Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your super power expert. I am ecstatic to have with me today, Barrett Matthews. He has a long list of impressive things in his background. I can’t possibly talk about them all. But I do want to brag a little bit about what struck me about him. As you all know, I’m an energy frequency vibrations type of gal. It was just the light, the light within him. Again, impressive, real world, physical world accomplishments, they are absolutely there. But it was the light. I just felt myself drawn to him. That’s the piece that to me gets the highest accolade.
He’s a speaker, he’s a trainer, productivity expert, the get-it-done coach. If you have excuses, this is the man to talk to. He will make sure those get dissipated pretty quickly. He had shared the stage with a number of really impressive individuals also. I want to go ahead and bring him on. I could probably brag about him the whole session, but I won’t do that because you really need to hear from this guy. Barrett, welcome to the show.
Thank you so much. I’m so happy to be here. I’m excited.
I’m so glad. What are your super powers?

I’m a productivity coach because someone pointed out my super power a long time ago.
I have the ability to help people to get off their asses and get things done. I’m a productivity coach because someone pointed out my super power a long time ago. They had pointed it out to me when I didn’t recognize it, which was being able to get people to do things, to take action and not to make or take excuses. One of the things I also do is I’m able to find things within people that they may not see themselves and bring that out and show them how to turn their ideas into income. That’s one of the things I do. Showing them how to do that, it makes them more productive, which in turn makes them more profitable as well.
I love that you mentioned that somebody else named your super power. I think that that’s part of this whole process. Our truest super powers are the ones that we do naturally. We just think it’s normal. Those are the ones that we wielded really well and seamlessly in the world. Oftentimes, we don’t see them. We certainly wouldn’t call them out as super powers because it’s stuff that we do all the time. A lot of folks, they think everybody else can do it. Until somebody says something like, “No, that’s special to you.” I really appreciate that. Talk to me a little bit about how you got into the whole productivity thing. What give you the drive to go ahead to really pursue that?
It’s interesting. Like you said, it was something that I did naturally. I guess I shouldn’t say naturally. It’s something that, through training and working in different fields, that it just became a part of who I am. When I started doing that, I noticed that I got better results out of doing that. I was talking to a high school friend one day. He said to me, “You ought to do something to help employees become entrepreneurs.” The light bulb went on in my head and I started my company, E2E Systems. E2E stands for Employee to Entrepreneur. That’s what made me start wanting to do that as a company instead of just doing it to help people in general.
That’s so awesome. I love that you said that. We find that in the work that we do with this personal development platform, what we find is that as people do move further and further into discovering their super powers and through their own evolution. A lot of them find it very difficult to stay in certain employment situations. We have a ton of entrepreneurs or budding entrepreneurs who has just found that that’s more an alignment. I often affirm to them, it’s freedom that we all seek. Not that we all create businesses that provide freedom, however it’s the idea of calling your own shot and really going through that. That entrepreneurial journey is not for the faint of heart. It’s nice to have some of that preparedness ahead of time going through some personal development to get you ready for that.
I agree. I went through a lot of personal development. I went through a lot of different coaching programs, read a lot of books, listened to a lot of CDs and DVDs and went to a lot of seminars because I believe that I had to invest in myself. If anyone is out there listening and you want to be successful, don’t look at the money. Don’t look at that. Look at what you can do to improve yourself. They say that the wealthiest people have the biggest libraries. That’s what I feel helped me as well.
It’s so true. It’s a big reason why we exist. The Super Power Experts, we have what we call the net, which is the network of revolutionary transformation that provides that ongoing learning and support to others. What we found was the learning pieces is critical. I love that you said don’t look at the money. The challenge is if all you’re seeing affirmed around you is people concerned about money or chasing money, then that’s how you program yourself. If you see other people who are saying, “Hey, it’s okay. You’re designed for something bigger.” I think we give people the confidence to look at things a little bit differently.
There was this expression that I heard and I have adopted as one of my own now. It said that, “Money follows excellence, not the other way around.”
I really appreciate that. I think that’s true. In my world, I talk all about consciousness and frequencies and vibrations and stuff. Many, many, many people show money as a catalyst this lifetime. I’m one of those people. I set it up so that I could not experience wealth in my existence until I had journeyed to the place where I was committed to doing this work and to sharing it. I’ll be the first one to say that if I had won the lottery in my twenties, I’d be sitting on a beach somewhere. There is no way I was going through all those things I went through. I was just not that internally motivated. I set up certain things in my existence to propel me forward. A lot of people used money in that way. The biggest challenge I’m seeing right not is how to move through that in a way that does push people towards their dreams. Do you have any advice on that one?

Most people are focused on the end result and not the journey. Success is a journey.
