Melanie Dunlap, Founder of the Peaceful Spirit Enrichment Center, talks about the experience of being an Earth Mother and the magic of Earth Medicine. Join us as she shares her Super Powers of treading lightly in the world and infusing others with grounded energy.

She is the epitome of the Earth Mother
Hello this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am super, super excited today to have with me one of the most lovely people in the world. Melanie Dunlap she is if…if I had to describe her in a small sentence it will be very difficult. I would say she is the epitome of the Earth Mother. Like this woman exudes, like that really amazing, just solid like loving creative Earth energy. To be in her presence like you feel it, you know it, you sense it, it takes you back to eons of affords just being around her. She happens to be the founder of the People Spirit Enrichment Center and the winner of the 2015 Best Natural Healing Center Award. Her place is amazing. She also does a Goddess Conference every year, last weekend in October. So if you’re out in the Phoenix area, that’s an amazing event to take part in and to…just to gather for in this amazing energy she’s created. So Melanie welcome and thank you so much for being with us.
Thank you. Tonya I’m excited to be here.
Yay…so cool. Well the first question we ask everybody we throw them right into, we say, “What are your superpowers?”
Well, I think my…my superpower is experience. I’ve been playing with holistic therapies and herbs and plants in the earth for well over two decades. And just being able like you said in the intro being that grounded person. I think that’s…that’s one of my biggest superpower. That and uhm…a huge knowledge of herbs.
Oh absolutely. I agree with that completely. And it doesn’t surprise me because we tend to attract a lot of people who are kind of living these like integrated existences. I think the connotation around herbs and kind of a lot of people would have a stereotype around people who do healings and this and that or kind of always floating around like Castor energy and their groundedness brings us back to like I said to…to subcultures that tended to the earth.
And I love the fact that yes you do revolve and you also are of the earth like you are in it. You grow them. You…you live in harmony with that. And it’s just a nice combination of like you said that real groundedness in conjunction with real kind of energetic concepts. Would you agree with that description?
Absolutely. And you know I originally trained with herbs in the Western…uhh…the Mountains of Western North Carolina in the Appalachians there. And so when you say that about growing herbs living here in the desert that’s work…coming from back in it was like, “Oh so you see that? Go out. Pick it.” In fact I was out this morning I was gathering the last of my Chamomile that had bloomed you know I’m gathering that. And so I do…I do grow some of the herbs that I use in my practice but I can’t grow nearly enough and I actually spend probably. I tell my herb garden that if it will grow simply on love I’ll have the biggest garden anywhere. But it’d take a little bit more than that. So I mean you know right now I’m becoming a master gardener and going through that program and learning a whole lot about that. So uhm yeah I’m…fully believe you don’t have to…you don’t have to have a big huge overgrown garden. It’s just gorgeous and all that kind of stuff in order to be a good gardener. Sometimes it’s just a few well-kept things.
Oh I like that. We learned that lesson the hard way. We had nine acres just south of Tucson at one point in time. And we were going to grow all of our own food and we raised, you know, chickens and rabbits and everything. But…gosh the desert. I remember…I remember talking to my grandmother, she was still alive. She was living in Kansas. And when I told her that we spilled dirt and worms, she laughed at me and I was like, “No really you don’t understand.” Like they don’t live out here naturally like you have to…you have to ship them in. Like she’s like, “Oh why can’t you just go get a shovel and go dig up the ground outside behind the barn?” And I was like, “Ok grandma it’s not like that here you know.” We were…we were selling vermicompost and worms for free as these found because it was so sought after. And gosh it does…it takes a lot of time and love and then…and then sometimes it’s just learning that…that the dessert’s going to do what the dessert’s going to do.
