Hello everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you the tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life.
Today, we are going to be talking to Dr. Elizabeth Hughes about how you can empower your body’s natural ability to heal from the effects of stress. Dr. Elizabeth Hughes received her medical degree from the University of Virginia and after receiving advanced medical training at the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University, she joined the Stanford faculty where she taught for eight years, in addition to practicing medicine and private and group settings.
When Dr. Hughes became frustrated that the promises of medical science didn’t translate into cures for many or most common diseases, she began to explore a wide range of alternative modalities of health and healing. Using her medical background and these alternative modalities, Dr. Hughes has now designed a one of a kind system to help people whose lives have been hijacked by exhaustion and stress to reclaim their energy and mental clarity.
Dr. Hughes, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.
Thank you so much, and please, call me Elizabeth.
Okay, I will do that. Thank you. So, Elizabeth, my first question is always what superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?
So, there’s two:
The first is I am an empath. And it’s funny. In conventional medical training, that empathic information is completely minimized or even poo-pooed, and sort of dismissed completely. It can’t be real. But I know that that ability that I always had is one of the things that led me to practice medicine. So, it was always there, it was rediscovering it, so to speak.
And the second is I have claircognizance where I will just get information that really doesn’t come from a source that is my own. And that also is something that came into play in my medical career. But again, I wasn’t recognized as a way of knowing or learning. So those are the two things that I’ve uncovered by mastering my mind.
That’s great. So how does that play out? So, let’s say you are working with somebody, and let me just start out by saying, do you work with people remotely and in person, or is it only in person?
I work with people remotely only in my health coaching career. Obviously as a doctor, I do still spend a little bit of time as a regular doctor and that’s in person. That’s a very conventional environment. But I work with people all over the country and I have the capacity to work with people all over the world completely remotely.
Okay. So, let’s say you’re working with somebody remotely. How does the claircognizance show up? What does that feel like, for those people who aren’t sure what it is and don’t know what you’re talking about?
So, all of a sudden as I listen and if I’m just very specifically quieting my own problem-solving mind, insights will come that will be just completely on point for a person. And it will be something that is, I want to say, “I have no business knowing. Like there’s no way that I could get that information for a person.” So I’ll suddenly have an insight where if I’m working with a client, I’ll say, “That was something that happened with your brother,” and the person will say, “How did you know?” And I’m just like, “I just had this feeling. I just feel it.”
Wow. Yeah. That’s super interesting. That is great. So, I guess then, what kinds of problems do people come to you for? Say, they’ve been in the traditional medical system and they’re still dealing with fatigue or brain fog or else, what are they usually coming to you with?

But when I really started to do deep subconscious belief work, I realized that there’s this feeling that everyone’s walking around with that my body cannot handle whatever it is.
There’s a lot of anxiety, a lot of panic attacks, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, that feeling of being frazzled at the end of the day and having no energy left for anything else. A lot of people will also have immune system problems, whether it’s that they catch every cold that comes through or they have an autoimmune condition. All of those, and most people who work with me have at least one, if not more of these conditions.
So, they’re basically feeling very, very run down and tired and anxious. And I’m assuming that this is something that, with my own experience, that most traditional medicine doesn’t know how to deal with.
Absolutely not. Exactly. Most traditional medicine just has no tools, no way of thinking about this in a truly, truly holistic manner. Sort of like what is the whole person saying and what do these symptoms mean for the body?
Yes. So that’s a great question. What do these symptoms mean? What kind of stuff do you start to look at? And I’m sort of asking some of the basic questions because I am always surprised at how many people really still are not aware of how we can start to look at the underlying causes of these rather than addressing just the fatigue.
Yeah. That’s a great question. And really what it is boiled down to in the clients that I’ve worked with is that at the bottom line, there is a basic feeling of I can’t trust my body or I can’t trust myself to handle whatever it is that’s going on in your life. At the real bottom, and this idea of I can’t trust sometimes gets dressed up in well. I’m old and it’s normal to feel sick. Everyone in my family has this. I can’t feel any different. I can’t escape this.
But when I really started to do deep subconscious belief work, I realized that there’s this feeling that everyone’s walking around with that my body cannot handle whatever it is. And from a biological standpoint, that’s a completely false belief. Our bodies are absolutely amazing and constantly working before us, working to improve our body and keep us walking around, but we will believe the opposite. And that feeling underlies most illness I believe, and that’s what I attack. That’s what I work with. That’s what I transform. That is really a major cause of dysfunction, because how we feel and mostly how we feel directly affects the set point for our health.
Wow. You just said a lot there.
And I want to sort of make sure that I understand this. Actually, we need to go into a break before we go any deeper into this. So, first of all, can you let people know where they can find out more about you?
Yeah. They can go to thestressantidote.com.
Great. That is awesome. We are talking to Dr. Elizabeth Hughes about how you can empower your body’s natural ability to heal itself from stress. We will be back in just a moment.
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