Your Higher Self is the essence of who you are.
Broken? No. Not you. Not me. Not the ex who cheated on you or the Mom who beat you. If you’re feeling broken or lost or disconnected from Source, it just means you’re covered up at the moment. Perhaps layers and layers of untruths disguise your light, but there is nothing wrong with you.
There is who you really are (infinite light and love shining across All That Is and ever was and ever will be), and there is the human personality having all the experiences you’re having right now.
Your Higher Self

Your Higher Self, or Infinite Self, is guiding these experiences
Your Higher Self, or Infinite Self, is guiding these experiences to give you everything you’ve chosen to be and do in this life, and everything you’ve asked for. Yep, you are that powerful. You’ve incarnated as this beautiful human for an oh so short period of time. Perhaps you liked it so much you’ve been back again and again and again. You’ve most likely cruised on other planets in other galaxies…and have existed in an infinity of space and time and dimensions. All happening now.
If you really take that in, does it feel powerful? Does it give you some perspective on the current life you’re living? Do you feel the need to blame anyone or anything outside of you, for any experience? It’s your creation lovely one. If it’s an uncomfortable creation, it’s a grand opportunity to reclaim your power, your holiness, your wholeness, your Divinity.
There is no right or wrong experience under the sun, it’s simply an opportunity for you to remember yourself.
The Human Experience
If you feel a bit stuck in your human experience, and we all have those days, let’s break

Do you feel stuck in your human experience?
down how your power got taken away to begin with. The idea of “original sin” is nonsense. Total poppycock really. This idea that we need saving from some “external” thing or power or God is also, total rubbish.
If you were born in a hospital, you were likely, almost immediately, given shots and fussed over about what might be wrong with you. You then grow up with well meaning parents who take you to the doctor anytime you have a boo-boo or are sick and told only he or she can heal you. You then go to school and learn to listen to your well meaning teachers who tell you to sit down and be quiet and do what everyone else is doing.
Your parents, out of fear, remind you that they know best and please do what they ask. Yes, our parents are there to help us be safe and feel loved, but what also happens is that your own inner voice is either squashed out, or never given the chance to thrive. Your intuition is made to be irrelevant, told over and over that you “can’t”. Eventually, the power you inherently have as an infinite being in a human body, is no longer accessible, and you become like everyone else, living from the head instead of your knowingness.
The good news, which is all we should ever be focused on anyway, is that you can come back to yourself, your true nature, in an instant, and it’s easier than you think. Whatever feels good, or light, or curious, follow it. That’s your soul/intuition/knowingness guiding you to your Highest Good. Follow the lights…they will lead you home.
I am so excited to be a part of a time on planet Earth where we are waking up together at unprecedented rates. It’s estimated, by the rad and radical spiritual teacher Matt Kahn, that millions of people (1-2%) of the population, is awakening or awakened. In history it’s been maybe 1 or 2 people at a time! Yippee!
You chose to be here now, to experience the unfolding of human consciousness in a way we haven’t seen in thousands of years. And you are here to remember your Divinity, your wholeness, your power.
Super Powers

What will you do with your Super Powers?
What will you do with it? Your power? Your Super Powers? Whatever you choose! Or whatever you feel has chosen you. It’s okay to feel like you haven’t tapped into your potential. I think it’s safe to say most humans feel that way most of the time. And in that moment, you can tap into it again, simply by choosing you.
How do you choose you in every moment? Whatever is it you’re feeling, let it in, don’t fight it. Say to yourself, “It’s okay, I love you.” This radical love and acceptance of exactly who you are and where you’re “at,” will transmute anything unlike itself. Be vulnerably bold and brave. Tell the truth, with compassion, when it’s most uncomfortable, especially to yourself. Say what no one else will or can. Reclaim yourself, moment by moment, day by day, and watch the magic of your life unfold before your heart.