Well and you’re right though. I mean you have to and I…this…this shows up in my own work as well as in my…in creating the center. You have to create all of the pieces that you need. So we do…we actually do the vermicomposting. So we have worms that we feed and they make compost for us. We have our compost bin outside. We have our chickens. You know we’re doing everything we can to try to create what we need. And you know there’s a…we laugh about needing that in the desert but that’s also for me that’s a personal lifestyle that’s…that’s me, you know, reducing my footprint just a little bit and really being involved with what goes in my body what I, you know, what I take into my environment and how I want to live because you know as a…as a small business owner I spend way more time than I want to in front of my computer. But by having I mean something as simple as chickens I make myself get up and go out and hang out with them. I mean I was very excited yesterday morning to put on my old clothes and go out and do my chores because the chicken coop needed to be cleaned out, you know. It almost forces me back to what I love because I mean, you know, when you run a business sometimes that gets to be your single focus and you have to be able to step back.
I hear that.
That’s what I do with the events that I put on and on with the private clients that I see it’s like, “OK let’s step back and let’s find you. What do you need? What does your soul need?” You know I wish that I could just be in that place all of the time and you know living my soul’s dream and dancing around in my superwoman costume but sometimes there are…life gets in the way. It kind of drives us down, it gets attached to a seat and sometimes we need like you and I were talking about, a friend or a coach or someone to kind of shake us loose and say, “OK what do you want? What feeds you?”
Well I’m just being reminded that it’s possible I think that, you know, that’s…that’s the biggest part that the net, The Network of Evolutionary Transformation search for people. You know when I was doing my coaching practice, my single coaching practice, you know, people moved very fast like that moving them into the abstract, into alignment in their consciousness world was easy. It was keeping them there. And it was, you know, and I kept looking at them, and you know, researcher at heart, and I was like, “What is not working, like why are people putting back in?” And it dawned on me that everything in our external environment before we move into that alignment in the abstract completely, everything in our external environment friends, family, circumstances, everything supports an image of the world that we are trying to leave. And so when you…and it just constantly affirms that existence for you. And so it’s really difficult on some level if you don’t surround yourself with the people who are actually living at the vibrational level that you want to live. It’s very easy to put back into because…and that is the game like you know I tell people all the time your knowingness will not fight for your attention. It won’t do it. It sits and waits for you to choose it. And all these other pieces of you will fight and scrap to convince you that the world that you have been living in is reality and it is quite a struggle for some folks and it gets to the point where it’s like, you know, your knowingness has already gone so far ahead it’s not coming back, you know. It’s not coming back at all and what happens is that people get further and further away from that. And so it’s fascinating too when you can open people’s eyes to the fact that, you know, yes that is real life right now. But once people get to that tipping point and they’re spending more time in the abstract versus at material world frequency now they’re able to kind of look back at that world and go, “Oh wait that was awfully fictitious at this point in time.” You know but when you are immersed in it, it’s difficult to see. It’s like The Matrix you know once you unplug from the Matrix it’s like, “Oh wow!” And your eyes just open up to it. So it’s really you know, I’m glad that you brought that up because it you know, we…that’s the game you know. That’s what we’re all going through. And I…and I love the fact that you’re able to kind of equate that with the…here you are just amazing Earth mother, just amazing you’re involved, just like you heal people and all of this other stuff and you’re able to stay eon at the same time. This is a challenge for me right now. Like I see…you know and so that’s that transparent piece that we love to promote and what we do because it really is about all of us and being willing to journey in the presence of others. So that’s beautiful. Thank you.
And I think that what we’re…what we’re really after is to be able to be ourselves no matter what world we’re in. You know because I go…I go from tending the chickens to going into Phoenix to go to a meeting of the National Association of Women Business Owners. You know we do sometimes what seems like polar opposites in our everyday lives but the real trick I think for me anyway is to carry that groundedness with me to be that authentic who I am. You know I was listening to you introduce me which is always interesting to hear other people introduce you and because we do know one another, you know, that’s what I try to do is to carry that groundedness for people to realize that and to, for me, I almost feel like, you know, if I can go by and kind of wash you over with a little groundedness I’ll go, “Oh yeah, ok I’m not what I want to be.” And you know and so when I work with my clients I tell them, it would be like, “Oh we’ll how can I get better in this? And you know. “How can I stay in this place?” You know, it’s…it’s a practice. We do it and we’re really good and we’re really solid and we got this under control. And then the very next day we feel like the ground fell off from under us. So it’s how do we find ourselves when the ground isn’t under us. And for me it’s about really, really recognizing when I’m in that good space.
