Hi everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, we are talking to Jen Du Plessis about what does it take to be successful in life. I personally am really excited to talk to Jen because she is one of these people who has achieved so much in her life, both professionally and personally. What I want to know and what I want you to know is, what does it take to be a person like this, to create such an amazing life? So, let me go through her bio.
Jen began her professional career as a highly successful residential mortgage broker or lender. I don’t even know what actually would call herself, and she ranked in the top 1% of loan originators or the top 200 in the U.S. for many years. She’s the founder of a few companies, Kinetic Spark Consulting, Black Fox Investments and Valor Home Solutions. She’s currently a highly sought-after international speaker and coach and has shared stages with people like Tony Robbins and Les Brown, and she now works with other business owners to create lifestyle businesses that multiply the results and allow them to maintain a prosperous personal life as well. She’s appeared on shows like Good Morning America and has been featured in publications like The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. Then, even more than that, she has a really active personal life. She spends time with family. She’s an avid reader, ballroom dancer, baker, boater traveler. Anyway, she’s somebody that I want to be, so welcome Jen to Your SuperPowered Mind.
Well, thank you. I am so honored to be here, Kristin, to be able to share as much as I can in the time that we have available, and I just am really honored and excited to answer any questions that you have for me.
Great. Well, first, my question is always what super power did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?
Yeah. Well, that’s a really interesting question because I kind of feel like we have many times that we uncover different superpowers, right, and don’t realize that we have additional superpowers, but one particular event really stands out for me, and being in the mortgage space, in the financial sector in the industry for many, many years and especially as a woman and pioneering that path for so many in the mortgage space, I worked my little butt off for years and years and years, chasing the deal, chasing money. My kids sacrificed, and my husband sacrificed. What I didn’t realize is that I was sacrificing too, and I was really sabotaging everything in my life, my relationships, my family, my health, experiences, right, finances because I made a lot of money and then spent a lot of money because I had it, right?
It wasn’t until one evening and this wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last time, but it was the catalyst that changed things for me, was I was standing outside of a restaurant, supposedly at dinner with my family, right? I was on the phone with a client who needed me … I felt needed me more than my family, and I was walking the net concrete curb balance beam that we all do, walking back and forth, pacing as we’re talking to people on the phone. I happened to look into the restaurant, and I saw that my family was in there, laughing and enjoying and having a wonderful time together. The only problem was I wasn’t in those memories. They would say to me time and time again, “Don’t you remember when we this and when we that,” and while I was there, I wasn’t there. I don’t remember the occasion, but I do remember the conversation with the client.
I realized in that moment that I had to stop. Something had to give. Something had to change, and that was really when I realized that my superpower is the power of being present in everything that I do and not task-switching and not trying to be a superhuman woman, and I don’t feel that I’m that way. Even though I have many businesses and whatnot, it’s not intended to be a superhuman or a superwoman. I’m a very, very intentional and laser focused on everything that I do in the moment that I’m doing it, and it’s not scattered. So, I would say that’s my superpower, is the ability to be present.
Yes. What a beautiful superpower.
Thank you.
Yes, and so, it sounds like, just me from the outside, because you have done so much and you do so much, that you’re able to laser focus in and really just get done what needs to be done, whether that’s being present or achieving something.
Yeah, and so when you work with other people, when you’re guiding other people or speaking to other people about creating the businesses and the lives that they want, how do you impart that to them, or where do you tell them to start?
Yeah. Well, it’s a great question because for me, I’ve gone through this for so many years that from the outside looking in, a lot of people say to me, “Oh my gosh, how do you do all this stuff?” Well, and I’d like to share that it’s just like the first of the year when we have our New Year’s resolutions, we say that we’re going to … Well, we don’t say this necessarily, but if we were to say, I want to quit smoking, quit drinking, lose weight, spend more time with my family, start working out, go exercise, go travel more, wake up earlier, if we said that we wanted to do all of those things, we would not accomplish any of them because it’s too much to take on.
So, I want to lay the groundwork and the foundation here as I’m talking about this that yes, I do a lot, but it’s become a very … Each one of them have become very sticky habits for me, and I’m able to do them faster than the average person, right, because it’s a habit now. So, I don’t ever want anyone to compare themselves to me, or I don’t want to compare myself to anyone else either. It’s learned. It’s just learned over time. So, to start, the whole premise of my being and my beliefs are that a life of values adds value everywhere in your life.
What I mean by that is that if we could step back and look at these, in these crazy words that we use, core values, passion, all those words, but if we can step back and think about what truly is the core of who we are and what is important to us … because I know that all of us, it’s important. If we’re in business, right, if we’re an entrepreneur, it’s important that we make money and put food on the table and have a home. If we’re not in business, and we’re just trying to take care of our family, and that’s what we’re trying to do.
So, if we can just step back and say what’s really important, and by the way, with the family, it’s pretty funny because I think a lot of families are now so involved in sports and achievement at such a young age that the kids are now becoming these little mini robots just like us that have … They’re not slowing down to speed up. They’re speeding up to slow down, and they’re crashing. That’s why we have lots of problems mentally with people now because they’re crashing, and they’re comparing themselves to everybody else because of social media. So, if you could just slow down and say, “You know, what’s important to me? What fulfills me? Is it watching ants carry food?” which I love to do, by the way.
It’s so cool.
It’s so incredible to watch them. Just, they’re so busy.
Is it watching ants carrying food all the way to something that happens in your business, you achieve some ultimate success, and everything in between? Is it golfing? Is it breathing in fresh air and going in the country? Is it going on a hike? Is it waking up early in the morning? Is it cuddling with your spouse? Is it playing with the kids? Is it putting a puzzle together? I mean, what makes you happy?
Slowing down and saying, this really truly makes me happy, and then the goal is how do we get more of it? How do we make sure that we are aware of what makes us happy, and then we build our life or our business around it, right, because what most people do, in the entrepreneurial space at least, is that they build a business that says, “I want to make X amount of dollars,” and then what they do is they try to fit their family in based on trying to achieve that business. My premise is I come first. Whatever my values come first. In my case, one of them is family. My values come first, and then I will fit my business in, which means that when I’m working, I have to be laser focused and intentional, so I can get in and get out, and go do what I love to do. It’s like going on vacation every day.
Yes. Yes, I can see where you’re going with this where you come in, you do your work, and then, you get so much done before you go on vacation, but every day, you’re going to set that time aside. This is great. I want to go deeper into what you do to get those sticky habits because I know people lose a lot of time trying to figure out what they’re going to do and how they’re going to do it and lose a lot of efficiency in that. So, I want to go more into that, but we do need to go to a break first. Can you tell people where they can learn more about you and your work?
Sure. The best place to find out more about me is to go to my website, which is jenduplessis.com. Obviously, all of us are on social media, so I’m everywhere at jenduplessis.com.
Good, and for those who are-
Jenduplessis at, yeah.
… listening, it’s jenduplessis.com.
Very visual. Thank you. We’re going to go on a break. When we come back, we’re going to talk to Jen Du Plessis more about what it takes to be successful in life. So, hang in there.
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