In an era where burnout is rampant and disconnection from our true selves and the environment is common, pressing The Master Reset Button is becoming vital. Join us for this heartfelt, inspiring, and actionable conversation as Amorahki chats with world renowned regenerative lifestyle leader, speaker and teacher, Anna Naturalista, about how to catalyze change, harmonize life’s elements, and optimize your existence. Get ready to take a powerful step towards reclaiming control, restoring balance, and renewing your commitment to personal and planetary well-being!

The Master Reset Button

Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I’m your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I am so excited to be on the inside of this super juicy episode, all about pressing ‘the master reset button’ with our incredibly beautiful and inspiring guest, Anna Naturalista. Anna is a world-renowned regenerative lifestyle leader, speaker, and teacher. She works with influential leaders worldwide as a highly sought after guide, consultant, advisor, and healer. She’s most often referred to as their ‘fairy godmother’, thanks to her extraordinarily fiercely loving embrace. And I can really attest to that!

Anna is an astounding force of love. I feel so blessed to know her as a friend, and I am always blown away by her incredible depth of wisdom and generosity. She is a teacher’s teacher. She and her extra big, beautiful heart are brilliant, and I know with her in the house today, we are going to have an incredibly fun and really enriching time together. The show will be overflowing with actionable value and inspiration for us all. So, let’s get her on. Welcome back to the show! I am so happy to have you here today.

Anna Naturalista: Amorahki, your introductions always bring tears to my eyes and heart. Thank you. I love you so much. So grateful to be here again.

Amorahki: Me too! Well, tears – they speak truth, right? I’m so thrilled to have you back here. I feel very strongly these days that so many of us can really relate to this desire for there to be some big master reset button to press! And on many levels, for our bodies, our minds, our homes, our ways of life, and for our beautiful, precious planet. So just even those words, they inspire real hope and possibility and curiosity!

One of the things you say that I really agree with is your reflection of this current era we’re in as one where burnout is rampant. And, along with that, you say this disconnection from our true selves and the environment is also just way too common. I’m curious, would you say that helping to prioritize a path to really reconnect to our true selves and thus also to the environment is really what’s paramount right now?

Activate Your Superpowers

Anna Naturalista: Absolutely. That is the blossoming Lotus itself. That is the focus conversation of every single spiritual religious teaching and profit and belief system, seeing yourself as one with creation. And what are those creation systems? What is that path? What is the spiral, and its relation to our lives? That’s what I’ve had the pleasure in this lifetime of being born into, what I call a modern Yogi family that really focuses on the ancient wisdom applied to modern lifestyle, modern solutions, modern needs, and evolutionary changes that are happening now faster than ever. And so, when ‘the master reset button’ came through, and who I am is what I do, then that is also part of the purpose and the path of what I teach and share with leaders and entrepreneurs. So, what does it take? Well, natural cycles. Sometimes it’s a whack from your karmic boomerang system. That’s a smackdown. From the Divine, from yourself, from your circumstances, or whatever it is that must bring you to your knees. Does it have to bring you to your knees? Or can you hit your reset button on your own and take accountability and responsibility for your own innocence, for your own healing, regeneration, and your own empowerment? Feels like a much more enjoyable path, right? Without having to go through the extremes, which is another part that I like to bring into balance. I don’t care for the polar extremes of anything. Is the extreme of these detox diets that most people are sick of getting sick over, being done in a loving way that nurtures the body that’s in harmony with nature? That’s also one of our key points here, like number one on the checklist. Are you in harmony with nature, with this decision, with this action? So yes, I am so grateful and excited to finally have this wrapped up after 10 years of teaching with private clients and private groups and now being able to have it available in this way. That’s one of the things in my heart that I’ve been like, oh, I need to share this! It’s working! Oh, my goodness, it’s real! It’s working! How do I get this out to everybody?!

Amorahki: I’m really resonating with so much of what you’re sharing, and I’m excited for the downloads on all of it that we will get into in a moment. You really have done your due diligence and taken this, really honed, and forged and tested this! I mean, your background is so rich and so varied. I tend to perceive you much the way that you describe that beautiful environment you got to grow up in this lifetime, around the ancient wisdom being applied in very practical modern-day ways to what is needed now. It’s a real beautiful harmony. It’s a beautiful formula to see that in action. That’s really what I perceive in you, you have such a breadth, and you take everything from all these places that not everybody can synergize together, just based on who you’ve been, where you’ve been and what you’ve learned. And you’ve woven this into something that is so beneficial right now. And you’ve really distilled it into something that is accessible. That is tried and true and doing the most amount of good and the least amount of harm. I love your reference, as an example, about checking in with whether we’re in harmony with nature, checking in on these extreme detox diets to press that reset button in the body, checking in on how we’re pressing it in how we’re living in our families, how we’re doing business, you know, the loving way or the extreme way! I think my favorite part about what you said is just the reclamation of no longer needing to be hit over the head and brought down to our knees. We get to take that power back and preemptively recognize that change is needed. What is the most loving and powerful way to do that for myself?

Anna Naturalista: Yes, absolutely.

Amorahki: All right. I can’t wait to get into all of this without any breaks, there’s so much here. Anna, just before we cut to a short break, where can we tell people to go to connect with you? To find out more about you, The Master Reset Button, and all the greatness you’re up to in the world. You’re so generous and you just share so much. Where can people go?

Anna Naturalista: Thank you so much, is always the most direct place to go for anything and everything about teachings, courses, and upgrades. And right now, we’re having a prelaunch on The Master Reset Button. And you can find me, Anna Naturalista, on YouTube and on Instagram, too.

Amorahki: Oh, excellent. We’ll make sure there are links for you all up on the show page so you can just go there and click. Alright everyone, you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network and we’re going to take a short break and be right back to talk about how to press your master reset button with Anna Naturalista when we return. Stay tuned. You really won’t want to miss what’s coming up next!

Activate Your Superpowers!