Liz Benny is the master of using her superpowers and being the ultimate KAPOW! She talks with Neva Lee Recla about how to use superpowers in business to pursue the life of your dreams.
The cool thing about Liz Benny is that she lives and breathes her philosophy of ‘playing life full out’. And it’s not about doing that in a way that other people say is right or proper; it’s about being 100% authentic to who she really is. That’s where true happiness happens, and that’s what Liz Benny wants for YOU too.
Hi, kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla Today’s show is all about using superpowers in business. Today we are here with the very, very, very amazing Liz Benny. Without further ado, will you help me welcome our superhero guest, Liz Benny? Hi, Liz.
Hey girl, how are you doing?
Good. You?
I am absolutely kapow.
Actually that reminds me, may the kapow be with you.
May the kapow be with you, yes.
Actually I have all the kapow stickers on my desk.
That is so cool. We should do a giveaway with the stickers sometime with your audience.
That’d be awesome.
That would be awesome.
I’m going to throw you out there and ask what are your superpowers?
I need to tell the world right here, right now, first thing’s first, everyone has a superpower. You know this and I know this. My personal superpower is that I am the queen of kapow. What that means to me honestly is that I have made a decision in my life to live life by design. Kapow to me isn’t just this thing that batman and robin say. It truly is a word that means to me energy, it means truth. When I say kapow … You just try it right now. Say kapow.

Exactly, you have to say kapow with energy, right? Instead of sitting there in front of your TV just turning the screen on for the next channel … I literally say kapow as many times as humanly possible in the day because it inspires people to be the best versions of themselves. I’m the queen of kapow and my superpower is igniting the belief in people that they can be the truest and most incredible versions of themselves.
That’s cool. Let me get this straight. People can’t say kapow like … Let me say that again. People can’t say kapow like kapow.
Here’s the thing. If you say kapow … You literally can’t say kapow and be grumpy. You can’t. It’s just not possible.
You have to say kapow.
A massive kapow. Actually this is the kapow move. I’m the queen of kapow and I love … I’ll show you something cool. I have the superhero people up on my wall. It reminds me that we all have superpowers and I have a mastermind and everyone in the mastermind, they are called the ultimate.
Awesome. Kapow.
Did you know about your superpowers when you were a kid?
Amazing question. I did. This is an amazing question. When I was your age I knew that I was born to really be someone. I knew that I was born to be a world changer. But I literally … I don’t know how to be that. I was born … I grew up on a farm down on the bottom of New Zealand. It was pretty isolated. My dad was a farmer. My mom was a school teacher. My cat wants out of this room. Sorry about that. Is it okay if I quickly let the cat out?
Please hold the line. Your call is important. So she wants out. That’s cool. I always knew that I was born to be different. I was born to make an impact in the world. I knew I had superpowers and I knew that I was different from a lot of people in terms of the intensity of my superpowers, but I truly believe that every single person has superpowers as long as they allow themselves to step into it.
That’s awesome. Did your parents give you any tips or tricks and pointers how to handle your superpowers?
It’s a really, really, really good question. I’m going to answer that absolutely respectfully to my parents because they’re incredible people. They’re amazing people. They didn’t quite know … They don’t even really probably know who I am now. I’ve only just recently become close to my mom after … My parents divorced when I was 13 years old. That just wasn’t fun. It was a lot of hurt with all of that. There was just a lot of emotions that got caught up in growing up.
It was only, to be honest with you, over the last two-ish years that I’ve really and truly started becoming myself. I always thought that I needed to be quieter and I needed to be slower. I basically told myself, even though I knew who I was, I didn’t know how to fit into the world. The beauty of that pain that I personally felt myself because my parents … I didn’t really have conversations with them about becoming an entrepreneur or being a world leader or going out there and being an inspiration.
I never had those conversations with my parents. For the most part, I’ve walked this pathway without my parents really knowing who I am. I didn’t have those conversations with my parents. I wish that I had, but it’s with absolute respect that I say that because they did the very, very, very best that they could.
That’s a really cool answer.
Thank you.
Did you ever wish that you didn’t have superpowers?

I was what society would call bisexual.
Oh my gosh. Everyday. I’ll be honest because sometimes people with superpowers feel cursed. I have certainly felt cursed because … As an example, I was born knowing that I was born what society would call bisexual. I’m not actually bisexual, but that’s a label that society sometimes needs to use in order to label me to help themselves understand who I am. To be honest, I always knew that I was going to end up marrying a beautiful woman. I always saw that pathway. When I was your age, I knew the pathway that I was going to be walking on if I chose to walk my pathway.
In society, from a society standpoint, just that one thing alone, which is actually part of the superpower meaning that I had to get out of my own way in order to be myself. The story I used to tell myself was I was disgusting, I was wrong, I was foul, and I deserved to die. People like me can’t fit into the world. It’s wrong, and that was what I used to tell myself. Whereas now, I look at it completely differently. What I used to see, like my superpower, I used to see it as a curse.
