SPK – Confident Young Entrepreneurs

Jacqui Letran, a multi-award-winning author and an international speaker, joins Neva Lee Recla to talk about confident young entrepreneurs. Jacqui is a passionate and energetic leader who is truly gifted at helping teens transform into confident, happy and successful young adults. Jacqui teaches teens that success and happiness are possible, regardless of their current struggles or circumstances. Jacqui is an International Best-Selling Author, National Speaker, and Founder of Teen Confidence Academy. She has 17 years of experience in Adolescent Health as a Nurse Practitioner, Success Coach and Teen Confidence Expert. Jacqui is passionate and committed to guiding teens to achieve remarkable success in their academic and personal lives. Listen in as she explains her work encouraging kids and teens to be confident young entrepreneurs. Hi kids, this is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla and today we have on our show a [...]

2022-05-24T18:42:20-07:00November 1st, 2018|

Bob Proctor Theory by Seven-Year-Old Neva Lee Recla

A Bob Proctor Theory by a seven-year-old. Neva Lee Recla, child entrepreneur and Founder of Super Power Kids, interprets a complex theory involving the conscious and subconscious minds. A theory made popular by Bob Proctor, the Stick Person Theory, breaks down the primary reason most people fail to transform their lives.   Hi! My name is Neva Lee Recla, I'm seven-years-old. Today I want to talk to you about Bob Proctor's Stick Person Theory. What IS Bob Proctor's Stick Person Theory? Well, this talks about the two minds and the body. So, this is the thinking mind and this is the believing mind. So let's say you want to be an astronaut. Your thinking mind would have to think that you wanted to be an astronaut but your believing mind would have to believe that you're to be an astronaut. If not, then it would be impossible for you to [...]

2021-11-30T13:09:54-07:00November 30th, 2016|
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