Steven “Hollywood” Bennett is a 27 year old blind man. His family and weather are number one for him, and he loves how thoughts shape our reality. For him, it’s so cool to think deliberately and see what happens.
I’m so excited to have with me just this delightful being of a person. As soon as he starts talking, you probably already can feel him actually just by being on the phone here with him. The words really pale in comparison to the experience of him. When you’re in his presence, you just know that you’ve been touched by goodness. He moves through the world in such an amazing way. His name is Steven “Hollywood” Bennett. I’m really excited to have him here. He’s just one of those individuals who loves life and really just uplifts everything everywhere he goes. I don’t want to get too far into it because I know he has a lot of really cool information to share with us. Welcome to the show, Steven. Thank you for joining us.
Good morning.
First, let’s talk about superpowers. What are your superpowers?
Let’s see; focus. Definitely focus as far as thought goes, for sure. That’s number one for me. My ability to imagine things into being. I really appreciate that part of me. To be able to make people’s day and attract people who I want into my life, that kind of thing.
Talk to me a little bit about the concept of Hollywood. Where did that come from?
I was born prematurely. My twin brother passed away pretty young, very young actually. We were both amniotic twins. I was sick in the hospital for a long time. Once he was buried in the ground, I suddenly just recovered just like that. I think that’s where the Hollywood thing came from. He buried in Hollywood Hills. That’s part of it too.
What do you attribute that to, his passing and the miraculous recovery?
Before I was thinking it was just God wanted me here for a real good purpose. Now, this whole thought manifestation thing, I think it was literally me just deciding I want to be here. I’m not going back to the nonsensical or whatever you want to call it yet. I’m going to be here and I’m going to discover the joy of creating my life the way I want it to be.
You mentioned God. Have your thoughts around that shifted some or what’s your perspective?
I don’t really like the word god as much. I would say it’s more like source or just a higher vibration that we go to, that we can tap into while we’re here and then we go to when our bodies die as well. That’s what I think it is.
We talk a lot here on the show about how our superpowers usually start off as challenges in our existence. Once we neutralize those challenges, then we’re able to use those superpowers for good. You’ve equipped yourself with some pretty interesting challenges this lifetime. How do you put all that together? How do you reconcile that? What superpowers do you think they’re leading you to?

Weather: It’s about figuring out how you want to feel about whatever is going on in your life.
It’s pretty much about figuring out how you want to feel in every moment, how you want to feel about whatever is going on in your life. As I become more deliberate in my thoughts and everything, it leads me to higher vibrations, which lead me to much better and better and better things coming up. I’ll be able to refine it to where I can literally just focus on something for not very long and things will come into my life. Not instantly. That takes all the fun out. Just focus instantly and then there it is. It’s more fun to mold it like clay, like playing a play dough or clay. It’s literally what it is. It’s energy. You’re molding your thoughts. It’s the most powerful thing ever. More powerful than weather. I love weather because if there was no weather, we can’t live on this planet. That’s number two. Number one is vibration, energy.
One of the first things I noticed about you is your vision. You have such an amazing vision and an ability to see in such a unique way. That’s what intrigues me. You mentioned it’s not the physical vision as we most often see it. What’s fascinating to me is that as I journey on my journey, the physical vision to me serves as almost more of a hindrance than a benefit. Can you speak to that?
It depends where you’re focused on. I could see how that could be a bit of a hindrance. If you have the ability to look inside yourself and see things the way you want them to be, it will be easier than looking at, “Here’s something I want, when I look at this current reality,” literally looking at it and saying, “It’s not here yet.” If you lose that, you lose that sight, you can use your imagination more easily and mold things into being that.
Have you never had use of physical sight?
I don’t remember it. When I was very young, apparently, I had some sight. I lost it about four or five I think.
Given your journeying and your discovery of self, what do you attribute that to?
