Hello, everybody. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your super power expert and I’m excited to have with me today, Alissa Okrent. She is both a board certified mindful coach, as well as, a soul language practitioner, operates a group called Souls-Compass and so for those of you who know Jennifer Urezzio, our resident Soul Language expert here, Alyssa does work with that, as well as, combining that with a really neat twist on the fitness, health, mindfulness piece. So she has this really cool synergistic combination of some integrated modalities. I think you’ll really like hearing about those today. So if you can take a moment and let’s settle in, take a deep breath and welcome Alissa to the show. Welcome, Alissa.
Oh, thank you so much. It’s awesome to be here.
Well, we’re very honored to have you here. And we’re going to jump right in and ask you, what are your Super Powers?
What is my superpower is such an interesting question. I was thinking about that this morning. And so one of them is acceptance, acceptance of self, of where we are. My clients reflect that to me all the time and I take you for who you are and where you are in just a general sense of love that surrounds people in general. So there are situations and circumstances and I have a great ability to separate those out from the…I want to say the tape that runs in our head, you know, we’re not good enough, without endless fears. So that to me is one of my Super Powers. And just that deep sense of knowing that I have real trust in my relationship with God, divine collaboration and process of growth and even in my own darkest times that never wavered, right, it was just always there. To me that part of what I share both in with myself but also through the Souls-Compass program so that others can do it for themselves or them about empowering someone. You can do it on your own. Here is a way to get there. And it’s different for each person but we all have that ability, right, we can all be in an acceptance of ourselves and really tap into our own inner wisdom.
Awesome. Very cool. So talk to me a little bit about Souls-Compass. Where did that concept come from?
All for…so that’s a serious…you know. I want to look when I look back at my life I had a very strong connection with nature. When I was 17 I went on outward bound. I put my first journal. And I still have that and I look back and I read that 17-year-old wisdom of life everybody looking ahead, why are we not just being ok with the present, you know, with that fear or doubt. And so that sort of brought me full circle I could say. Although that journal traveled with me, I really didn’t uncover until about six months ago. So it’s quite a number of years that it came around and in that period of time, the circle of my life and the compass of connecting with body through a variety, to my background and fitness as a fitness instructor raising family becoming a mindful coach. I’ve always taught Hebrew school for the last 25 years and so and working with children and as I put those pieces together, I looked at that as a circle component for myself and where was I on my journey and how was I pointing myself more in the direction I wanted to go? And just that language started to come up and then when I started working with Jennifer and became one of her practitioners and really understood the Soul Languages and who I am from that paradigm the whole concept the Souls-Compass really came into play.
I love that. The imagery that comes from the idea of a soul’s compass and it really ties in nicely with what you’re talking about, about real empowering people to do it for themselves. So this idea that we have, this kind of available directional tool that can guide us in helping people tap into that, I think is such powerful work and especially when you connect that up with the Soul Language. So let’s talk a little bit about that how you incorporate Soul Language in the work that you do?
So my first piece, the way that I incorporate first is connecting to body, right? And what I notice is that even when I was teaching fitness, most everybody there, it was always the outside goal. I got to do x amount of push-ups or counting calories or, you know, classes. So it’s very external, outside of body. And I always taught from a perspective of internal. What are you feeling? What is that? What’s a sensation inside? And that connection point is where I begin when I work with someone and in my work with Soul Language just understanding what my piece is. So the more that I can connect to my body, the more information I’m receiving from that internal guidance. And I always have this philosophy if I can do it so can you. And I truly believe that for ourselves as humans and I look to nature all the time for that sense of deepening, of patience and process, and that the sun’s coming up because the sun has come up every single day even if we haven’t seen it you know or the plant that’s growing, how why the parallel for me is our bodies and that you have the opportunity to understand your breath to understand tightness of the body’s type. We can stretch the body and do and then what else is tight in your life? What’s that lens that you’re like looking through a single focus when it’s really multi-dimensional? And so as I bring in breath techniques, stretching techniques, tools from my yoga practice as an instructor and both the active practitioner or maybe it’s polarity, it is really understanding the sense of body dynamic. And then how is that relating to who you are seeking in being, whether it’s using some Soul Language tools or my background in Myers-Briggs, to understanding all colors, so again depends on, sometimes, you know, to me, what is the biggest piece is meeting someone where they are. And if all that they are ready for is breath then that’s the provision, right, then I’m going to provide that for them and I tap into my own understanding of Souls Language as what I know, who I am, what I bring and how I serve to support that person. Hopefully that made sense.
Absolutely. So it just feels like you pull on a number of different modalities and experiences to assist in the moment.
Yeah. Always.
Awesome. Very cool.
Where do you get your inspiration from as you continue on your own journeys and your guidance and mentorship in where do you look to assist in your growth?