Going towards your dreams. Your dream has to be bigger than the dollar amount. If your dream is not bigger than the dollar amount, you need a bigger dream. Most people are focused on the end result and not the journey. Success is a journey. It’s not a destination. You have to be willing to go through it. Is it going to be hard? You bet it’s going to be hard. Are you going to have things that challenge you to test your result? Yes, you are. It’s going to happen more than once. If you can’t handle that, then maybe you were meant to be an employee. But you can’t be an employee and sit there complaining about it if you’re not ready to step out and challenge yourself. Nobody has ever said life was going to be easy.
We’re definitely cut from the same cloth. Part of it is I got to this place in my own journey where I was I know where I can be effective. I know the people I can assist. Those are the ones who truly are willing to take action. I pushed through, I did the work. I wrote this little rant the other day, and I said, I get to choose what I focus on or don’t focus on or where I put my energy. If I don’t want to go down to the path of woe is us and the world is coming to an end and all these horrible things, I get that choice. They said, “Is that a privilege?” Absolutely, that’s a privilege and I earned that privilege.
Not only can I sit here and say, “I did that. I traversed it. I faced those obstacles. I faced those fears. I knocked them down.” At the same time, encourage people to use that for their own encouragement. Because if we did it, we’re sitting here talking about it, surely you can do it too and you’re going to do it differently. You’re going to do it better. You’re going to do it bigger. That’s the synergy between all of us.
Exactly, I agree. You have to not be afraid to challenge yourself. I think that’s one of the things that people are so afraid that, “if I do it and I messed up, or if I make a mistake, if I fail.” You’re going to. Let me just tell you that off the bat, you are going to fall down. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to fail. That is the best part of being an entrepreneur because you will not find success without failure. You’re going to have to go through it. You’ve got to go through it.
If you look at someone like Oprah Winfrey. Do you think that Oprah Winfrey came to be an adult and all of a sudden she got a TV show? No, she had to go through a lot of failures before that. You look at someone like Michael Jordan. You’ve heard the story of him getting cut from his high school team. Everybody heard of it. That’s a hard thing for a kid to handle. A lot of people would have quit in that circumstance. But you have to go through those things. It happens to everyone who is successful. They all can tell you several stories, not one but several stories of where they have fallen on their face and had to get back up again. If you’re willing to do that and you’re willing to fight for it, you can be successful too.
I tell people these days, I said, “Don’t do what I did.” The quickest way through all of this is to run, and I didn’t. Two-foot feet forward, two feet back. I just kept thinking that it would be easier if I did it slower. It’s like a band aid. Rip that sucker off. Run right through it. You’re going to get batted around a little bit. You’re going to suffer some bruises and whatever. You get to the other side and you’re like, “Oh, that wasn’t that big of a deal.”
It’s funny you said that. It reminds me of a guy, I heard him speak one time. He said people always ask, “Is this get rich quick you’re talking about?” He said, “I certainly hope so. Have you ever tried getting rich slow?”
It’s a painful process. I am very clear that I journeyed through that and traversed through that. I could stand on the other side of it and say, “Look, there is a quicker path. Step in these footsteps, and then when you get to your point of autonomy, you’re going to veer off and build a parallel universe. You’re going to do it better. Stand on my shoulders and be more impressive.” Even Jesus said that, “Greater things, you also shall do.” To me, that is what we’re all here for. I see so much creativity and innovation coming forward. We advise thousands of businesses every year. The Ideas and the solutions and all these things that are coming forward are so amazing and it’s so inspiring. At the same time, I’ll be the first one to share with people, if you don’t get your stuff square, that’s not happening. You cannot be that person to the world. We are waiting for you to bring this forward. That’s the key.
I love that though.
If that’s the one little nugget of information they need to put that next foot forward, then by golly, that’s mine to say. I’ll share a quick story. You and I were at CEO space. My husband, Justin, and I spoke at the teen program, the teen entrepreneurs. What an amazing, amazing group. It’s so interesting to me because I see this generation getting such a horrible rap with the world. I sat there and it was the coolest moment because I get information all the time, tapped in and all that good stuff. I sat there and I was in the middle of a sentence and I stopped and I was like, “How many of you don’t feel like you fit in to the world?” Most of them raised their hands and I’m like, “Wow.” I said, “That’s not on you, that’s on us.”
We didn’t get the world ready. I’m like, “Please don’t conform to the world. Please don’t do that. You are all mutants for a reason. You have this amazing ability.” We didn’t do our part. We didn’t get it ready. They lit up and you could see it. All of a sudden, I’m just flooded with this information. Some of them for the first time tapped into, “Wait, this is okay. It’s okay that I don’t fit into the world.” I’m like, “Rest assured, I work with adults, 20, 30 years older than you all, who are just now developing the courage to step into who they are. Don’t shroud that.” It was so awesome. I’m like, people are really off the mark with these kids. They are amazing.