Yeah and in my languaging I call it kind of showing up in that full expansion. So the way I describe that journey is like we’re constantly like finding those pieces of ourselves and rebuilding our foundation. And when we have that foundation solid underneath of us it would have brought enough of our pieces back in. We can then expand out from that place and it is amazing and that’s an experience you’re talking about when you’re on and you’re an expansion like people are mesmerized. It’s like most have played like they wanted. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling it doesn’t matter what you’re saying. Like people are clamoring for it because we are starving for that kind of affirmation to be shown people who are showing up fully. And it’s like…it’s like we’re waiting to see if anybody else is going to do it to know if it’s safe for us to do. And so I always tell people who do this kind of work you know there’s always somebody watching you. There’s always somebody wondering if it’s safe for them to show up fully, if they can be uniquely themselves. And if it’s OK because we have a big collective story in our…in our society around that it’s not safe to go against the rules of the tribe. We have witch burnings and we’ve got the Holocaust and we’ve got all kinds of examples in our world and in our collective consciousness of the times when we have proof that it’s not safe to go outside of the rules of whatever the tribe is. And so. That’s what we’re in the process of fighting against right now and transmuting is saying, “No damn it.” Like, “We can do it this way.” And it is safe. And this is the time to show up in that full expansion and be able to do this work and have a business and have a family and play with chickens and do all these things as we don’t have to sacrifice any of that stuff this time. We can show up and do this work, you know the work of moving people into consciousness and evolution and not have to live some sort of prescribed lifestyle. And from that place, when you’re in that space now you can go back and play with all of those personas that you want to play with because you know that’s not who you are. And it’s not disingenuous. Those are just personas you play with here and it’s fun and people that’s how you connect with people and help move them and that’s a totally different game and feeling like that for someone to define who you are.

I say I’m a diamond. I have so many different facets.
Absolutely. And I, you know, I tell people I say I’m a diamond. I have so many different facets. It’s crazy. You know and I can speak from any one of them. You know I’ve…I’ve worked on fire trucks and ambulances and emergency vehicles. I’ve driven an 18 wheeler my husband and I drove together. I drive a motorcycle. I run women’s groups you know. I mean so we I think when you talk about that expansion I think it’s giving us the permission to explore all of those different sides of ourselves.
Oh absolutely.
Because…we come from a history of you know generations of you go to work, you work for 35 years, you retire, you hope you don’t get sick before you can travel a little bit. You know, I mean we…we’re… we’re…we’re breaking out of that, “OK, well, this…this is who you are. This is how we define you.” We don’t…we don’t do that anymore. We change jobs. We move. We, you know, we…we travel. Sometimes we don’t have homes. I know you’ve…you’ve done that. I’ve done that. I’ve had…I did not have a home. You know, we, my husband and I we went across country on a motorcycle. There were three months we sold everything we had in California and we were going back to North Carolina. We had nothing we didn’t have a home. Nobody knew where we were from day to day. You know so we’re I think we’re more accepting of those kinds of experiences for people now.
