Hello, everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am delighted to have with me today, just a wonderful woman. Her name is, Chinwe Osuagwu, or Chin for short and she’s joining us today to talk all about, Using Trust to Increase your Confidence Level and why I think this is such a crucial conversation as you all know, the conversations are on due diligence and transparency and vibrational frequencies and energy signatures is all near and dear to my heart. And she really plays in the intersection of all of that. And so the synchronicities with our tribe and the folks that we tracked, is not lost on me so I’m really excited to see what unfolds in the space between the two of us. So please join me in welcoming, Chinwe to the show, welcome.
Thank you, Tonya, welcome everybody!
Absolutely, sorry I just cut myself up. Absolutely, so we’ll jump right in and ask you, what are your Superpowers?

My super power is to see the superpowers in others.
Here’s the funny thing, Tonya, when I read that question I usually say my superpower is to see the potential in others, but in reality is the potential and power, so my super power is to see the superpowers in others when they can’t see it.
Ooh I like that, and it is powerful and so funny, I didn’t realize what a gift that is until I started doing this stuff and I was amazed at how many very successful people were kind of surprised to think or it kind of took them back a little bit to even have the audacity to think that they had superpowers.
And I love that you do that.
Yeah, I think that what happens is people because they do it so easily, so fluently, they don’t take the time to even see the power they bring and the impact they’re bringing. They just take it as nothing until you come and say, “Did you see the impact you have, did you see how many people” and when you break it down and then like, “Wow I never looked at it like that” I never you know, so it’s rewarding work too. I know you probably feel the same way.
Absolutely, and it’s so fascinating because I think the other piece to that you is man and I’ve been kind of playing with this so I don’t know the lexicon is perfect around it just yet, but it’s the idea that like we have, we’re kind of trained in this false humility. And so there’s like this little like the ego piece but the ego piece you know but the concept of like well who am I to think that that’s a superpower. I know early on as I was gaining conviction in the stuff that we were doing here. The comment that I got a lot of like well isn’t that just semantics. You know you’re taking something that I don’t actually tell you it’s a superpower and I’m like, “Hell yeah that’s what I’m doing”, like, “Wait a second, but how was that a bad thing?”
And normalizing it to where you see it as a superpower and it and it starts the unfoldment process of wait maybe I am here to have an impact and to use these gifts in a specific way and to you know kind of touch people’s lives with them and so it’s you know we walk people through that process. And it’s so in alignment with everything that you’re talking about but you use the idea of trust in terms of leadership, right.
Yes, yeah.
So talk to me about that.
Sure, I think that what I found being in the corporate world for the past 20 years or so, what I found was that everybody goes in assuming that you’re supposed to trust the people you work with, you’re supposed to have trust there and no one talks about it and the minute that they can feel, they can feel the events happened and that there is no trust definite, they’re like oh well we really need here is more trust. But it’s amazing that no one talks about the process of intentionally infusing trust in their relationships. Like, what does that look like? What do you need me to do? And not only even about others. We look at Trust on so many different levels, so whenever I go into an organization I’m trying to assess what makes us a little bit unique is that we assess based on the trust gaps and there’s like four arenas we look at, we look at self-trust, we look at trust with others, we look at trust processes and trust of the organization. And if you see a challenge or problem the organization is probably one of those trusts. So with leaders I think it’s just so important based on what they do. They are supposed to inspire others to action. And what people get confused about leadership is that, they sometimes confuse it with management and leadership. The only way you’re able to inspire is to connect with that person and the way you’ve really to connect with that person is to really be open and accepting of that person and to kind of build them up in their strengths. Right, we talk about superpowers and then that’s when you start to intentionally build up trust. And the other side is to understand that trust is two ways as leaders, so as you are trying to connect, you also have to open yourself up and be transparent be vulnerable so they can see the human in you and that is a key thing, that trust that a leader has to follow is a key thing that’s going to make that follower run to the ends of the earth for that leader.
Oh absolutely, that’s the whole raving fans conversation and marketing and everything else. And it’s funny you say you know, nobody really talks about this and I love that you do when one of the presentations that we do the due diligence of the house you know I know one of the quotes that’s used is around the idea that like it’s almost like trust is that thing that nobody really realizes is there until it’s not. You know and it’s moving, it much into a much more intentional power of everything that people are doing and in that arena actually in everything that we do, we lay interlaced out with the concept of transparency and one of the things that I talk about a lot here at Super Power Experts is what I call, The Abstract Frequency and it is this kind of space where at least how I perceive of it, we are all interconnected, there really are no secrets there’s really no privacy energetically because you are me and I am you and if I’m really attuned to that, I already know like I can feel you, I sense you like and so on some level you know, if you start looking at everything as an aspect of yourself or of the Creator or Oneness the you know it stands to reason one of the most magnificent ways for us to exist is to lift that vision that we have of everybody and I think this goes back to what you’re talking about with leadership and it’s easy for us to be discerning in that pic and all these other things, but what happens when we really do see everybody in the light of like the highest vibrational aspect of themselves.
What happens in those relationships and not like rose colored glasses like we’re all airy fairy and Pollyannaish, but what happens when we can say I see you, I know who you are. Now let’s look at anything that you’re exhibiting that might not be that and help you integrate it in and so you can associate with that highest aspect of who you are.