Most people that changed the world didn’t fit in. If you’re trying to conform, you will be a conformant, and you will be just like everyone else.
I agree with you. I think when I look at them all the time, that we have made this society such that they have to conform, that they have to do certain things. You have to understand, this is the future. For instance, I never met him, never spent any time with him, but I can tell you for a fact that Bill Gates did not fit in. Look at him now. He changed the world. Most people that changed the world didn’t fit in. If you’re trying to conform, you will be a conformant, and you will be just like everyone else. It’s what the majority of people want, to be just like everyone else. I’ve had people asked me in a certain situations, “What does the average person do?” I said, “I don’t know. I don’t do average.” I really don’t know. They think I’m joking with them but I’m really serious. I don’t pay attention to what the average person does. I pay attention to what the successful person does.
I love that. It’s so true. I talked to our member base, and we have experts and different echelons of people and their involvement with our organization. I tell them all the time, there’s always somebody watching. There’s always somebody wondering if it’s safe to be yourself. Those of us who are starting to awaken to that, it is our responsibility to demonstrate that and say, “Look, you can be who you are.” But if we hide, if we who’ve discovered who we are and stepped into that unknown, and then we get scared and want to play small or want to shroud it or want to hide or lie there in the bush or whatever, then folly on us because all we’re doing is saying to people, “It’s not safe to be you. It’s not.”
That really rang through with me with the birth of my daughter. Justin had a few kids when I came into the relationship with him. Amazing, amazing young people. It started to trickle in them, “Oh wow, I get to model something here.” Then with the birth of our daughter, it was like, “Wait, what do I want to be for her? What do I want to model?” I caught myself doing some conforming type of things. It was like, “Grown women pay me a lot of money to de-program the very thing I’m programming right now. Hold everything, I think we can do this differently.” That’s what really keeps me going. It’s knowing that every time I step out of the door, every time I open my mouth, somebody is watching, somebody is listening. They’re starving for somebody to just show them that it’s okay for them to be themselves.
I agree with you. If you have the opportunity to help them to stop that starvation, it’s your duty to do so. We were put here for a reason. We were put here to be interdependent. We’re here to depend on each other to help one another, so that’s what we need to do. We need to tap into our purpose of why we’re here and then make use of that purpose so we can help other people.

Trust yourself, trust your powers, trust what your ability is, trust what your gift is, and then start nurturing it. Once you can start trusting it, you can start doing more things with it.
I agree completely. I love that. What kind of advice can you offer people who are just now, in our language, just now starting to play with their super powers? They’re not real sure what they are. They’re listening to you right now. They’re inspired by your work and they want to step into that space. What advice do you have for them?
Trust yourself, trust your powers, trust what your ability is, trust what your gift is, and then start nurturing it. Once you can start trusting it, you can start doing more things with it. It’s just like if you dealt with a relationship with someone. Once you trust them, you feel freer to do more things with them. It’s the same thing with your super powers. You have to trust it. It was given to you for a reason. It wasn’t given to me, it wasn’t given to the next person, it was given to you. If it was given to you, then trust it. God blessed you with something incredible, whatever it is. God blessed you with something incredible, use it for good once you can begin to trust it, and start helping other people because of your gift.
It’s selfish of you to keep it to yourself, it is. It’s very selfish to keep it to yourself. I always tell people, when God has blessed you with a gift, with an idea, with anything, for you not to take action on it, you’re slapping God in the face and saying your gift is no good. It is your obligation to take what you were given and then utilize it. Once you do that, you’ll start seeing things come your way. Once again, it’s not going to be right away. It’s not going to be easy, but it will come as long as you keep using your gift and you trust what you were given.
I love that. That’s so powerful. There are so many pieces of wisdom right there in that one statement from you. It says that trust is so crucial. It’s interesting to me that you brought up this selfish thing because I think in our society, we train people to be humble. I tell people all the time, “I do not have time or patience for humility.” We do that, we think that we’re being selfless if we play small and if we don’t stand up and share our gift and everything else. I agree with what you’re saying, that is the most selfish thing we can possibly do. The world is waiting for people to share those.
I think we confused being humble with being bashful. I don’t think there’s a problem being humble, but don’t be bashful with what you have. You were given this gift to share it with people. Share it with them. You were given a gift, so that means that you should be humble about it because you didn’t create the gift. You were given the gift. Be humble enough for the gift you were given, but don’t be bashful with it. Share it with the world. I work with Kelly Perry. Kelly has a thing when he speaks to a group of people and he asks them, “How many of you feel that you have something that the world needs to see?” All of them raised their hands. He said, “How long are you going to let them wait?”
