptoms of awakening. You will learn the difference between insanity and spiritual awakening, how we move beyond suffering, and the compassion of the Divine Mother. Tune in to get close and feel the love of the divine.

2022-04-25T18:43:10-07:00May 9th, 2022|

WOA – The Power of Divine Love

Have you ever wondered how you will finally know it’s divine love? How can you step into a life full of love, happiness, and peace? Divine love isn’t simply the love for God. In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by Mirabai Devi. Mirabai is an international spiritual teacher, author, and the Founder of the Mirabai Devi Foundation, a foundation dedicated to raising world consciousness through the healing and awakening of humanity. Join now as Ayn and Mirabai discuss healing the body, emotions, and mind as you travel through the journey to higher consciousness and receive the divine light transmission that makes the whole world full of love. Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Wisdom of the Ages podcast show where we invite the sacred into modern day reality. So do you believe in [...]

2020-04-08T06:47:53-07:00April 15th, 2020|
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