Hi everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in this show we explore the process of transformation and give you the tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life.
Today we are going to be talking to Ani Anderson about how to Let Go of the Toxic Emotions That Stop You From Meeting Your Own Self-Improvement Goals. Ani Anderson is the number one bestselling author of Find Your Soul’s Agenda. She’s also the co-creator of Sensation-Based Mindset Coaching and the CEO of New Health. Her goal is to help people navigate life’s challenges with grace and gratitude rather than the toxic emotions that ultimately affect their health, vitality, and quality of life. So Ani, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.

I think that the superpower really is, what it comes down to, is about liking who I am. That matters so much in so many capacities in life.
Oh, thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to be here.
Yes, I’m happy to dig into everything that you do. And my first question is always, what superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?
Oh my. I think that the superpower really is, what it comes down to, is about liking who I am. That matters so much in so many capacities in life. And it’s not something that I ever wrote on a vision board or put down on my goals. But I believe that that really is the superpower that fuels me underneath the successes that I have, keeps me going and really does make me grateful to be alive, which is not something that I could’ve always said.
Wow, that is beautiful. And as you’re saying it, I feel the resonance of that, “Oh, the piece of that,” but to really like who you are. So is that something that you think you were born and raised with or did you have to come to learn how to do that?
I know you’re laughing. Okay, there’s a story.
Oh gosh, there’s so many stories. No, I was certainly not raised like that. I think I was raised by two very well-meaning, lovely people who aspired to be comfortable in their own skins. And so it was interesting actually because I was raised in an environment where my parents had a lot of conflict growing up. There was alcoholism and there was some abuse happening in the homes. And by the way, in those days, that was not something that anybody spoke about. I remember stories from my mother talking about how it definitely wasn’t something that was to be spoken. She knew that as a child.
And so when they raised me, they very intentionally made sure that there was no conflict in our home. And you know, as the pendulum swings, I think you and I could both laugh a little bit and understand what kind of conundrums that creates when…
Nothing is spoken.
That goes well.
Yeah, exactly. So, I remember being in a personal development conference one day and they were asking me a similar question, like, “Tell me about your childhood.”
And I was saying, “My childhood was great. Everybody said that I could do it. And I had some really cool successes as a kid and my parents loved me.” And I remember the person running the workshop was like, “Well, what’s your problem?”
And I didn’t know, I didn’t know. And that was the problem. Things were not spoken about. There were difficulties that were not brought to light, there was a lot that I had to uncover and then I thought it was my issue. And I’m not saying it was my parents’ issues either. I’m just saying there were issues and I didn’t even know. So it was like trying to put together a puzzle where you didn’t see the picture on the box.
Right, right. Just somehow it just didn’t feel quite right.
Yeah, I knew something was off. And besides the fact that I wasn’t happy in my life and I was in relationships that were quite frustrating.
I think the biggest incongruence was I’ve always been a person who has been able to achieve outward successes in some capacity. You know, I was on Broadway as a kid and I started my own business. People think that’s amazing. And I’m like, “Yeah, you know, I just did it.”
But the inner peace and liking myself, like I said, that has been a journey for me. And I think that as I get out there and I’ve helped so many people now in my own life as a coach and a therapist both, I suspect that’s what a lot of people are really looking for.
I mean, when they reached for outward successes, the thing that we really hope to get to is that place of inner peace that for me it was quite challenging to get to and figure out, but certainly has been one of my greatest endeavors and achievements, I think. It’s not like I’m the Buddha all the time, which is part of it for me, really.
Right, right. And I agree with you, I think there is for so many people, this no matter what they achieve, and no matter how things look, if there’s this feeling of still often I’m not right, I’m not good enough. There’s something off, there’s something not right. So, I mean, okay, we have about two minutes before we got to break.

It was the realization that my purpose was not to be happy all the time.
What do we do about that?
How did you then start to like yourself? What was the realization that you had or the question you started asking yourself or what changed?
Yeah, I can tell you exactly what changed and it’s the Find Your Soul’s Agenda process that I teach people and talk about, so happy to talk to you more about it. It was the realization that my purpose was not to be happy all the time. That’s what really broke it open for me and being able to put clear language about who I am in the wholeness of who I am, not just when life shows up, like I like it too, but also a really clear understanding of how life actually shows up for me in its challenges, usually in the exact same way.
When I can put a an awareness around that, and by the way, that’s the polar opposite. The exact opposite of how I love life to show up. When I could put really clear language around that and understand my purpose is to be a whole person, not to be a part of a person, that’s when it all opened up for me.
Wow, okay. Yes, and I really want to go into what this finding your soul’s agenda processes and the purpose and all of that sort of stuff after the break. But can you let us know where people, before we go, where they can find you and your work and learn more about this?
Sure. One of the easiest places to go is to is anianderson.com.
Great. Thank you so much. We are talking to Ani Anderson about how to Let Go of the Toxic Emotions That Stop You From Meeting Your Self-Improvement Goals. And we will be right back.
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