Hi, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m your host, Kristin Maxwell. And in this show, we explore the process of transformation, and give you the tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life.Â
Today, we are going to be talking to Amy Huentelman about living and happiness.Â
Amy is a visionary and inspirational speaker, and a mind body coach. Through years of research and success with their clients, Amy has created Invigorate, an eight minute daily energetic cleanse that helps clients to release resistance and raise their vibration. She loves to help her clients live in a high level of happiness. And I love this. Her vision is happy people everywhere, which makes me smile.
Amy, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.
Oh, thank you so much, Kristin. Happy to be here. Thank you.
Yes. My first question is always: What superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?
Well, the superpower came when I learned to live from the inside out. This superpower is high levels of happiness. It’s super exciting, Kristin, because I have discovered on my journey that we all have the ability to feel good and be happy. We don’t have to wait for anything. It can happen right here in this moment. It is your choice. Like you said, I have a vision of happy people everywhere. So, it’s my passion to teach this.
That is beautiful. My question is: Have you always been a happy person?
Well, you know what? Let me just say, “Not completely.” Of course not. When I was younger, I was vibrant, and alive, and I believed anything was possible, and I was absolutely happy. And then things happened in life, and I found myself in a period of time where not only was I not happy, but I began to feel guilty that I wasn’t happy. Because I would look around me and I’m like, “Wow, I have so much to be happy for. Why am I not feeling this?” It was already not cool that I wasn’t feeling happy, but then it’s like putting salt on the wound when we make ourselves feel bad about not feeling a certain way. You know what I mean?
Oh, I totally can relate to that. Why, when my life is so good, could I ever not be anything but grateful and happy?
Yeah. I felt guilty because I was grateful, but it seems like maybe I wasn’t if I wasn’t happy.Â
So, all of that. I’m here to say that we can all get in place. I’ve been doing healing work for 20 years, and I can guide anyone into a place just within minutes.
What we’re doing here, Kristin, is we’re getting out of our head, and we’re connecting to who we truly are on the inside and we’re becoming present. And who we truly are is a happy, beautiful, bright being. If we’re not feeling this, then that means just a couple things.
Number one, it means we’re disconnected from who we truly are. But on a more concrete level, to understand it more, it also means that we’ve got some programming going on in our subconscious mind that’s getting in the way. And that’s my partner’s expertise in our program, but what I’m here to really share is that we also got this heaviness in our body. We got the cellular memory that we’ve accumulated over the year. It’s not that people, when they get older, they become grumpy. Some people like to blame that on getting older, of people not so happy anymore. It’s because of this accumulation of stuff that we keep layering into this in our bodies. You know?

How did that make me feel? Where am I feeling that in my body?
What this is when you go out into the world, you may be feeling really good. And then something happens, and you get triggered, and then all of a sudden you feel angry or upset. Or let’s say there’s something that’s calling you forward, and you would love to step into that. But when you go to step into it, you feel all this fear coming up. It’s not so much about the events or what’s going on the outside. What’s happening is that that’s bringing up something that’s been in your body, and there’s many layers of it.
Yes. Definitely. It’s my experience that people are just.. Our emotions are energy. And we get this energy trapped inside of our body. So, I love that you’re doing this work. One of the things you said is that you help people to learn to live from the inside out. What does that mean?
Yeah, great question. It means that. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say that someone does something to you that you don’t like. This is just a simple example. Instead of going to that person and getting them to change, that would be like going out in the world and trying to bang things into place. Instead of doing that, I take responsibility that I am the creator of my own world, and what shows up is my responsibility. It’s my responsibility to go within and say, “How did that make me feel? Where am I feeling that in my body?” That is actually a gift. I see that as a gift now, because that person is a reflection of what’s going on inside of me. And if it’s causing me some type of upset, then I can say, “Wow, thank you.” I get a present, I go within, I see what that is, and I clear it out, and then I no longer have to attract that kind of experience.
Yes. Very interesting. I understand what you’re talking about. But say a little bit more about what you mean with people when what is happening on the outside is sort of affecting what’s going on in the inside. Can you explain that a little bit?
Yeah, sure. Because our outer world is a reflection of what’s going on within us. and how that comes about is by the way we think, and the way we feel, and the way we see things. I love Buddhist quotes. “What we think, we become. What we feel, we attract. What we imagine, we create.” I look out in my world, and it’s reflection of those things. What I really love. I can keep those things. But if I look around and I see some things that I prefer to be in a different way, I can say, “Well, this is what’s happening. How can I reverse engineer this, and program my subconscious mind to create a new reality? And how are these things making me feel? And how can I tune into my body and clear out what that is?”

Every time we raise our energy frequency, it’s like coming into a new space
Because another thing that happens, Kristin, is that whenever we think about it. This process that I teach, getting in your body, and we do this connected breathing, this self-connected breathing. It clears out resistance, and you raise your energy frequency. Every time we raise our energy frequency, it’s like coming into a new space. A new reality, if you will. Not only do I feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically, but all of a sudden it’s like changing the channel on a radio station that now I have access to information that I didn’t see just a moment ago.
So, now if I’ve been asking a question, the answer is right there. Or if I was looking for inspiration on a project, it’s right there. New creativity. And most importantly, when we do this clearing, we clear out the subconscious mind, we reprogram it, we clear out what’s in the way in the body, we raise our energy frequency. The most beautiful thing is that we get connected with who we truly are on the inside, and we have all the answers within us. Then you get really in tune with your intuition and your inner guidance. When we begin living from this place instead of living from our mind, it’s a whole new reality.
Yes, that is amazing. This is such a foundational piece from what I see in people in really changing and transforming their lives is understanding how much they create their reality. We do need to take a quick break. Can you, before we break, let people know where they can learn about you and your work?
Oh, absolutely. Thank you. Yes. I work with my partner Carl Hunter. He’s the creator of MindFlavors. You can find us at mindflavors.com/VIP.
Great. We are going to take a break. Coming back, we’ll be talking some more about what does it take to really shift to living in happiness. Stay tuned.
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