I open their mind and expand their mind.
Exactly, and so what I do to take exactly what you say, what I do is I give them the tools to make that happen like the tools that they can relate with in the corporate America. So I open their mind and expand their mind about behaviors using assessment tools and like for driving behaviors. And I think that when I give them that awareness that therefore driving behavior, then it’s much more able to accept John or Mary. It’s not that John and Mary is doing things that disturb me, is that they have a preference of a different behavior and because they have a different behavior, now I’m getting to see how my behaviors interact with them. I’m also getting to see what we like to call when you over use the behavior it becomes unproductive, right. You talk about that light, and that’s not a view but you’re doing that based on fear.
And so we break it down.
Yeah and yes you do and that’s so powerful because I find like you know I don’t, like it you know for me it’s like bringing it into the practical and the fact that you’re doing this in corporate America I think speaks volumes. And I really honor you for doing that because you know my advice is we all kind of got the same message at some point and said OK I will do my part in this evolutionary process. And I really appreciate because I know for myself like I had to leave government, I didn’t stay at it like maybe my journey then took me back into it. But it was near impossible for me to maintain that frequency for myself with in that environment I had to walk away and kind of evolve and get steady. But I really have a fondness in my heart for those people who are able to go into some of those environments and help them evolve from within. And I see that is what you’re doing.
No, you’re absolutely right. And I think that because you know I can sit here and talk to you about the one and being connected interconnected but when you go to a different environment like the government or in corporate, you have to meet them where they are. So you have to bring the scientific tools and you have to show them that you have to give them all of these things. What is eye opening for me too because sometimes I would just want to have a plain conversation have them you know and then I’m like no this is the way this is opening people’s eyes in reality. You talked about being in tune and you have to come out of that environment to evolve. So think about it, say that people are not even on that search for being in tune and be involving in that way. They don’t even know that’s what’s happening. They really, their eyes open up when I come in and give them shitty tools like that because they never really looked at it like that. You know what I’m saying in every scene it because the culture that they were in was kind of confining them to one way of looking at things a one way of doing things.
I love it; I love everything that you’re talking about. And it’s such a valuable process and we see it happening we’re certain to attract so many different individuals from so many aspects of all different genres and cultures and age groups and everything else. And I love it you know because my you know my superpower is like that can be able to see the big picture and I really do appreciate you know and all of you listening those of you who you know I know it’s easy, I know that a lot of people feel like you know they they’re looking for change they’re looking for something to be different and so we automatically think, well I have to move or have to quit jobs or have to do all this stuff, well hey pay attention to what we’re talking about here because a lot of you actually are called to I call it the second wave of folks and you’re the ones that are creating the innovative sustainable solutions from what in certain genres and show don’t be so quick to think that just because some of us like you know kind of destroyed everything around us and built back up again that’s not the way for everybody and some folks are doing it really subtly or not so subtly from within the environment itself. And so here what she’s talking about and that in and of itself is oh powerful. Not all of us are going to be coaches or entrepreneurs or anything else like we have to be able to infiltrate all of these aspects of existence with that frequency and that knowingness and that confidence or nothing changes because we’ve got big industry that really dictates you know versions of reality for people they’re going to have to evolve. You know we all kind of stay where we’re at with it right.

Building confidence levels in leaders.
Right, exactly. It’s one of the things too with leaders you talk about evolution with leaders and you notice some of the strong leaders they believe in self-awareness. So they believe in going and learning more about themselves because in self-awareness, that’s how they’re able to interact and connect with others, that’s how they’re able to share information they learn about themselves with others. So I make it really start you know we talk about confidence levels and building confidence levels in leaders or in anybody. I think it really starts with that real in tune self-awareness and you said at a couple of times you know I got in tuned or evolved. And I think if we all take as a community as the world take time to really be aware of ourselves in a different capacity because it is amazing sometimes when I talk to people and like what’s your strength or what you and they don’t know what you know or they don’t and they don’t even realize even some of their limitations based on blind spots. I think that when you talk about using trust to increase your confidence level I think you start with SOF awareness because of self-awareness you’ve built up your self-trust.
I agree with that, and sometimes we do need others to support us and then say hey you know I can’t I’m too close right too close to this how to say but what you’re talking about and the beauty of what you’re talking about is the willingness to see yourself.
I think it starts with that, so you’ve been hanging out with us we’re talking to Chin about, Using Trust Increase your Confidence Level. We’re going to take a quick break an when we come back let’s see if we can get some people some like just some quick tips on how to maybe incorporate trust or how to really maybe even just assess and see where they’re lacking in trust. But some usable steps and we’ll be right back folks.
Find out more about Chinwe Osuagwu at rocksolidleaders.com
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