Cowgirl Yogini with Deborah Keene

Deborah Keene, a modern-day yogini and Ayurvedic practitioner, discusses her journey and the principles of yoga and Ayurveda. She emphasizes yoga’s focus on union and the importance of daily spiritual practices like sadhana. Deborah shares her personal struggles, including overcoming an abusive marriage and learning to trust her intuition. She highlights the significance of living in harmony with nature and the teachings of Ayurveda, such as Dr. Lele’s prescription for health. Deborah also talks about her Radiant Woman Mentoring Program, designed to help women reclaim their confidence and live aligned with their true selves.

Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan
Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of wisdom of the ages. So each week, I like to bring on somebody new with a with a uplifting outlook on life. Recently I met a wonderful woman named Deborah Keene when I was up in Maine this summer. She’s a modern day yogini, and I thought it would be great to have her on the show. Yoga is all about union…. union with the beloved, union with God. With all the conflict and everything going on the world right now, what’s better to practice right now than yoga? I don’t know a whole lot about Deborah and her and her life, so I’m just going to go ahead and bring you straight in, Deborah, welcome. 
Activate Your Superpowers
Deborah Keene
Thank you. I’m so happy to be here. What a treat to be here.

Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan
I’ve been wanting to have a deep conversation with you, and here’s our opportunity. So, yeah, just give us a little introduction. Then I’ll stop for a little ad break, and then we can dive into some deep questions.

Deborah Keene
Okay, well, I’m from Maine. Grew up in Waterville. Maine and I moved here to Liberty in 1975 and began my path. I’m a yoga teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner and a mentor for women. I came into this world wanting to be a medicine woman, live in the country and have a horse. So my path started when I was 15 with my mom in the kitchen making facials. And that’s the same year that I got my first yoga book, Richard Richard Hiddleman’s book, Introduction to Yoga. And it was also the same year that I got my first horse, Ringo. So then I moved to the country and and brought my horse with me, and gardened and grew food and herbs and continued on the path of learning and studying and how to be a really happy, healthy woman; a person good with me. I struggled a lot with anxiety. I grew up with an alcoholic father, so anyone who’s grown up in an alcoholic family, I’m sure can relate to some of the challenges with that. So I struggled a lot in my life being good with me, but I had this cowgirl spirit, like I’m I’m somehow going to figure this stuff out. And, you know, studied, I learned about Ayurveda in the early 80s, and then I’ve been teaching since 1984 and I teach today. I live here. I have a studio on my property that I built in 2000 and I’m also online, and, you know, I just share the wisdom, which is so in line with what you share, what I know of you, just how to really connect with the truth of who we are.

Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan
It’s so important. Yeah, it’s so I think we’re going to have a great, great, conversation. Actually, I did some recording in your studio and that is how we got to meet. Please share your website, and then we’ll just take the quick ad break.

Deborah Keene
Sure. It’s

Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan
Wonderful, okay, so stay tuned, everybody. We’ll be right back.

Activate Your Superpowers!