I love that, very cool. I get the feeling, Barrett, that you and I could gab all day long. I do want to make sure that we include that living your power story about the time when you took your own intuitive guidance, or you heard the message from God and you took action. Can you share a time like that?
This was back actually in the early ’90s. I live in the DC Area. At that time, I was struggling with what I wanted to do. I said I was going to move to Los Angeles. I just kept saying I was going to move to Los Angles. Then all of a sudden, a voice came to me and told me to move to Atlanta, Georgia. I fought it. I was procrastinating. I was a big procrastinator at that time. Honestly, I told people for three years that I was moving to Atlanta, for three years. I kept saying, “I’m moving to Atlanta.” But I’ve not gotten anywhere yet. I kept saying, “Once I get this right, I’m going to go. Once I get that right, I’m going to go.” Then I had to tell myself, “Barrett, you’re not going to get everything the way you want it, just go.”
I set a date to go by my next birthday that year. I moved two weeks before my birthday. Still, things did not work the way that I thought they would, but it wasn’t my plan, it was God’s plan. I didn’t see it at the time. What it was doing, the plan prepared me for where I am right now. I went through a lot of ups and down, a lot of trials and tribulations. I had some good times, I had some bad times, but it made me a better person. I ended up moving back to Maryland back in 2008. I was a different person then, but I was still evolving. Because I took that leap of faith back in the ’90s, I am who I am right now. I’m much stronger. I have super powers that I can work with now because I trust myself. I trust in the ability that God gave me and to use that to help other people through the experiences that I’ve gone through. There’s nothing that I don’t feel I can’t conquer right now. I love it. It’s all because of what happened over twenty years ago, it’s all because of that.
I love looking back and seeing all the pieces. We would leave clues for our self. You take this little slight right turn and this all opens up, whereas if you had taken a little bit of a left turn this would have happened. It’s amazing, the synchronicities. I tell people that our life is like a choose your own adventure.
We can’t discount those things. Many times we want to say, “That time in my life, that has nothing to do with what I’m doing right now.” No, it does. It has a big part to do with it. They all make you who you are right now.
It all ties together. I love that you’re mentioning DC and Maryland. It takes me back to when I was an agent and I operated out of the Maryland area. I spent a lot of time in DC. It’s interesting because as we talk about super powers and how I ended up here, when I was doing the spy thing, if you had told me I would be now working in consciousness and building all those stuff and frequencies and operating super powers and teaching people, I would have told you you’re crazy. It makes perfect sense. I could see how every step along the way I was gathering pieces and gathering tips and tricks and tools.
A big part of that for me was just that credential, having gone through that experience and having been an agent and all this. I think people receive information very differently from me than they do from other people because of that experience. You can’t discount degrees or education or experiences or titles or jobs. There are all that stuff that more closely looks like this big hodge-podge of whatnot and indecisiveness. When you back up, it’s like, “Oh, now it makes perfect sense.”
Yes, exactly. Now it’s clear.
I love it. Very cool. I know people are going to want to know more about you and follow you. Also, you said had an offer for our listeners. If you could share that now, that would be awesome.

Why Didn’t You Get It Done
As I said, I was procrastinating. I know a lot of your listeners procrastinate on getting themselves going, getting their business going. What I have created is a 21-day procrastination challenge. What I have done is put together a series of videos for you to watch for 21 days, each of them has a different habit that you need to start breaking. It shows you how to do that. What it will do is put you into a more reproductive mode once you finish those 21-days. As they say, if you can a break a habit then you start new habits. It’s a 21-day challenge.
I usually offer this for $147, but for your listeners, I’m offering it for only $97. They only get it for only $97 to get the 21-day challenge sent to them. I’m also going to give some extra bonuses with that. Because I want to stop people from procrastinating, what I included is they’re also going to get a free audio copy of my bestselling book, Why Didn’t You Get It Done, because I want to make sure that you guys really, really start being more productive.
Also, I’m going to give each one a free 30-minute coaching productivity session. They’re going to get a free session with me. We will talk and help you become more productive in your business. I’m going to offer that also for only $97. All they have to do is text the word, “Challenge.” Text the word, “Challenge” to 929-244-4323. Text the word, “Challenge” to that number and I’ll make sure you get all of that to you as soon as possible.
Perfect. Thank you for doing that. I appreciate that. On behalf for our listeners, I thank you for that. Where can we send people if they want to find out more about you?
If they want to find out more about me, they can go to one of two places. They can go to my Facebook page, Barrett L. Matthews. You can find out more about me there.
Awesome, very cool. Barrett, thank you so much. I really enjoyed having you on the show. Barrette, if you’ve got some cool super power hits or more information or whatever and you want to come back on the show and share it, just know that you always have an open invitation here.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate that.
Until we talk again. To all the listeners out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. Go out, discover you super powers and change the word. Take care, everyone.
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