Hello, this is Ayn Cates Sullivan, Host and Priestess of Wisdom of the Ages where we invite the sacred into modern day reality.
If you’re ready for some true mystical and alchemical inspiration, you will love this episode because we have a living Priestess with us today. But before I formally introduce Sarah Uma Kane, I would like to read a wisdom quote by Bonheim, and it goes like this. “I would describe a Priestess as a woman who lives in two worlds at once. Who perceives life on Earth against a backdrop of vast, timeless reality.” So that just reminds me of you, Sarah Uma Kane. You are great at Creating Magic.
I would like to introduce one of the most mystical and magical people on the planet. Sarah Uma Kane invites a mythic life and walks in the world as her true self, or we could say in both worlds as her true self. In her ever uplifting manner, Sarah Uma has taken Laughter Yoga, and Kinda Looney Yoga, to the places that really need some joy. She also visited Africa to assist women in need and established both microloans and water catchment systems, which is amazing and I’m very impressed by that.
Sarah Uma Kane is a Temple Keeper of the Sanctuary of the Open Heart for the non-profit for The 13 Moon Mystery School and a Focalizer of the Planetary Priestess 13 Moon Virtual Mystery School. She is devoted and in service to love and the awakening of consciousness. So welcome, Sarah Uma Cane.
Thank you, Ayn. What an absolute joy it is to be with you today and this mythic play and connecting in our hearts. Thank you for inviting me. So honored to be Creating Magic today.Â
Well, I am so excited about your 13 Moon Mystery School. I understand you offer year long initiation circles and my goodness, is it time for the return of the Priestess? So please, tell us more.
Well, yes, the call of the Priestess is on the planet right now, awakening the consciousness of the divine feminine within all hearts. This is not gender based. This is essence based, qualities of the divine feminine. And in the 13 Moon Mystery School, we work with archetypal energies. And archetypal energies heal, and catalyze, and transform on a vibrational level, and they activate the consciousness that goes far beyond any mind that can be cognized.
So as we work with the 13 archetypes of divine feminine, we activate these parts of ourselves, these qualities within ourselves, so that we can walk in the world as an embodiment of these archetypal energies and lead a magical, mythical life. So I am deeply honored to be a Focalizer of this Mystery School, a Temple Keeper of the non-profit, and yet to introduce all of these faces of Mother, all of these spaces of love, that come in different colors, flavors, and frequencies. So today we’re going to play in the mythic way and create some magic and see who’s coming today to share her wisdom.
I love it. I’m feeling some presence. And you talk about 13 archetypal presences, 13 faces of the Mother. I mean, three. We quite often hear about three, but 13… My goodness. Can you tell us some more?
There’s quite a feast of different flavors and different frequencies. And then today we’re probably going to be accessing a couple of them that have already come in this morning. And it’s always fascinating to wake up and go, Ooh, who wants to play today? Who wants to walk as me in the world and carry this vibrational frequency as a vessel of the divine, as we are all vessels of the divine. And to really tune in to which aspect of the divine wants to express itself more fully. It expresses itself by Creating Magic.
So, today I got… A few showed up and one of them was the Wise Woman, of course, because this is the wisdom keepers channel. And as I asked the Wise Woman, okay, what are you here to say today? She said, “Okay, yeah, this idea of wisdom and this idea of wisdom being information or knowledge in a world that is so inundated with information and knowledge.”
And she kind of had her cackle chuckle that said wisdom cannot be thought, taught, or bought. Wisdom is not what you think. And she-
Oh, I love it. I love it.
Okay, Here. Here’s an offering from her to drop deeper into this sacred heart. This sacred heart that holds this key to knowing and she offers this poem to begin our wisdom transmission for today.
“Heart knowing is the way. Free from judgment, spirit flows through. Who can tell me how? How will I know? How can I be sure? Unending questions of minds play, but the breath is real. Heartbeat quickens. Feelings explode when knowing is from the heart. Where words confuse, love fuses. Heart to heart, loop of trust beyond authority. The electric cadence of love beyond words leaps up beyond thought into now, where heart knowing is all that is.”
Oh, heart knowing is all that is? Love it.
All that is. Heart knowing is all that is. So, as we journey into this alchemical cauldron of the heart, as we allow this alchemy of ecstasy to transmute all the small, leaden mind small self into the golden radiance of the sacred heart realized and revealed in radiance as we open the sacred heart of divine mother. In all of her many faces of love. We open to this deeper channel of wisdom when we surrender, when we open, when we receive.
Oh my goodness. I love it.
The Wise Woman walks between worlds and she is the one that stands between worlds and sees the divine play of it all and allows this divine play to lead us on a mythic level of play.
I’m going to have to disturb the Divine Mother for one minute because we need to stop for an ad break, but can you tell us where people can go and find you? What’s your website?
Well, you can go into the mythic portal of sarahuma.com and there’s lots of different streams in which to wade in and wander in and activate this divine feminine face of love.
Absolutely. Okay, so when we come back from this short break, we’re going to talk more about creating magic through mythic play. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.
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