AGI – Thinking Outside the Box

How do you think outside the box? On today’s episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perotti speaks with guest Leah McCollough about thinking outside the box and how it helped cured her disease. Leah spent six years nearly bedridden due to her fibromyalgia but also the coexisting conditions including chronic fatigue, depression, IBS, PTSD, migraines, morbid obesity, and infertility. She used her outside of the box thinking and cured herself. Tune in to today’s episode to hear more about Leah’s incredible story and how you can think outside of the box. Happy new year. This is A Glimpse Inside. I'm Wendy Perrotti. And today we are beginning our four-part series, this is my year. As a personal and professional development coach working in the reinvention arena, I can tell you my friends, no holds barred, that this is my year [...]