Harnessing Consciousness for Meaning
If you are suffering, scared, or hopeless, discover how harnessing consciousness for meaning can help bring you peace. In this fascinating episode, Kristin Maxwell talks with philosopher and teacher Shai Tubali about practical steps for expanding your mind and tuning into the positive nature of life itself. Shai walks Kristin through his powerful Expansion Method and explains how spiritual therapy allows individuals to resolve trauma and touch the blissful powers of the mind. Tune in today to learn how to start harnessing consciousness for meaning!
Kristin Maxwell:
Hello, everyone, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I am your host, Kristin Maxwell. And in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use yourself to transform your own life. Today, I am really excited to be talking to Shai Tubali about harnessing consciousness for meaning and purpose. And Shai Tubali is a teacher and philosopher, dedicated to helping people realize consciousness in this world, and empowering people to find clarity in their life. He believes that consciousness and let me if I say this right is it can be a really powerful way to illuminate all dimensions of our human experience. And he also believes a spiritual transformation is not only about inducing abstract mystical states but may be an essential key for our future as a race. He is the author of numerous books, including most recently Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Meditation, Shai, welcome to your SuperPowered Mind.
Shai Tubali:
Thank you, Kristin, this has been the best introduction I’ve ever heard. My work, thank you.
Kristin Maxwell:
Thank you, thank you, while I was, I went deep into checking you out and all that you do, because what you do is, is it’s fascinating, and I agree that it’s needed, and you have a slightly different take that I think maybe makes it more relatable because you’re speaking about such expanded I, you know, the idea of consciousness, and spiritual transformation, I think that’s scary for a lot of people or feels too distant. And for some reason, I’m hoping that you can help us make it feel for some people that maybe I can go in this direction, I can’t understand it. So let me just start with my first question, which is, what superpower did you uncover in the process of mastering your mind?
Shai Tubali:
Well, I would say that I’ve discovered the ability to expand the mind, and to reach broader states of consciousness that can profoundly affect our lives. Now, among other things, of course, aside from the obvious, which is meditation, these states of consciousness can enable us to resolve traumas, deep-seated difficult memories, and emotional patterns. And also to attain clarity and inner wisdom, and to significantly improve our decision making process. So, the principle of expanding the mind is, of course, the underlying principle of all meditation techniques. But I learned to access it directly. And to transform it into an easy and systematic process called the expansion method. This method has already changed the lives of many, and probably we will be exploring it a bit in our discussion.
Kristin Maxwell:
Yes, most definitely. And what I’m finding that I’m loving is that you’re bringing together these ideas of I think, what people would call personal development or almost even therapy, these ideas of resolving traumas, you know, and memories and emotions and improving our decision-making process with this idea of reaching a broader state of consciousness.
Shai Tubali:
Exactly, because traditionally, these states have only been a user for mystical self-realization. But my understanding is that these states indicate a certain power, power, innate power that resides within our consciousness. This is the power of our own consciousness, which can directly influence very mundane and even psychological and deeply therapeutic aspects of our being.
Kristin Maxwell:
Yeah, and what I love about that is I know that that well actually, we’re gonna go I’m gonna take a break first because I want to go deep, and not stop for the break. Before we go to the break, can you please let people know you know where they can find you if they’re already intrigued? You know, where? Where can they find you and your books and your work?
Shai Tubali:
Of course, well, first of all, there is my official website, which is ShaiTubali.com. I know that many people would have a hard time pronouncing or spelling this. So it is ShaiTubali.com. And then, of course, the books are everywhere, including on Amazon. And I think the best way to get to know my work and to be introduced to some of my fundamental teachings is my YouTube channel, which contains a great abundance of videos including guided meditations.
Kristin Maxwell:
Right, thank you. Hang on for a moment, everybody. We’re going to take a brief break and we will be right back to talk more about Harnessing Consciousness for Meaning. Hang on.
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