The Power of Presence. Learn how to start being more present. Learn how to harness the four levels of connection to empower your awareness ability.  Explore the expansive world of immediacy in multiple layers #presence #principles #mental #emotional #focus #empowerment #awareness #personaldevelopment #series #messages #power #IMSeries #SuperPowerExperts

The Power of Presence

Present moment awareness and staying in the now are tried and true principles passed down through generations of various lineages. We can all relate to the undeniable difference impacted on a situation when we bring our full awareness into the center. Whether it’s a conversation with a loved one, a movie, meal preparation or an emergency, affording it our total focus changes how we experience it. So what could happen if we were able, and willing, to be totally and completely present in every moment? What could we be capable of on our own and with others in such a state? And, if we knew the potential, what could possibly keep us from the pursuit of exactly that?

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The Series

Bringing ourselves wholly means connecting at mental, emotional, physical and vibrational levels into the environment and those sharing it with you. However, the rewards for such an endeavor greatly out match those we get if we keep ourselves disconnected. In this IM Series uncovering The Power of Presence, we look at both the incredible gift in present moment energetic exchanges and the obstacles that tend to keep us from them. We start with understanding what exactly “being present” means and the layers we can access on our own and together with others. Then we learn to observe the moment differently than we have previously so we can remain in awareness at deeper and deeper levels. After that we take a look into what awaits us if we take a key from the Burning Man guide to living and step into radical immediacy by expressing our whole selves in every situation. Don’t miss this remarkable series guaranteed to inspire your desire to harness the power of presence.  

In this series, you’ll:

  • Learn how to start being more present. 
  • Learn how to harness the four levels of connection to empower your awareness ability. 
  • Explore the expansive world of immediacy in multiple layers.