Hey everyone, this is Kristin Maxwell and you are listening to Your SuperPowered Mind. Today, we have an amazing guest, somebody I can’t wait to talk to and she’s going to be talking to us about how psychics help with healing of the spirit and soul. I am so glad you’re here because we are going to be talking to our guest, Toni Greene, to understand the process of transformation that she’s gone through and then also how she helps people with their own transformation. So Toni Greene is a psychic. She’s a world renowned second medium. She has multiple TV and radio shows, including Messages From Above, Psychic Medium, Toni G, Healing with Toni and more. She’s the author of five books and her passion is using her healing gifts to help others create lives that they love. So Toni, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.
Oh, thank you. It’s such an honor to be here. Thank you so much for having me.
I’m thrilled to talk to you. So my first question to guests is what superpower did you uncover as a result of mastering your mind?

Peace is the end result of resolving a lot of our emotional traumas and turmoils that we have suffered throughout our life.
I would say, and I don’t know if this is a superpower, but it’s a super way of being peace. So when you master your mind, you have this sense of peace and when you have this sense of peace, you have just this sense of knowing everything’s going to be okay. You are okay. The world is okay. You’re not in that state of constantly worrying or wondering or fear, that state of peace is really just the super … It’s the best superpower for your mind that you could possibly have.
Wow. Yes. Just peace would definitely be something that I think all of us are seeking without even sometimes knowing that is what we are seeking.
Absolutely. I think people, peace is the end result of resolving a lot of our emotional traumas and turmoils that we have suffered throughout our life and we don’t realize, like you said, that what we are seeking is peace. We want to just be calm. We want to not have the turmoil or the mind battles, as I like to call them, that go on sometimes daily for most of us like, should I do this? Should I do that? Is this right? Is that wrong? I did this and I’m … People don’t realize how much they punish themselves for things that have happened in the past and in a state of peace you just have acceptance and that doesn’t happen any longer.
Wow. How are you inside my head?
I want to make a joke and go, yes. Yes I am. But no, no, no.
I totally forgot you were psychic when I said that. That’s very funny. So how did you find this peace? How have you found the way to that calm?

The biggest sense of peace came when I started using my gifts as my purpose for others.
The biggest sense, I’m going to say this and I hope everybody feels this answer, the biggest sense of peace came when I started using my gifts as my purpose for others. I think we all have this restlessness. Am I doing the right thing? Am I in the right place? Am I on my path? I had done a number of careers prior to doing what I do now and when I started doing this, which I had these gifts all my life and I thought, “Well, everybody has these gifts.” But when I started doing this, a sense of purpose came in and I felt like I was where I was supposed to be. In doing that and having that feeling, a lot of things quieted down in me. I hope that makes sense.
That does. That very much makes sense. One thing that stands out to me is that you actually knew what your gifts were and are and were able to find a purpose. I think so many people are struggling to figure out what actually are their gifts and what is their purpose.
Yeah. Can I just say, because I’ve had this all my life and I didn’t even know what it was, like I would walk up to somebody and something would blurt out of my mouth and then I just walk away like nothing happened. I never realized it was considered a gift. I just thought everybody had this ability. It was so easy. It was part of every conversation that I had. So when I started doing this or doing it professionally, before I started doing it professionally, I was watching a video of someone and I just went, “Ha, that’s what I do.” Then that’s when it really clicked like, “Oh, I guess this is kind of, people do kind of consider this a big deal because not everybody can do this.” Now, the one thing I want to say is your gifts are usually just like that. Something you do so easily that you’ve been able to do for a very long time that you would think everybody should just be able to do this, but they can’t, but they don’t. They aren’t able to do it. Those are typically your gifts. We come in with them and they’re honed throughout our life.
That’s beautiful. That is a very great, clear definition of what a gift might be and what people can look at and see what truly is something that they’ve done.
Not even being aware of it. So just really briefly, because I, we’re going to have to go to break relatively soon, what does it mean to be a psychic medium? What kind of gifts do you have?
Okay. So I always say I’m a psychic, a medium and a channel. So when people are talking to me or they’re asking me questions or they’re in a place of turmoil, information comes through me and out of me to them. So I’m kind of, I compare myself to a radio sometimes, like you tune into a station and just … It’s not coming from that radio. It’s coming from a different place. It’s coming through the radio for you. That’s kind of the way I can best describe what it’s like to be a psychic channel, is that information comes through me for people. A lot of times I have no idea what’s about to come out of my mouth, which can be interesting.
I can imagine because we have so many of us watch our words so carefully. Well, I really want to hear some more about how you help with healing the spirit and soul of others. We’re gonna have to do that after the break, but first, can you tell people where they can find you if they want to learn more about what you do?
Absolutely. So you can find me on my website. It’s probably the easiest way. It’s tonig.info and I’m also on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. But my website is by far the easiest way to connect with me, see the works I do and get the information to directly contact me.
Great. Does it also have links to your shows and all that sort of stuff?
Yes. I actually have a press page that has, or a TV and radio show page that has all my TV shows and radio shows going back four years. So yes, you can go there and binge watch if you do so choose some of my shows.
That’s great. I might be doing that after this.
We’re going to go to a break now and when we come back, we’re going to be talking to Toni a little bit more about how she helps others with the spirit and soul and maybe about how you can use some of what her knowledge and what she’s learned about herself to apply to your own lives.
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