Intuition Introduction

Welcome! This is the introductory lesson for the INT 301 – Basic Intuition module delivered by Executive Director Tonya Dawn Recla and the Super Power Experts team. In this module, we build off the intuition concepts introduced in the Master Your Personal Power course. 

In this lesson we review the concept of Intuition and explore its various layers, then we explore intuition as a superpower. Lastly we build a case for using intuition as a foundational building block of your development and set the stage for the rest of the module.

The purpose of this module is to impress upon you the importance of developing your intuitive ability and retraining yourself to retrain yourself to use intuition as your initial decision-making mechanism, before logical, emotional or physical input. This means that the module walks you through truly using your intuition, not just learning about it. The material is largely experiential and requires discipline away from the computer to integrate the information. 

While you’re moving through this module, please allow ample time for reflection throughout. Play with creating time and space where you can exist without interruption as you contemplate the information and activities. 

Lesson Topics

What is Intuition?
Intuition as a Superpower
Intuition Primacy