Oh absolutely. And we and you know…you know yeah I think we traveled full time for two and half years. And it’s been…what that emulated for me was this idea that we were desperately seeking freedom and the freedom to be who we are and to live our lives and to be fully transparent. And…and it’s so interesting because those last remaining pieces of where people move into alignment in the abstract are the most resistant to being vulnerable. We have a perception of that vulnerability being a weakness and it’s through the vulnerability that we actually find our greatest strength and freedom. And it’s…and on the other side of that you look back going, “Gosh why did I make that as it is such a big deal?” Like it was like, “Why would I hold on to those stories?” You know but…but it is…that that last remaining anchor into what our lives look like before that keeps us there. And it is when you can detach from that and you really are like, “Wait. Who says?” You know, we were just talking to our 15 year old today. We have her here for Spring break and we were going over that. It was like question everything. Like, “Who says you have to do things that way and who says you have to, you know, go to the doctor and who says you have to take this medicine and who says that you have to make this decision and who says you have to play that, “Oh” like, “Who came up with that? And when you start to really look into that, it illuminates a lot of the stuff that we took on. That was never really ours to begin with. And that’s the…that’s the stuff that we’re transmuting.
But I love your diamond analogy I use that all the time with my clients to explain how we were slapped things for each other and how we can only really reflect what’s in between like the two facets that are meeting up with someone else. And to help people understand that it is impossible for somebody to truly know us because of how multi-faceted we are. We were just trying to know ourselves and in…And on the plus side it’s impossible for us to truly know somebody else in all of their facets where we can meet in those high vibration. There is no separation between us you know but if we’re trying to understand people here is I guess that all you can see is what they are reflecting to you. But if you choose to meet them in a place of higher vibration you are them they are you. And there’s a completely synergistic knowing it about who you are which is beautiful.
Well and I think you know sometimes…sometimes we don’t realize how hard it’s going to be to be authentic. You know for me I believe that’s why organized religions do so well. It’s so much easier to go and have someone say OK this is what you need to do in order to be right. This is when you do this you’re wrong. And to have someone lay that out for you to find yourself and to be on your own spiritual journey is a tough thing. Because there’s you figured it out for yourself and does it feel good? It doesn’t feel good. And sometimes, oftentimes when…when we are waking up we’re not always surrounded by people that are on a waking up journey as well. And so we’re going against what we know and what we’re taught and, like you said, the environment around us, the people that are around us. So sometimes it gets…it gets hard, gets hard to find your own path and to find out who you are.
And of course you know the society that we’re living in has its own underlying messages of if you’re not this then you’re not worthy and so it’s, you know, it’s…I say it’s two steps forward and one step sideways because like you said my soul never goes back but sometimes it steps off the path like it’s sitting on the bench waiting.
Yeah it’s…it’s…and I’m hearing you and I feel exactly where you are at and the…it is…I have… I have a theory and I’ve yet to hear information that would counter it which doesn’t surprise me because I don’t think I will attract information that would counter it, the…is that we get to a certain point in our evolution where it is impossible to move forward alone and you have to ask for help and be guided into it. Because in the abstract frequency there is no separation between us and we have to come together and be totally authentic and transparent with each other in that space. And in order to do that we have to be willing at that point in time to say, “I can’t do this alone.” Like, “I can’t…” it’s not like it’s not…not just, “Oh I need help with my business,” or “Oh I need support in, you know, with childcare.” or “Oh I need this.” It’s not that at all. It is literally like my soul’s experience need to now combine with others. And…and I find people at that crossroads doing two things that are potentially damaging. One is most of us have built up personas around being an expert in something. And so to find ourselves at a place where it’s like, “No way I need somebody to hold my hand on this.” is really disconcerting because you develop an entire identity around the fact that we guide other people in this area and that’s signing people and then