Just sifting through the contrast of life and deciding what I want and focusing on that more and more. I’ve discovered Abraham-Hicks several months ago. That kind of thing really catapulted me into this whole thing. I knew for sure because I’ve heard in school and stuff that people with disabilities are more vulnerable to bullying and all that. I figured it out for myself, if you want to believe that, that will be your experience. That’s not been so true for me because I’ve always attracted wonderful people into my life.
There is one little period when I was very young, first grade, I was bullied but that was it. It was literally girls all around me and life was really neat after that. It’s all about how you feel about it. If you feel vulnerable, you’re going to be vulnerable. If you don’t, just the way life should be. I think if you feel like you’re supposed to feel like, you’re almost invincible, you’re going to be. Those people around that vibration are going to gravitate towards you. Those who aren’t, they just go off and do their own thing. It’s okay for them to be around, but they won’t be a part of your experience.
Do you consider yourself to have disabilities?
No, not me. Not anymore. I used to really want to be with other people who are blind or autistic. It’s not a priority for me anymore because I know it’s the attitude that creates what you’re going to attract. For me, that means I’ll attract great people into my life because I’m on that high vibration. It doesn’t matter what they have or don’t have as far as disability. It’s literally the attitude that makes the difference.
The first thing I noticed about you is your vision. The second thing is the energy around you. You appear to me more than most to be in constant movement. I’d imagine other people who have that more as their superpowers would see that in you. I feel the light from you. It’s the constant motion. It’s a kinesthetic ripples that come off of you. Some of it would be easier to see, physically, you’re in motion. The vibration around you is very rapid.
I really like the idea of how you represent that, because you hear a lot about kids in school. Actually, we’ll do a shout out to David and his son, Max, who does the fidgets and stuff to keep the energy going. You hear a lot of backlash about kids in school who can’t sit still and can’t pay attention. When I see people like you and I’ve seen it in others, where really the vibration just emanates off of them, that we’re in constant motion all the time. What is your experience of that physically or how that feels to you?

Weather: We’re here to create. We have to keep that momentum going.
I’ll tell you, these days, I do not need that much in the way of sleep. I still sleep but I don’t sleep as much. I stay up until 2:00 in the morning and then go to bed and get up at around 7:30-8:00. I’m wide awake. It’s all about vibrations. When you’re on this high vibration, you just don’t need as much of that. When you’re sleeping, the thought momentum stops. We’re here to create. We have to keep that momentum going. That’s why I like to be awake a lot more than sleep. I don’t want to miss anything.
Talk to me about a day in the life of Hollywood. What does that look like?
Lots and lots and lots of deliberate thinking about what I want. That’s number one. As far as physically, I walk around a lot. I don’t even need a track or anything. I just walk around the backyard in the house. I get up and I have cookies for breakfast in the morning. That’s the other thing. I don’t pay attention to nutrition facts or anything like that. I do believe that certain things are needed to keep your body going. If you’re on this high vibration, you can eat whatever you feel you desire. It will give you what you need as far as the nutrition thing goes. I have cookies for breakfast. I have something like frozen something for lunch. Dinner, my mom usually makes me dinner. We go out sometimes for lunch. The big thing is for me, I just feel it. I just feel wonderful things are coming. I don’t have a schedule. It’s really cool. It’s really cool to be just flexible and wing it, and then do what feels good to you in the moment.
Then you also make pies, right?
I make raindrop pies.
Talk to me about those.
Those are yummilicious. We make them for farmers market on Saturdays. You pick the pie, you make the pie and you put the filling in it. You put a raindrop on top. You make the raindrop with a raindrop cutter thingy or whatever it’s called. You plop it in the oven and go for it. It’s really neat.
What farmers market do you have those at?
It’s at Old Town Scottsdale.
What got you into raindrop pies?
I love raindrops and I love pie. It’s all good.
Where did the love of weather and rain and thunderstorms come from?
