Jennifer Urezzio SuperPowers of the Soul Jennifer Urezzio, a master intuitive, author, teacher and speaker, joins Neva Lee Recla to help kids reconnect and use their higher power in business. As a Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, she specializes in helping people connect – to themselves, to each other, and to the Divine. Through her programs, such as Soul Language Identification and Spiritual Renegade Platform, she gives individuals tangible tools they can use in their lives every day to help live with integrity, authenticity and prosperity. Listen in as she shares her insights on helping kids reconnect with themselves and how to use this as a powerful tool in business.

Hi, kids, this is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and today we have on our show a very special guest, Jennifer Urezzio. She is the creator of Soul Language, the host of SuperPowers of the Soul, and she’s a Super Power Expert. So, today we’ll be talking with Jennifer about Spiritual Kids and Business. So, without further ado, will you help me welcome my friend and superpower expert, Jennifer Urezzio. Hi, Jennifer.

Hello, I’m so excited to be here, yay.

I’m super excited to have you.

Young Entrepreneur Secrets with Neva Lee Recla

So, let’s get started with asking you what are your superpowers?

Well, my most unknown superpower is I can manipulate time.


I know. So, I have this habit of going, okay I’m gonna be late. I do this all the time with my mom. I say, ma …

I do this all the time.

I’m gonna be late, and then I arrive 15 minutes early. She’s like what? You said you were gonna be late. I was like, yeah. But, I just speed it up or slow it down. I think that’s really important because time is our own human creation and so we can play with it. I think kids are really amazing at that, because they seem to have time go on forever. An hour for them lasts all day. Yeah, that’s my most unknown superpower.

My most known superpower is I help people really connect to whatever they call their higher power. I can see where people are out of that disconnection or that connection, and I can help them get back there.

That’s awesome. Yeah, I like to manipulate time. I am home-schooled and our rule is, if I’m not done before dinner, I have to learn the next day. So, sometimes I’ll be like, “Oh crud, we have dinner in like an hour and I’m not even close to being done.” So, I’ll look at my clock on my I-Pad and I’ll go slow down so I can finish before dinner. Then sometimes if I’m excited for something I’ll accidentally speed it up. Then, I’ll say, “Oh, I’m excited for that,” and then my parents are like, “Don’t speed up.”

They need all the time they can get, right? Yeah.

They’re like, “We have to take care of the businesses and I’m like, “Oh, okay.” But, yeah, I feel like it’s fun being able to manipulate the time. Also, I enjoy slowing it down sometimes so I can have more playtime in the day.

Yeah, I never even thought about doing it so I can have more playtime. Thanks for that, because that makes sense. As we get into adulthood, I was talking to Warner, you’ll see him around in the background because he’s home today, and like “I have to be an adult today.” No, really, it’s just a matter of how you’re looking at it and how you kind of want to use all your gifts and talents.

Exactly, exactly. I agree, but here in the Superpower Experts, we like to use our superpowers for good.

Yeah. I don’t think I would even know how to use it for bad.

Exactly, like…

I don’t tune into that kind of way of thinking or being, so, it’s always about being of service, and I’m part of the service agreement, so I’m cool.

Yeah. I have a few friends with us that wanna say hi. So, first friends, Stobby.

I’ve always wanted a house elf. I think a house elf would be great.

I got him at the airport in Florida, and I saw him, I’m like, “Oh, my gosh, I need him.” He’s my little buddy. And then I have Pigwidgeon.


And Squiggles, who I got at the Universal Studios Park in Florida.


And then my parents surprised me with Pigwidgeon, letting me know we were going to the park.

Nice. I like that. A gift to go to a gift.


I like that idea. I’m gonna have to pass that along to people who provide me with gifts.

So, they’re gonna be talking with us. Let me think. Why would you want a how self?

Oh, my God. So, you can’t see it and you’re not gonna see it but I got this pile of laundry there. That is near the steps to go where the laundry is downstairs. And every day I pass it I go, “Okay, today’s the day.” There’s just so many things that I don’t like doing that need to get done; the dishes, the making of the bed, the laundry, the cooking of the meals sometimes. So, I would love someone to wiggle their nose and for it to be done, so I can focus on doing the things I love, which is helping people and working on my business and writing, and doing all those things I love to do, rather than laundry. But, those are the things that need to get done for other things to kind of keep running. So, eventually it will get done.

Eventually. That’s it, exactly. I never make my bed unless I’m told to. That’s why I love our cleaners. They come in like Ghostbusters.

Right, and they make the bed.

Yeah. Our first cleaner, there was one cleaner, and when we moved in, it was like the second day we were living here, and this cleaner was like for like four hours. Just one lady, just cleaning the whole house.

Wow. That’s really..

I felt bad for her.

That takes dedication. Some people actually love to clean. I don’t know if this lady does. I like it when the house, when you come in … is not the house today because we’re both home … when you come in and everything’s so neat and organized. My desk is pretty neat. The dishes need to be done. There’s certain things that get me ready for my day so I can focus. I think there’s something orderly about cleanness and I think sometimes when we do have too much clutter or too much stuff running around I think it’s just a reflection of what’s going on inside.

Exactly. I love to organize. If my parents told me to go clean up my room I’m like, “Okay, I’m gonna organize as well, though.” Like, you’re not keeping me from my organizing. I’m gonna start collecting dolls and doll stuff, although most doll collectors, they don’t play with them but I’m not like that. So, I like to organize my doll shoes and stuff. It’s honestly, just a weird addiction I have. I like to do it.

I had to talk to the man in the background there. I’m like, “You’re on video, so don’t do anything weird.”

Okay, so, I think we have to take a quick break, but we’ll be right back. We’ve been talking with Jennifer Urezzio about Spiritual Kids and Business. We’ll be right back.

Get to know more about Jennifer Urezzio at

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