Now I see it as a blessing to be able to connect with people and go, “Hey, I get it. I get that fact that you think you’re weird. You’re not. I get the fact that you think you go too fast in your brain. You don’t. I get the fact that you think you’re dumb because you’re dyslexic. You’re not dumb. You’re actually brilliant. Your brain just operates in a different hemisphere to most. I get the fact that you think you’re weird because you feel spirits and you see spirits, but you’re actually really tapped in if you do that.” I’ve learnt to see any of my curses as incredible things now. Does that make sense?
Yeah, that’s cool.
One more question. How do you use your superpowers today?
Today, as in right now today, or today as in the way that I operate as a person right now?
The way you operate as a person right now.
Cool. Awesome. For me, I step into the best version of myself as often as humanly possible. As an example, I’m the queen of Kapow. I’m an inspiration out there in the world to not as many people as I need to be an inspiration too yet, but I go out there in the world and I use my superpowers for good. I inspire people to be the best versions of themselves. Anything that I do, like my I am statement … This is a really cool thing to tell the world.
I say to myself this, “I’m Elizabeth Benny. I’m a loving, peaceful, joyful leader who enhances the lives of others at every opportunity.” That is my belief system. I operate in the world, and the way that I operate in the world is to inspire people. When I’m at the supermarket, I’m trying to make people laugh. I’m trying to connect with people and seeing how I can make people’s days better. When I’m online, I’m like how can I help people break through the limiting beliefs that are holding them back right now? I aim to step into that role as much as humanly possible for others, but also for myself.
As an example, just an hour ago … This isn’t just me being really honest. Most people would look at this interview and go, “Liz Benny, she’s got it all together. She’s totally full of energy.” The thing is is this is an active decision to show up like this too because just an hour ago I felt teary. I’ve been working quite hard lately. I felt a little bit emotional just an hour ago. There was part of me that goes, “Oh my gosh. I’ve got so much on my plate.” I started telling myself this story and stop, show up. Show up as the best version of yourself. I do it on myself just as I would expect others to do it for themselves too. Does that make sense?
We’ve been talking to Liz Benny about using your superpowers in business. When we come back we’re going to talk about all kinds of fun things, so stay tuned.
We’re back. If you’re just joining us, we’ve been talking with Liz Benny about using your superpowers in business. Liz, what tips and tricks can you give kids to help them use their superpowers in business?
The first tip I have is listen to the person who is leading this interview right now. If you’re a kid out there and if you want to be absolutely like an inspiration to the world and if you want to make a huge … She’s busy laughing right now. Seriously, listen to this girl because she’s getting out of her own way. She’s obliterating her limiting beliefs by just showing up just in this one interview right now. If you’re sitting there right now and you’re going, “Man, look at Neva. That’s incredible. Wow.”
All you’re got to do in order to have an indelible business as a young entrepreneur is follow people who are doing what it is that you want to do. Make sure you stay absolutely close to Neva because, here’s the thing. It’s all very well and good to follow me, but I’m a stinky old adult. Just kidding. Follow people that are doing what it is that you’re wanting to do. You might go, “But there’s not really anyone that’s doing what I want to do.”
Find people who inspire you. Find people who have done some version of what it is that you are wanting to do. As an example, for me, I want to get nicer muscles. If I want to get nicer muscles, I can go to the gym myself and try to learn or I can find a coach who’s actually done what it is that I’m aiming to do. That’s in the fitness space. In the wealth space, if you want to make a lot of money … A lot of kids want to make a lot of money. This is the perfect time. Sorry?

If you want to make a lot of money, follow Liz.
If you want to make a lot of money, follow Liz.
And girl, seriously, there are a lot of other people who have made a lot of money. People who make money often think and act in different ways. It’s a matter of working out the habits that they have. If you want to be successful, the big thing is find people who are already successful and ask them what they did in order to become successful. That’s what I would say.
Awesome. What can you tell kids listening to our podcast on how to handle their superpowers? I don’t want to say deal.
Good girl. I’m so glad that you actually caught yourself. We shouldn’t have to deal with these things as if they’re a curse, right? How to handle your superpowers. Number one is communication. That is absolutely number one is to be able to communicate how you’re feeling to someone who is safe, someone who is not going to judge you, someone who is absolutely safe.
My beautiful wife Kristy, she understands that I’m different. She understands that I’ve got these crazy desires to go out there. I literally want to help a billion people in the world live incredible lives. I don’t know how to do that yet, but I’m going to try. I will try until the day I die. She doesn’t want to do that. Those are my crazy desires. Here’s the deal. What comes with that big desires sometimes is the heartache.
