The Superhero Journey Begins Where the Hero’s Journey Ends!

Step on the Path and Master Your
Personal Power

Master Your Personal Power, MYP, Get Started Today #SuperPowerExperts #Master #Personal #Power #Superpower #IM #Series #Human #Research #Development #Institute

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Step on the Path & Master Your Personal Power

Master Your Power Course

Full Course Includes MYP Levels 101, 102 & 103

MYP Levels 101

Welcome to YOU, Master Your Personal Power, MYP 101 #SuperPowerExperts #Master #Personal #Power #Superpower #IM #Series #Human #Research #Development #Institute Introduction & Welcome to you!

    In this lesson, we’ll examine the concept of personal power, explore the difference between understanding this work versus mastering the work, and introduce the concept of superpowers and the superhero journey. Then we’ll set the stage for the lessons that follow.

Who Are You? Master Your Personal Power, MYP 101 #SuperPowerExperts #Master #Personal #Power #Superpower #IM #Series #Human #Research #Development #Institute Who are you?

In this lesson, we explore both the idea of what you believe about who you are and what you believe about the nature of the world. This leads us, inevitably, to questions about who or what created us to be. We continue to emphasize the importance of being able to access your intuition and become the observer in situations.

What Are You in Service to? Master Your Personal Power, myp 101 #SuperPowerExperts #Master #Personal #Power #Superpower #IM #Series #Human #Research #Development #Institute What are you in service to?

In this lesson we look at the relationship between our superpowers and how we use them. As we develop on our path, we eventually realize that an unavoidable part of the journey is discovering how we will contribute to our families, our neighbors, our country and our global community. Beyond personal development is the realization that until we commit to being of service to something bigger than ourselves, we will always feel a bit lost, a bit dissatisfied, a bit less-than what we know we could be. The world could definitely use more people willing to step up and contribute to others and, for those of us who hear that all, we could use it too. In fact, it quickly becomes the foundation upon which you build everything else. Settle in and take notes about the importance of embarking on a life of service and how to harness the power of that commitment.

Includes 37 total lessons!

MYP Level 102

Evolved Evolution

    • This lesson of the Master Your Personal Power course takes us into a constructed reality that helps us understand our evolution up to this point. As we differentiate between the traditional mindset, evolved consciousness and the abstract frequency, we better understand ourselves and others. We also start to see choice in all of it and how we can influence our perspective and experiences.

Effective Communication

Effective communication goes so much deeper than simply talking and listening. While some of these techniques may seem elementary, pieces and parts within you are still undeveloped and must walk through this process in order to come into alignment with your higher self.

Inside Out Game

In this lesson of the Master Your Personal Power course, we delve into the Inside Out Game. We use this process to expedite and smooth out the journey of development. By using processes and techniques both internally and externally as we look out at the world, we see the mirroring that the projection provides. When we can see others as mirrored aspects of ourselves, we can integrate lessons and transmute energy with a high degree of success. This is especially helpful as we move energy stored from tough situations, loss, trauma, broken hearts, illness, etc. In this lesson we learn how to harness the power within this concept and use it to better understand collective consciousness and our role within it.

Includes 36 total lessons!

MYP Level 103

Five Steps of Manifestation

  • From the moment we conceptualize an idea, the process of manifestation starts. But have you ever wondered how that process works? Or, more importantly, how you can harness it to manifest what you want? In this lesson we cover the nuts and bolts of how things appear in our reality. We follow the process from the moment we listen to Spirit through to manifestation. 


Effective communication goes so much deeper than simply talking and listening. While some of these techniques may seem elementary, pieces and parts within you are still undeveloped and must walk through this process in order to come into alignment with your higher self.


This final lesson in the Master Your Personal Power course brings everything together. From the moment you stepped on this path in the Introduction, you joined the ranks of so many people willing to move away from the traditional mindset completely and journey confidently through evolved consciousness. As more and more of us gather at the precipice before the abstract frequency, we get to join together and create something new. Settle into this lesson and receive the undeniable invitation that awaits each one of us.

Get the full Master Your Power Course and all 105 lessons for $97