Free Will

What drives us? What motivates us to turn left instead of right? What whispers in our ear or nudges our subconscious? What guides us to pick up the phone or move to a different country or keep quiet or speak the words or make the choice or take a pause or wake up or hit snooze? How do we really know what energy or influence encourages one behavior over another? Is there really such a thing as free will or is everything simply a matter of fate?

These are the questions that guide us to explore our world, our experiences, our realities and our beliefs regarding who we are and what we’re here for. And they’re not simple matters, easily resolved in a short video series. However, as we continue to commit to a deeper and deeper relationship with the divine, we discover that nothing lies outside our ability to curiously pursue on our quest to better understand. And the very foundation of our beliefs and ultimate will warrant contemplation. 

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The Series

In this incredibly provocative IM Series on Free Will, we explore the very premise of will and the tricky implications of free will. We look at where the notion of choice came from and the power and responsibility it holds. We go deeper and dissect the assumption of Gods gift of free will and entertain the notion of the free gift of Gods will. And then we bring everything together and look at what happens when we integrate all them and peer through Creator Will. For this alone, the series promises to challenge what we’re willing to entertain and how far we’re willing to go in our journey into the divine adventure. 

In this series, you’ll:

  • Learn the power and responsibility of wielding creative choice. 
  • Understand the difference between free will and choice. 
  • Discover what happens after choosing to align your will with Gods will.

Messages in this Series

  1. Our Will
  2. Gods Will
  3. Creator Will