Marriage, intimacy, partnership, coupling, no matter how we describe it, coming together to create a unified, hopefully lifetime, relationship with another person is no small feat #AppleFlavoredPomgeranate #family #relationship #sexuality #sensual #sexual #romance #marriage #love #joy #marital #journey #life #motivation #series #faith #intimacy #IMseries #IMShow #SuperPowerExperts

The Apple Flavored Pomegranate

Marriage, intimacy, partnership, coupling, no matter how we describe it, coming together to create a unified, hopefully lifetime, relationship with another person is no small feat. The melding, blending, and combining of beliefs, programs, histories, families and gene pools taps into every aspect of our existence and then ignites it with hormones and emotions. And for some reason, we collectively seem to carry the belief that we should naturally be good at relating to each other. This, despite the fact that the marital success rate statistics are dismal. So, what makes us think that we’ll do it any better? And what keeps us coming back for more?

In the latest IM Series on coupling, we explore this concept from the position of togetherness and willingness to work in concert to create harmony. We look at marriage beyond myth through a lens of the iconic apple imagery and all it entails. We look at what draws us closer and what drives us apart. From learning together to growing together to being together, we take interpersonal relating to a whole new level. And this is just beginning!

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The Series

Whether you’re in the relationship of your dreams or searching for it, join us for this exciting IM Series where Justin and Tonya Dawn Recla explore the intricacies and intimacies of partnering in this fabulous series that takes coupling beyond convention and marriage beyond myth. And, as a special treat, you get to hear all about their newest podcast show, The Apple Flavored Pomegranate: Penetrate the portal to coupling ecstasy. We invite you to partake in this juicy debut of the sensual, spiritual, sexual series guaranteed to enliven the desire to connect within us all. 

In this series, you’ll:

  • Discover the pervasive ways separation works to disharmonize relationships. 
  • Learn how to lean in and draw together instead of driving the relationship apart. 
  • Explore how to create a relationship that works for everyone involved in supportive and loving ways. 
  • Dismantle held beliefs and myths about gender, roles, relationships and intimacy. 

Messages in this Series

  1. Learn Together
  2. Grow Together
  3. Be Together