HFH – It is Time for Women Power

Is it time for women power? After walking her path and meeting Goddess Kwan Yin, Kayla Oceanna thinks so. She joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share about her calling that today spreads to the world reassuring that it is time for women power. At 21, after graduating with her B.S. in Psychology, Kayla was intuitively called to move with just $200 and her rebel spirit from Alabama to Taiwan, a land she knew nothing about and where she knew no one. When she met Goddess Kwan Yin, she fell to the goddess’ feet, curled up and wept. In her 11 years in Taiwan, she was graced with immersion in Daoism, Buddhism, Yoga, and Tantra. She went deep into meditation practices and began to guide classes, workshops and spiritual circles. Recently, Kayla was called back to the United States. It is her life’s purpose to continue to deepen into the [...]

2019-07-11T11:04:16-07:00July 16th, 2019|

SLSP – Women Empowering Women After Sex Trafficking

In this episode of SLSP, host Tatiana Berindei is joined by a most inspiring example of women empowering women, Brooke Axtell. Founder and Director of She is Rising, a healing community for survivors of gender violence and sex trafficking, Brooke shares with our listeners the importance of survivors being able to identify with something other than just their trauma story. She also shares how to spot red flags of both potential domestic violence and sex trafficking. Tune in to hear more about this inspiring woman’s work and how you, too, can get involved to make a difference to help end sex trafficking. Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I have a very special guest with me, Brooke Axtell, and we are going to be discussing women empowering women after sex trafficking. Let [...]

2022-06-05T05:32:56-07:00May 8th, 2019|
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