The World Will Be Saved By the Queen
I see women. I see a lot of women. Maybe moreso now than ever because of the transition I made in my life. The irony of this is not lost on me since over 5 years ago I wrote the book on seeing (W.A.R. – Watch, Assess, React). But this is different. Now I SEE women.
I’ve always seen people. In ways many people don’t. Of course, this was heightened by my military and government training. But I never totally understood all of the information I gathered, especially about women. Now I do and I’m excited…and saddened at the same time.
I’m excited because I now possess a mental clarity that allows me to discern for-me and not-for-me information. The not-for-me simply fades into the ether somewhere. What saddens me is because I’m attuned to this concept of the queen archetype and her significance in the world right now, I see women in new and raw ways. I see those who temporarily abdicate their throne and those who have no idea a throne exists for them. I see women who fight and fight with themselves and everyone around them because nothing seems to work. It saddens me to see because I was that woman. Hence, the information is definitely for-me.
Another thing the wise and powerful Yoda told me (aka Dr. David Gruder) was that when we abdicate our thrones, women and men, the other archetypes fight for control. They carry supporting role energies, not leading role energies. What I see most often is the archetypes of control and stability battling it out. This creates within us the desire to shove our heads in the sand countered quickly by the desire to just run away from it all. Most people operate their lives in this push-pull fashion, never realizing that the simplest solution is the one most natural to our divine ways of being. Just stop, breathe, walk right through whatever fear seems to be staring you in the face, and climb back on your throne.
I see women doing this, too. I see and feel and understand the magnitude of the choice these women make. I watch as they sense themselves drift off course, then with great presence-of-being guide themselves back to center and steady their course. It’s an amazing and powerful thing to witness. The ground shifts, the stars align and the heavens open when a woman gracefully guides change and stability back to their respective sides as she retakes her throne.
This is what I see and it reminds me of a quote by the Dalai Lama. A quote that so many of us cling to as the beacon urging us forward, the words leading us beyond ourselves, and the hope that we do not offer ourselves in vain: “The world will be saved by the western woman.”
With all due respect to His Holiness, let’s bump that up a notch…
The world will be saved when our Queens remember who they are, and our Kings remember… (well, that’s a whole different blog)