WOA – Fulfilling Your Purpose

Are you on the journey of fulfilling your purpose? Do you want to shatter self-doubt and conflicts that hinder your path? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Vicki Znavor revolve their conversation around ways to overcome conflict, deal with criticism and face fear. Vicki is the author of the book Authenticity Reawakened; it contains strategies to build leadership and know your values and purpose in life. Tune in and join Ayn and Vicki to hear more about understanding fear, the 100 Ways to Authenticity, and what it means to be genuine at work. Ayn Cates Sullivan: Welcome friends and mystical travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages, where we invite the sacred into modern-day reality. Each week I offer stories and interviews and spiritual monologues to inspire, heal, and uplift the soul. You can [...]