the other thing that they’ll do is they’ll reach to people who aren’t sitting in that higher vibrational space and all those people can do is continually affirm the techniques that are already gotten to the point in development where they’re at. Those techniques will help moving into the abstract. And so they’re constantly spinning their wheels and then they quickly develop a story that, “Well that didn’t work therefore nobody can help me.” You know, “I am not going to spend money with somebody.” You know all those stories that we hear people talking about with coaches and guides and gurus and everything else. And then again that was a big problem that I saw and that’s why we developed Personal Power Experts the way that we did because it doesn’t need to cost your life savings to move into this space. And the quickest way to do it, we…honestly…we have people who do it in a week to week. And there’s people peddling 12-month programs and it’s like it doesn’t take any time. It’s a choice and it’s an ability to open your eyes to what that looks like on the other side. And so you know when we really kind of broke it down like that, it was like, “Wow like this is bad. People are moving so fast because they’re coming together and they get that cellular confidence.” And so, you know, but it’s like nobody’s talking about this. Nobody wants to say, “Oh by the way this doesn’t take very much time at all.” You don’t have to pay me for 12 months of coaching. Like…like nobody’s saying that because everybody’s kind of struggling with the idea that…that it’s not working anymore. You know these processes and these programs that people have put together get people to a certain level of awareness but they don’t take them any further. And those businesses are struggling and so we’ve seen as real perpetuation of personal development spiritual growth arenas that nobody’s really talking about as is like a giant elephant in the room. And it’s like, “OK if that’s not working, look do something different. Like…like let’s figure out a different model.” And so it’s like you know I hear what you’re saying in there and I think you’ve absolutely pinpointed exactly what the issue is for a lot of people. Who are their knowingness is very clear. Like I see every…I see that full expanded being and saw everybody as who they are. They’re already there. You know there are…and people like, “Well how will I know when I get there? And I’m like, “You’re there.” You just have to choose to associate with that. And it’s gross people are out there like, “Wait a minute, I don’t have to do a lot of work to get there? Like, I don’t have to, like, there isn’t some 12-step program, there’s not you know…” and it’s so fascinating to hear you be able to kind of encompass it in your own languaging with regard to…I think you really encapsulated what the issue is for so many people. That’s powerful.

I never thought of a hundred Full Moon Walks.
Well and that’s why I think the experiences that I create at the Peaceful Spirit Enrichment Center are so important. You know we do…we do Full Moon Labyrinth Walks every month. And in fact this month we’re coming up on our 100th Full Moon Labyrinth Walk here in March. And you know it wasn’t…I didn’t set out to create this Full Moon phenomenon. We do this…you know I never I never thought of a hundred Full Moon Walks. In fact it kind of snuck up on me. When I started doing it was like, “Oh I want to do this and I want to bring people together.” And that’s…that’s the basis of what I do, is getting people to have an experience because you’re right we can…we can talk about things and we talk about things and sometimes we talk things to death but when we actually have that experience and we feel that tribe, we feel that support, we do women’s circles, it’s something I do I love and I’ve been drawn to forever. Growing up I had a…I had a rough childhood. I was lucky I met my husband at 19. You know we’ve been married 30 years. Thirty two years now technically. But I was looking for a safe place. The universe sent me him. That was wonderful. Over five years ago I decided I wanted to put on the Arizona Goddess Conference. It’s an annual event it’s the last weekend in October. I decided in June I wanted to put this October event on. And he said, “Are you nuts?” And I said, “Well probably but I’m going to do this.” And I you know I said this is something I just came up with and something I really think is important to do. I said I want to create a safe space for women to come together to explore what it means to be a divine feminine woman. What is the goddess within us, what does she want. And I was telling people and I was talking about it and I had put together some really amazing women to help me get it off the ground and I was happy about it and I said you know, “Wow I just came up with this idea and it’s really wonderful.” And my husband looked at me and he said, “For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve wanted to create a safe space for women.”
