Do you believe that the power of words forms our world? Is it possible that the things we utter can change the world? We will answer these questions in this episode of We Rise. Host Ashley Palmer and guest Lathan Craft talk about the role and importance of words as the world’s changing agent. Lathan is an international best-selling author and a highly respected speaker. He is the host of the podcast Other Side of the Church and the founder of Made For Purpose, A Heartbeat From Hope, and Afterwards. Listen to find out what Lathan’s superpower is and learn more about the power of using words to change the world.

All right. What is up everybody? My name is Ashley Palmer. And welcome back to the We Rise channel. On today’s episode of We Rise, we have a super awesome guest and that is Lathan Craft. Lathan is an international best-selling author and a highly respected speaker. He is the host of a podcast called The Other Side of the Church, which features highly respected guests, including the king, Bob Goff, whom I talk about Bob Goff all the time. I literally talk about it all the time. And he is the founder of Made For Purpose, A Heartbeat From Hope And Afterwards, which you guys can check out after our break. We will show his platforms. You guys should absolutely go check those out and learn more about them. But he has a degree in psychology, counseling, leadership, and ministry, and overall an incredible thought leader, and has devoted his life to the importance of belonging and how words can truly change the world. Lathan, welcome. I’m so excited you’re here.

Activate Your Superpowers

Ashley, so good to be here. Thanks so much.

Of course. I’m super excited. Just reading about your bio. I’m sure I and all the listeners are blown away. But we have to ask our big question. What is your superpower and how do you use it to help others rise?

I absolutely love this question, by the way, because I saw it on Friday and I was talking to my wife about it all weekend and I was like, “What is my superpower?” And she was like, “I don’t know, you watch Marvel. And I think I would say I’m an uncomfortable bridge builder. I think that’s my superpower. But like superpower suits, they’re basically glorified bulletproof jackets. That’s basically what they are. I would be able to walk into toxic environments really well.


Because I’ve been on both sides of the conversation and a lot of different things in my life. And I think that’s where my superpower comes in. I’m not a bridge-builder like, “Everybody is happy.” I like to address the elephants. And so I’d say I’m an uncomfortable bridge builder superpower.

That is really cool. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it like that. But yeah, that is such a gift and a power that I feel I definitely could work on because I’m like, “Oh my goodness. Awkward. No.” But that’s so important. That was awesome. Okay. Well, we are going to take just a quick minute break. But, Lathan, before we take a break, where can people find you? Where can people learn about you? Give us your platforms.

Yeah. So my podcast is called the Other Side Of The Church. It’s available anywhere podcasts are available, but really you can go to and that’s basically my glorified link tree for every link for everything that I’m doing, Made For Purpose, Afterwards, Heartbeat From Hope, everything. Even the podcast is on that website. So is the easy glorified link tree website.

That’s perfect. Yes. Go check him out. It is going to be great. You guys will not regret it. All right. Well we’ll take a quick minute break and we’ll be right back.

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