I was very young, probably far back as I can remember, back when I was two or three, I started loving it. In school, 1997-98, that winter, we had an El Nino, we were in California. There was a lot of rain that year. That’s really where I consciously got started with that, I think. That story was incredible. The thunderstorm in the spring time and I just want to be home all the time and outside, the weather. That’s where it started. I’ve got to tell you, we were in Northern California 2003; this is always going to stick in my memory. I was outside swinging water up in the air. I wasn’t thinking about bringing rain specifically, but swinging the water up in the air every single day. At the end of summer, we had rain. It started with humidity then we had rain, thunderstorms. It’s in Northern California in July and August. They usually don’t get that. It’s pretty cool.
What do you think our connection is to weather?

Weather: We’re directly connected with it. It’s part of us.
We’re directly connected with it. It’s part of us. We’ve got the heart. We’ve got the organs, and all that. We’ve got all that skin and stuff. Then we got weather. Weather is attached to us. From the non-physical and physical standpoint, we’re directly connected, directly affected. That’s why I don’t watch the Weather Channel because they talk about it as if we’re separate. “Nature is bigger than us. We have to run inside when there’s a weather coming in,” all that kind of thing. We have some influence over those things because everything starts vibration and thought. If you think you’re going to be okay, you’re going to be okay. I’m not afraid of the lightning storms. I’ll go out in the middle of it. I’ll go out there. It’s incredible when you hear that thunder crack above my head. It’s pretty sweet. I was outside in New York at the front yard of my dad’s house. There was a thunderstorm off a distance, the lightning bolt cracked above my head. It literally sounds like you use a lighter, that lightning sound. It sounds like a lighter and there’s a big clap of thunder right afterwards. It was really sweet.
Do you think that’s true of everybody, that everyone is connected? Do you think that certain ones of us chose that specific connection to weather?
I think everyone’s connected. We don’t usually know that consciously. We think that we have to purely rely on the meteorologists to tell us what the weather would be in plan accordingly. I would check the app on my phone for the weather, mostly. I don’t listen to the forecasts anymore. I think about what I want it to be and leave it at that.
What’s next for Hollywood? What’s on your purview for the future?
We’re going to start a video blog thing. We’re going to do lots of baking and have just lots of fun with it. Of course, there would be some storms in there too, lots of those. Of course, I don’t want to video every one. I want be out there, be by myself enjoying it sometimes. It’s going to be a whole lot of fun and I’m going to do product testing too. I did that with the fidget thing. I’m going to do lots of that. I think I’m going to make a pretty darn good living off of product testing. I tried some beef jerky from farmers market and it’s delicious.
You said something really, really important. It’s easy for those of us who are creative and we have an entrepreneurial mindset, sometimes we take what we love and then we go about making a business out of it. Sometimes, we forget to just enjoy the thing that we love for ourselves also. I hear that a lot from business owners, especially when they come to social media, or taking pictures and posting, it becomes more of a chore. We forget or we lose touch with what it was that where our passion lied within it to begin with.
That feeling of inspiration when you first wanted to do it.
I think it’s such a crucial point. Maybe once it becomes a business opportunity or a venture, we feel like to just give ourselves permission to be in it and to play in it is somehow irresponsible.
It’s all about fun. That’s what I would say. Life is supposed to be fun all the time.
I think it’s possible. If I could encapsulate you in any easy package, it would be around that as a concept and showing people the importance of that and really paying attention to where our thoughts lie and how we perceive of things. It really is that simple.
It is that simple. Of course, you’re going to have those days where you’re a little down. When you’re on a higher vibration frequency you’re going to have less of those days. When you do, you’re more in touch with your emotions so you know how to handle it and you don’t have to go to other people and tell them all about your problems and amplify the problem. Then, of course, you get back on the higher frequency quickly and you can have a wonderful life.
What advice would you have for others who perhaps, maybe other people are labeling them with disabilities, or they themselves even feel they’ve got some, what advice would you have for those folks?
I would say, if they’re ready to hear it, first of all, it wasn’t an accident. There are no accidents. Everything is attracted, I believe. As far as the disability goes, you chose to be here to be as non-conformable as possible. Society can put you in a box and make you do things their way. You’re here to teach other people that that’s just how you get what you want. You’re supposed to get everything you want in life because you’re a creator. That’s what we’re all here for. We’re here to create our lives, not just regurgitate other things that other people have created and come up with, and all that kind of thing.