And it all really kind of set me back because I thought, “What are you talking about?” And so I really started unpacking that and I’m like, “Oh my God, yes.” You know I remember back in you know the late 80s standing out in front of Planned Parenthood clinics because people were yelling at women that went in and standing guard for that. You know and having women in and we would do, you know, I would have women that would come in and would stay with us a little while because they were trying to get their selves together we would always do the…you know we call them orphan Christmas and orphan Thanksgivings. You know the…the parties were always at my house and not you know not the teenage-get-drunk parties but birthday parties and the wedding receptions. You know those…those kind of groupings were always at where I was no matter what I had. And so when I really started looking back at that. I remember when I met him I was running from an unsafe environment, in my own head and physically. And then ran into him and I knew even at 19, I knew there’s got to be a safe space for women. And we you know we think of that and we think of shelters and we think of all of those things and those are forefront of our mind. And that’s wonderful. And all of that needs to stay and we need to be supporting that even more. But there’s a group of women and hopefully the majority of women were not in imminent danger. But we’re in danger of losing ourselves. And that…going back to that circle of women. That’s how we learn. That’s how it’s passed down to us that’s what’s in our DNA. We were the gatherers. We would go out in groups and we would…we would teach each other. This is the berry that’s…that’s going to help with this illness. This is the plant that we want to gather now. And it’s not quite ready so we’re going to come back and we’re going to watch it. We can’t take all of it because we have to prepare for next year we have to leave it there. That is a huge piece of what we need as women and while feminism is a great thing with feminism, we swung the pendulum all the way back to the other side and we tried to be like men. We wore those suits and we did those sorts of things. But that’s not what makes us strong.
And, you know, we do a women’s group of [mute] every month and we sit in a circle and yeah we come with an idea of what we’re going to talk about. But sometimes we, you know, we just start talking about this quality of maybe it’s from a goddess card and this goddess and what qualities does that bring forward in us. And just to have that, you know, I’ve…I’ve sat with my sisters and we’ve gotten each other through some pretty hard things just within that circle and it’s not about going and getting something. It’s about going like you said going, being seen and being heard.
I love that. And that…that is the essence that I feel from you. That is absolutely who you are and what you embody and that connection with the Earth is so pivotal. I’ve seen that come up in a really big way across the board collectively, is really, you know, respecting what the earth had to teach us in that Earth energy matrix. And I feel you playing a really pivotal role in that. And so I honor you for that and I appreciate that because I have a lot to learn in that area. Then one of the things, you know, I’m lost in the conversation of course as I typically get. So I do kind of need to bring it back around. But one of the questions that, you know, our listeners have asked for is what advice can you offer to people who really want to hone their own superpowers?
The biggest advice I would give people is, “It’s OK for it to be all about you.” And if we talk about our own superpower it has to be all about us. We’re…we get so caught up in comparison. I mean I’m just as guilty as someone else. There are a lot of herbalists out there. Do I say I’m an herbalist? OK maybe I do. But I, you know, then you start comparing yourself to other people your superpowers even what I know as an herbalist is not like other people you know. And there are people ahead of me on the path. And there are people behind me on the path. So I just need to be exactly where I am. And you are perfect exactly where you are. No matter how screwed up your world is, no matter how many disconnect notices are sitting on your desk, no matter how many of your family members you don’t get along with, you are still perfect exactly where you are. And I’m you know I am 52 now and I’m at that place in my life where I can look back and I have enough history to see, “OK I created that. I created this.” You know so we start to see ourselves in it and some of the things that I did, that we’re really lucky to go through, give me the strength to be who I am today and to be making a difference in other people’s lives and to be able to be of service. So we don’t…don’t judge. No judgment.
All right. I love that. And then lastly we like to do our Live in Your Power story. Do you have an example of a time when you followed your intuition and you know kind of what that yielded?