It’s hard sometimes. It’s hard to understand how much we want to do, to do good in the world. You’ve just got to have a safe place to fall because you will likely fall. We all as humans, we fall, and sometimes people with superpowers, like incredible superpowers, we fall more. We fall faster. We fall more often. Now we get up, and we keep going, so we are really resilient, but sometimes it all gets too much. Make sure that you communicate how you’re feeling with someone how is safe for you.
I’m feeling … As an example, I don’t understand how I’m feeling right now. My chest is super painful right now. I feel like I’ve got so much on my plate. I just want to help the world. Sometimes people with superpowers just need to be able to talk it out and write it out. Communication is basically is my fundamental rule as an entrepreneur with my team, as an example. Does that make sense?
Yeah. I’m going to ask a couple more questions. I’m going to ask a couple more questions that … Actually can I pull a card for you?
Please. Pull a card for me right now. Wait, wait, wait. Pull one card and then it’s the second one that you pull and not the first one. Whatever the first one is that you pull, it’s not that one, so feel for the first one, and then get the second one.
Read the second one and not the first one?
Here’s the first one.
Perfect because I just heard a big no for that one. It is not that one. For all those that were just watching that right now, just so you know, I’m super woo-woo as well. I hear messages and I just knew that that card wasn’t for me.
Is this card for you?
Yes, hopefully.

Little Wolf Girl Oracle of the Shapeshifters
It looks kind of like you. This is little wolf girl. It says it’s alright to be alone.
Alright to be alone. That’s a really cool message for me to hear right now because my calendar is full, and all I want to be is alone.
What you want is alright.
Let’s close up my deck.
Thank you for doing that.
Thank you for letting me. I like these questions. These are super kid … I’m going to ask them super quickly.
That’s totally cool. Let’s go for it.
What’s your favorite color?
Awesome. My favorite color is turquoise. What’s your favorite animal?
Perfect. What’s your favorite superhero?
Such a cool question. I’ve got the spider man on my hat here. What I realized is that I do the kapow … It’s like spider man’s thing that I’m doing here, but if I look at all these superheros here … Some people say that they like batman because he actually is a human who has made himself powerful.
My sister likes batman. I don’t know why. She just likes him.
Actually I like them all because they love themselves for who they are and they allow themselves to be themselves. I’m going to answer that way.
I actually named two of my stuffed animals Cara based off the name of super girl in the series. I call Car Kitty, she’s a stuffed animal and … Super girl is probably one of my favorites. I dropped my pen. One, because she looks like me. Two, I love her superpowers.
That is so cool.
Thank you. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
You know what? There’s a secret holiday that I’m about to take my family … I’m going to answer in the future. I’m going to tell everyone here what I’m going to do. I’m taking Kristy and the girls on a secret trip. I can’t tell you where it is, but here’s what it is. Very, very soon I’m taking them on holiday. They know it’s coming up. I’m calling it the secret trip. One night I’m going to sit them down on the couch and I’m going to say, “It’s time to pick.” I’m going to have this tickets booked, the passports are all … I’m going to make sure we’ve got the passports all ready to go. We’re going to be flying from New Zealand, and they are not going to find out where we are flying to until we get to the airport.
They’re probably not going to be able to sleep that night, but that’s okay. They’ll be able to sleep on the plane, but that particular holiday is going to be the best one. That for me is going to be the ultimate holiday …
Ultimate holiday.
You have to text me where you guys are going.
Perfect. I’ll do that. I can’t tell you here.
If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
My superpower is … I would want to be able to zap into everyone in the world a feeling that they are enough and they don’t need to prove to anyone else in the world that they need to be any other versions of themselves except for themselves. I would like to go zap and everyone in the world understands that they are enough and they don’t have to prove to anyone. They’re just enough.
Awesome. I think you’d be a great kapow-ist.
A kapow-ist. I think so too. I don’t even know what that means, but I think so too.
Like therapist but you kapow people.
I like that. You’re a genius.
Do you know what time it is?
It is …
Funny face time. Make your funniest …
Did I do well?
Should I do my monkey face just in case? There we go. That’s really not a bad one.
Would you like to do that sadly, sadly sign off with me?
Yes, but I’ve forgotten the words.
Just follow along. Wait. Where could people go to find out more about you?
If they want to find out more about me, they can go to sponsored by myself.
Would you like to do the sign off with me?
I would love to do the sign off. I’m going to do my best, absolutely do my best at remembering the words. If your incredible mom could maybe Facebook me the words through Facebook messenger right now then I would be able to be present with the words right now.
Give her one second. Mom, just tell her what she and I are saying.
Here we go. Five, four … Perfect.
Remember kids, we all have superpowers and …
We can change the world.
Thank you. We love you and may the kapow be with you.
May the kapow be with you and everyone else.
Thank you.
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