I look to children. I work with a variety of kids from and in a variety of form orientation. But one of the places where I volunteer is a robotics organization called firstinspires.org. And to see and experience young minds like expand themselves in that place of technology that they didn’t understand and then they create, you know, a robot whether it’s out of Legos or machines and then watching a competition. So to me that is very inspiring to see that growth is always there. So they are growing and I find myself growing as well. I have interest in, you know, many things whether it’s, you know, as simple as learning how to knit or going more deeply into what is color and color therapy and how does that inspire and how does that vibrate in our bodies. So I feel like I have this, it’s a strong push-pull connection when I find myself not being challenged. I typically will go and find a physical challenge for myself to reach whether it’s, you know, more of a distance walking or holding opposing yoga for a longer period of time. And that’s my inspiration to dig deeper into whatever project I’m working on. So I have several different projects that are exciting right now that are in sort of a burgeoning stage and that keeps me going.
Very cool. Very cool. One of the things that we do really well over Super Power Experts is we have what’s called a Super Power NET. And so it is a community of people. It’s a network of people who are committed to doing this kind of work in the world and empowering others and then find that autonomy and connecting them with their Souls and really, really moving that conversation forward and challenging the bounds of what’s possible. And we feel like we get to do that together, you know, because of that network. How important was that kind of support or mentorship or connectedness as you were going through your own processes?
Critical. It was critical. I mean when I look back and see who I met and when I met Jennifer and how we started our connection, being around like-minded people has always been that inspiration for me. So, and I haven’t always had them and I mean the intuition side, the tapping in or the trusting is not or certainly wasn’t as well-discussed 20 years ago as it is today where many more people who are open to this dialogue of conversation and speaking in connection and understanding our Super Powers. So for me it’s an ongoing dialogue with like-minded people wherever I might meet them some are in business and some are, you know, through others, but, or through connections like your own organization. It varies for me wherever I go, I seem to attract that individual that is much more like-minded which can inspire you to understand others more of us out here as a community, you know, in continuing to grow.
Very cool. Yeah, I think that that’s a big part some of it is the attracting it to you but a big part of attracting it to you is showing up as that. You know, refusing to dialogue about things that aren’t in alignment for you or that aren’t in alignment with where you’re going, and really kind of sticking to your guns with them saying, you know, I believe that we can do things differently. And I think especially when you work with our youth. You know, what our daughter is doing, Super Power kids. She interviews people for our podcast, similar to what I’m doing and it’s just so amazing when you model that to them, what they’re capable of creating. And then when you set the bar high enough, you know, they always reach it. They always get there and it’s the responsibility even for ourselves. You know, I always kind of take it back to the kids. But we each have that aspect of ourselves that’s looking to us to the soul to say, “OK, what can we do. And how do we do it?” And if we take the lead with that then real magic occurs.
Yeah. Oh I absolutely agree. And creating the quiet space. I mean, that’s one of my I-must-have-some quiet time every day. It doesn’t have to be silent but it needs to be so I can hear me. And I believe that’s your purpose right to understanding what is a distraction and first the conscious separation to two different things. Now I was a parent that when my children were growing up was like “You’ve got limited time on TV.” And I’m going home one day our son who’s going to be 30 said, “I’m bored.” and I just turned around and said, “Un-bored yourself.” you know. There’s plenty to do. It’s not about being distracted. Oh, you know, being, I want to say, the visionary or at the forefront of participating in life and teaching that has, as I look back, always been part of who I am and as my husband described me that, you know, I don’t fit into any box. I don’t actually recognize the boxes exist. So that also inspires me to just recognize the way that I’m approaching something is going to be the right way for me in its uniqueness and to embrace that. And I encourage everyone. That’s my, that other Super Power, say work for other people. I want them to find that uniqueness in themselves and then embrace it and trust that that’s what you’re here to do or to be.
I love that. Very cool. Well I know that some of our listeners are going to want to find out more about you. Where can we send them for that?
My website is souls-compass.com. They could reach me directly via email [email protected]I am a huge advocate of email connection and I have a newsletter that anybody can tap into which is available to anyone who is interested in understanding more of their own energetic blueprint then, I am offering a community pricing for that and they can reach me also at souls-compass.com for that. That would be a direct outreach.
Very cool, I appreciate your generosity. Very cool. So for those of you out there, if you are interested in what Alissa is talking about and you want to do some exploration in this area and I recommend that you reach out to her again. You can reach her at souls-compass.com. Alissa, thank you so much for joining us on the show. I love the work that you’re doing in the world and I honor the fact that you’re willing to do that with kids and to really stretch the bounds of what’s possible for them.
Thank you. It’s my pleasure. I’m really honored to have been able to speak with you and to share with your community.
Very cool. And to all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time, go out, uncover your Super Powers and change the world. Take care of everyone.
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