SPM – What is the Secret to Balance for Mommypreneurs

Kenneth Choo is an entrepreneur, business consultant and mother industrialist. He joins Laura Greco of SuperPower Mommas to explore the question...what is the secret to balance for mommypreneurs? Kenneth is best known for his out-of-the box thinking and offers creative solutions for his clients marketing campaigns. With his book, Mother Industrialist, he helps moms become entrepreneurs and to perfect the balance between motherhood and business success. Join in and hear his story of why he coaches mommas. Hello and welcome. I'm your host, Laura Greco and you are in the SuperPower Mommas Show today. I'm so excited to bring you to this topic of what is the secret to balance for mommypreneurs. Today, we have a very special guest who has been working with mamapreneurs for such a long time, and he's written a beautiful book, which is what he's best known for, and that is [...]