Well. Yes in a…in a kind of an abstract way because intuition but it’s one thing that comes to mind where I felt so in my power and just walked through it from that space. And that actually was recently. It was this January. I had been estranged from my mother and my sister for 25 years. So 25 years ago my mother moved didn’t tell me her new address. So I lost touch with her. My sister found me on Facebook. Now my sister the last time I saw her was 12 years old. She now has a grown daughter. And so I remember when that came up on the Facebook page she said, “We’ve been looking for you. How are you?” And all I could do was cry. Because I had built so much up around I don’t have family. I was deserted all that and all I could do is sit there and look and go, “What does this do to my story? My story’s always been I’m abandoned, I’m not let…you know…what does this do to my story?” I got that Facebook message on Thursday. I talked to my mother and my sister on the phone on Saturday. Saturday I had plane tickets to leave in a month, in four weeks. And so I went. And what I knew was I had been fine before I got the Facebook message, I was going to be fine afterwards. But I had to go see what was there. I had to go answer that What If. And so I went. And I…it was almost a very surreal out-of-body experience because I saw myself and I felt strong and I knew this is…I’m going to accept this for just what it is because I don’t need this to be who I am and that was such a powerful freeing thing and it was such a shift for me. It was also very interesting because in, you know, being there several days one conversation I had with my…my niece. She looked at me and she said, “You know you should be a life coach. You should do this for a living.” And I’m like, “Oh that’s such a nice idea.” And then the other time I was talking to my sister, and she’s like, “Oh my God, you should do this for people. You should like be a life coach. And you should…” And I was like, “Oh that was a…” So that was an interesting thing to…you know because I didn’t…we think that our gifts, at least, I do, you know I have to turn it on. I never have to turn it on. I didn’t go in there to help them with a problem, to coach them, to teach them. They started talking. I started offering my perspective. And so it’s…it’s who I am. And so that was just really huge for me to realize, OK this is just who I am. It’s going to ooze out of me. You know if…if I, heaven forbid, were to have to have a job in an office and when I was in corporate America, that’s what I did. People would come to me and they would tell me these things. Sometimes they would sit down at the chair at their desk and I would be supposedly teaching them something on the computer but I’m actually doing energy work to relieve the headache that they had. You know those sorts of things that’s just that’s always been who I am. So those things that you feel are so natural to you, those are your Gifts. We don’t have to learn or struggle or something like that. The first time I did an herb class I was…I was going to teach how to do a thousand stuff and I’m like, “Oh my God.” I said to my husband, I’m like, “Why would anybody pay to come and do this? This is so simple.” He looked to me and said, “It’s simple to you. How long have you been studying this? This is who you are. It’s not simple to other people.” And I went, “Oh yeah ok.” And as I pulled all of my stuff out and still to this day when I do classes I have so much stuff that I tell people, you know, this is 20 years of collecting.
I love it.
Don’t expect you’re going to go home and have all this on yourself. This is 20 years of following this. So that which comes to you that lights you up that’s your superpower.
I love it. That is so perfect. I remember one time looking my husband by what…people sustaining the talk to them and he’s like, “Oh honey.” like…but I’m like, “I do this all the time like 24/7.” And it is…and the people, you know, I think we operate under this misconception that our superpowers, this amazing thing that we have to like own and develop it for sure you have to relax into and if you’re curious you have to study whatever the material is. But…but it does…it’s just so natural like it’s the easiest thing in the world. We have, you know, one of our experts I’ll never forget a conversation she’s like, “What…that’s just me.” And I was like, “Exactly.” She said, “You just taught me to be me?” I was like, “Yes, you in all of your glory. That’s all we ever want, you know.” So what a beautiful wrap up. I’m so glad that you shared that story with us. I think it’s perfect. And what a good reminder to people like it is safe to be uniquely you and just find the courage somewhere deep inside to step through that and then watch how you will transform. Absolutely beautiful. I know people are going to want to find you, Melanie. Where do you want to send them?
The website is
Beautiful. And it is a very peaceful place to be. So if you are ever in the New River area or the Phoenix area take that…take the time to drive up to New River and go visit that space. It is amazing. Do you want people to call ahead of time how do you…how do you want that they want to come visit the space or…
They can absolutely call me the number is 623-465-5875. Or you can email me directly. It’s [email protected].
Beautiful. Well thank you so much and thank you for opening up your space and your home and everything and making such an amazing haven for people to go to. I know that it has served me on many, many occasions so we will…we will absolutely direct people that way. And thank you so much for joining us Melanie. It’s been a delight to reconnect with you.
Thank you so much, Tonya.
Very cool and to all of our listeners, thank you. As always we appreciate your loyalty. Until next time take care.
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