SPC – Artful Expression of Consciousness
Whitney Freya, artist and author, joins David Delmar to share how exploration of consciousness can be amplified through art. She describes her work helping her tribe of “Pallets” discover their multidimensional selves to become “Life Artist”. Her level of wisdom and knowledge on the power creativity has to expand one’s own universe is truly remarkable. So, listen in and get advice about how the simple stroke of a paint brush can ignite a passion inside you and experience your own artful expression of consciousness. Hello, this is David Delmar, your host of SuperPower Creatives, and you're listening to our episode, artful expression of consciousness. I believe everyone is a creator, and it's this inherent birthright that's the source of our superpowers. Stepping into this personal authority is scary though, this show celebrates creatives, they stay true to who they really are, making a living, using their [...]