Greetings! Hello. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts. You’re listening to Wisdom of the Ages, where we can invite the sacred into modern day reality. You can find out more about the show on
Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to become liberated from pain and suffering? If you’re interested in the journey of awakening and enlightenment, you will love this episode. We’re going to be listening to one of the wisest and most accomplished people on the planet, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, who might encourage us to remove the noose of the mind from around our necks and awaken.
His new autobiography is filled with wisdom and I would like to begin with a quote from his new book. It goes like this, “Life and liberation only happen if we are willing to repeatedly disappear into the nothing and live in a way that continues to open us up to the experience of the divine presence now.” Speaking of divine presence, I would like to introduce one of my favorite people on the planet, Dr. Gabriel Cousens is known world-wide as a liberated spiritual teacher and the leading expert in live plant source nutrition.
Dr. Cousens functions as a holistic physician, psychiatrist, family therapist, and cutting-edge researcher on healing diabetes naturally. His multicultural background as an ordained rabbi, an acknowledged yogi, and four-year Native American Sundancer adds insight to his whole person enlightenment teachings. Dr. Cousens is the author of 13 books with his 14th book, Into the Nothing, to be released soon. Welcome, Dr. Gabriel Cousens.
Well, thanks Ayn. This is really a joy to share with you. You mentioned being relieved of pain and this may sound really unusual for people, but I have had two abdominal operations without anesthetic, simply by meditating and going into the nothing during the surgery.
I read that in your book. It was really surprising. It’s not something I’ve ever heard anyone else talk about, but you were able to go into such meditation that you were able to separate yourself from the pain body? How did that work?
Well, there are different states of awareness, but there’s a state in yoga called Pratyahara, which is withdraw the senses. I basically went to the Pratyahara state and there was no pain.
Nurses had a hard time with that. What are you doing? They wanted to talk to me. I said, “Please, just let me meditate.” They were just fascinated, but that’s the way it is, is that people don’t realize we have incredible capacities.
That’s just an example, when you say going beyond the pain. Also, we say going beyond the pain, it’s more mental and emotional pain. When your mind is clear and you’re not attached to anything, which is what causes the pain, and you’re living in a state of passionate non-attachment. People get that confused. Oh, I’m detached. I’m separated. No. You’re not separated. In the state of liberation, you’re passionately involved but you are non-attached. It’s a subtlety that’s very important.
You’re very involved, but you’re also at a state of peace with whatever goes on.
It’s interesting, your book is called Into the Nothing and we live in a culture where everyone wants something. Maybe they’re looking for connection, but it’s usually something we’re looking for. Why would you call your book Into the Nothing?
Well, it’s a very good question. My fundamental liberation experience is no longer experiencing any kind of body. Often, we can be in an astrobody, different levels, or we go down the white tunnel in a near death experience, but I’m not talking about that. I’ve had three near death experiences. Yes, there’s a white tunnel. I’m talking about there’s no tunnel, there’s no you.
At the deeper level of liberation, any identification with a you or I-ness dissolves and there’s only that, the divine presence, I call eternal presence… past, present, and future… go on and so there’s not even a close of an ego identification. You have just disappeared and you’ve merged with God, which is what we call God merging. The nothing is the outer experience of God merging. There’s just nothing. You disappear. You, as a subtle I, disappears.
So, the ego, the person that we take ourselves to be, is… I believe you call it a case of mistaken identity.
That’s correct. A personality, the physical and the emotional, mental mind is not who we are. We are the spark of God as the divine. When you dissolve into nothing, that becomes the core understanding. It’s not a theory. I call it divine behavior modification. You go there enough times that it really becomes your fundamental awareness. That’s what I’m talking about. You’re seriously not identifying with anything, even the spark of the soul.
Not even the spark of the soul. I have a preference for the sparkly part of the soul, but there’s something even beyond that. Holistic Liberation.
That’s right. When we have a spark of the soul, we can have what we call where you dissolve into the nothing, but there’s still a subtle you. When you dissolve into the light, but there’s still a subtle you. But this is beyond that. There is no you left. It’s the real truth of who we are. There is only God.
So, if there’s no you left, then we become merged with God? Is that correct?
Right. Really, you get the profound understanding there is only God, in different variations and forms, but at that moment, into the nothing, there’s only God.
That’s amazing.
That is a really profound liberation. It starts with the word experience, but then it becomes your understanding because when you have it enough, it becomes your awareness. People can have very deep one time experiences. I’m talking about a sustained experience of that. Even though you’re walking around in the body, your awareness is there’s only God.
That’s beautiful. Is this the path of holistic liberation? Is that what you’re talking about?
It’s the end of the path. The question about holistic liberation, which is a way I’m kind of describing it, is a focus that we are multidimensional beings. We’re not just spiritual beings, we’re astrobeings and we’re soul beings and we’re also physical beings. All parts work together. That’s the word multi-dimensional. The concept here, there’s two levels there, is that we become liberated in every level of our beingness.
Now, the other part of that is well how do you get there? That’s key to understand is there’s a yoga term which means the natural way of living. It takes you to liberation. We’re not talking about a technique. It’s a way of life.
That’s amazing. How do people get in touch with you? What’s your website? How can people come and work with you?
That’s beautiful. Do you have a newsletter they can sign up for?
They go to You can sign up for the newsletter on it and you get a little bonus gift. That lets people know what’s going on, but I am on pretty much all the media internet format. I’m sharing six days a week.
That’s wonderful. I’m so glad that you’re so present for us at this time and we really need you. Okay. When we come back from this short break, we’re going to talk more about holistic liberation. Stay tuned and we’ll be right back.
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