Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages podcast show, where we invite the sacred into modern day reality. So, let me tell you why you’re going to be excited about this episode. My guest, Catherine Carrigan, is a medical intuitive with 26 years of experience. And we’re going to be discovering how to read the soul, or gaze into a person’s being, bringing everything to the surface, so that they may heal. But first, I’d like to begin with a wisdom quote. This is how she starts her new wonderful book Reading the Soul. And it goes like this. It’s by Joan of Arc. “I’m not afraid, I was born to do this.” I just love that quote. So that reminds me a lot of Catherine Carrigan. So, she’s worked as a medical intuitive, a healer. She teaches people how to heal themselves naturally without drugs. She’s written 10 books, eight of which are Amazon bestsellers. She’s also a yoga and Qigong teacher. So welcome Catherine.
Thank you so much, Ayn Cates Sullivan, and greet everyone out here for joining us. Thanks for listening.
Yay. I’m so glad you’re on this show. I have been doing your Qigong exercises, so I’ve read your book and I’ve been doing these exercises and there’s something really lovely and poetic about embodying in this way. How did you get into Qigong?
You know, one of my books, which you all can appreciate, is called Unlimited Energy Now, and when I do a medical intuitive reading, literally the very first thing that I do is I read what I call a person’s Chi level. And the way I like to explain it, is if you had a million dollars in the bank and you made a mistake, it’d be like, “Oh, well”, but if you had $100 in the bank and you made a mistake or $10 in the bank and you made a mistake, you could really be in trouble.
And what I find is that when people cultivate their own life energy, when you do energy building practices, when you practice Qigong and yoga and meditation and prayer and juicing, and you live your life consciously, mind, body, and spirit, you can build your own energy. So that when everybody in your children’s class gets the cold, that illness passes you by, or when you go through the inevitable stresses in your life, you’re able to seal through these a little bit more easily.
So, to answer your question, I had been teaching yoga now for 25 years and I probably been teaching Qigong for about 20 years. Yeah. You know, people know… Lots and lots of millions of people practice yoga, but Qigong is a very powerful practice, many people know about Tai Chi, and Qigong, is a simpler form of Tai Chi. A lot of times people refer Qigong as sort of the feminine version of Tai Chi. And every time you practice it, you balanced your acupuncture system and you literally increase your own energy.
So, you get a workout, yes, but Qigong, Qi means energy, Gong means work, and it’s a way of building your energy. And I feel that if you practice any form of natural healing, you must have self-care practices that build your own energy. Because, it’s a law of physics that energy flows from highest to lowest potential. So more than likely, I’m going to be healthier than most of my clients, but if I don’t have self-care practices to build my own energy, then sooner or later, it’s like the cookie jar. You give away all your cookies and soon there nothing left, unless you put cookies back into the cookie jar. It’s just that simple. And Qigong is a very graceful, fun, easy way to build your energy.
That’s really… So, there were 18 movements, and I loved some of the names, like the wild goose flies in the air, and you do feel like a wild goose. And The exercises seem quite simple, it’s not a lot of stress. But afterwards, I have to say, I did feel completely realigned, very embodied, but in a very light way. And everybody around me right now has the flu. So, I have been doing these exercises and taking my herbs and whatnot to protect myself. But yeah.
Yeah. They’re very, very powerful. And if you go to one of my websites, Unlimited Energy Now, all the videos are there for free. And one of the videos, one of the series of Qigong videos that I have, are Qigong videos that Chinese warriors would do before going into the battle. So you have to see that, I mean, these are like 800 year old exercises that are, again, so important that they would be used by Chinese warriors. So again, they’re very much about improving your longevity, improving your mental acuity, balancing the two sides of your brain, balancing your acupuncture system, grounding you. And they’re very conscious ways of balancing your energy system.
It seems like if warriors do those before they go into battle, that’s probably a good thing for us to do since we’re battling off the flu right now or, yeah.
Yeah. And you can receive Reiki, you can go and you can spend money and hire an energy healer, or you can go to an acupuncturist, or you can learn Qigong and go out in your garden and gather energy from the sun, the fresh air, the trees, the flowers, the stars, the universe, and you can get the same benefits as acupuncture or Reiki.
That’s fantastic. My daughter is actually studying acupuncture. She’s in her last year, and so we all get to have the needles. It noticing how the meridians work and trying out her different Chinese herbs and it’s an amazing system, I have to say.
Yeah, it’s really good. So, in your book, in Reading The Soul, you said something I thought was really beautiful. You said, “You are a soul who has a body. Your soul controls your mind, your mind controls your emotions, your emotions control your energy. And finally, but last but not least, your energy controls your physical body.” And I was really curious about that. How does our energy control our physical body?
Well, okay, let me backup. When I do a medical intuitive reading and… What I do is I read what I call the five bodies. I read your physical body… So I’m going to answer your question, but I’ll give you a longer answer. Your physical body that high-ends your organs, your bones, your muscles probably have a general idea of what your physical body is. Your energy body includes your breath, your chakras, and your acupuncture system. And so that the energy system controls what’s happening in the physical.
Then you have an emotional body. The emotional body is actually the largest part of you and emotions can shut down literally any physiological process. Then you have a mind, which is your thoughts and your beliefs. And finally you have your soul. And because you are a soul… Okay, when I do medical intuitive reading, you know we, those of us who are spiritual people were like, “Yes, I’m spiritual.” But we sometimes forget that your soul, what’s going on with your soul is what is going on. And because your soul is the most powerful part of you, it is what you’re actually doing.
Your soul controls your mind, your mind controls your emotions, your emotions controls your energy system, and your energy system controls your body. And what happens is when we get sick, experience illness and disease, what happens is that most people only work on the physical body.
So, you know, this is allopathic medicine and we have great respect for the medical system. I come from a family of medical doctors, my brother’s a doctor, my dad’s a doctor, my grandfather was doctor, my great grandfather was a doctor, my uncle was a doctor. Okay. And I’m a medical intuitive healer. So, we respect the medical tradition, but you have to understand who you actually there are these five levels of you, and it’s sort of like the step-down system. And one of the things that we know in that feeling is that this illness begins in your energy body and comes into the physical.
And when you want to heal and you have to push everything out of the physical, through the energy system, through the emotions, through your mind, and through the soul. And so, when you understand what is going on the soul level, that’s really literally dictating your entire human experience.
That’s amazing. I need to interrupt you just for one second though, because we’re going to come back to what a soul reading is, but I’ve got to take a quick break. Where can people find you, and your courses, your books, everything?
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