Do you think, as a population, we’re ready to start evolving that on a more massive scale, our perspectives on disabilities and conformity?
I don’t know. I don’t think we’re there yet. For your audience, those people are probably more in that higher frequency. I know more people are deliberately creating their lives too out there. I believe that, for sure. I think slowly, it should trickle out there. I wouldn’t want to put this on TV or something like that. “You create your reality.” Most people don’t believe that. It’s okay. We’re going to get there.
It takes courage and bravery for those of us who see it that way to continue to affirm that and to show examples and to hold people’s hands and to say it’s okay. If you’re starting to have those inklings, this is to all of you listening who maybe you’ve just started wondering if there’s some aspects of your existence or your past or your characteristics that may have appeared to be a challenge or a hindrance before, and start asking yourselves, is it possible that there’s a superpower in there somewhere? In my experience, there always is. It goes along with the whole saying, “You’re mess is your message.” We go through stuff for a reason. I choose to believe that because otherwise, what’s the point? Life would be pretty boring otherwise and painful. I don’t think it has to be.
I’m really proud of myself these days because I think have accomplished a whole lot. Not what people would typically think of. I brought myself back from horrible, horrible illness when I was young. Ever since then, I really have not had a sick day except maybe a couple here and there. That’s pretty huge. I’m deliberately molding my thoughts into what I want. That is ginormous. I’m really proud of that.
I think you should be. I love the perspective that you have on where we look to moving forward. I think you and others really stand to help people see things differently, which is to me, one of your biggest gifts.

Weather: If we really believed it, we could manifest whatever we want right now in this very instant.
In school, of course, they teach you history and everything. It’s only a certain timeline, like back toward the cave men and everything. I’ve heard a civilization going way, way back before that, that we’re more advanced in frequency as far as thought goes. I wonder how the pyramids were made and everything. I’ve heard History Channel episodes, and I wonder how those things were made. There must have been some major equipment in there. It’s really all about thought. If we really believed it, we could manifest whatever we want right now in this very instant. We don’t want to do that because we journey along the way. It’s like taking a vacation. We don’t want to just be there and say, “We’re going home now.”
I tend to agree with you. We’re seeing more and more evidence of really sophisticated societies. What’s fascinating to me is that a lot of times they’re just gone. Why that is and what happens, we’re constantly searching for it because we tend to be fairly fear-based, and we’re searching for why some of those civilizations may have disappeared. We tend to do that because we are wanting to prepare for that for ourselves. Ironically, in doing that, we miss the point, and perhaps, societies, when they reach a certain level of evolution, simply disappear. They simply go into a frequency that is no longer here or the physical environment doesn’t support that level of frequency. The idea that groups of people and whole civilizations could do that together is pretty fascinating to me. That sounds like another podcast show we could do together, to talk about where did all these civilizations go and what happened? What did they know that perhaps we’re starting to become ready to rediscover?
When you look at that and you look at where we are, we’re in the dark ages as far as thought goes compared to where they were. It’s okay because when the civilization died out, they made their transition into non-physical and they’re right here. We can tap into that.
Then you throw on top of it the whole time-space continuum collapsing and everything happening in a nanosecond; the past and present and future. Now, we’ve got a really fascinating conversation. I know people are going to want to know more about you. Is there somewhere we can send them to, like your Facebook page? Is there a website or something you want to send them off to? I have a section on there.
We can send them over there and they can find out more. They can come to the Old Town Scottsdale farmers market here in Arizona and support you there with your raindrop pies. To all of you around the world who are listening, always, you can connect energetically and just get your fair share of Hollywood here as he continues to spread his light to the world. Hollywood, thank you so much for joining us on the show today. I really appreciate it.
You’re welcome. There’s Hollywood Heroes Adventures YouTube channel too.
To all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. Until next time, go out, uncover your superpowers and change the world. Take care.
Thank you.
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