SPU – Top Entrepreneurs and Discipline

Combat veteran, Justin Myers, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to discuss the relationship between top entrepreneurs and discipline. As a signage, marketing and business expert, Justin knows what it takes to be successful in business. Justin believes that there are 3 major keys to success: be disciplined, be efficient, and develop daily. He’s also the Vice President of The Sign Chef, a company that provides custom business signs in the entire United States, Canada and even internationally. Listen in as he shares his deep knowledge about being a top entrepreneur and the necessity of discipline. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I have with us today such an amazing person. He's such a special guest, and first and foremost, I want to give him a shout-out and tell him to thank you for his service. He happens to be a disabled [...]

2018-03-15T21:57:21-07:00March 16th, 2018|

I Solemnly Swear…

I Solemnly Swear… Sunday was Veteran’s Day. I did two things I’ve never done before. I posted this picture of me in uniform on Facebook and I took Applebee’s up on their offer of a free meal. But I struggled with both of these. You see, I didn’t have a real illustrious Army career. The down and dirty is I completed my master’s degree in 2001, a few months before 9/11. That shattering event, and my indecision regarding my next career, led me to the Army recruiter’s door. So at 27 years old with a master’s degree I enlisted in the Army (I chose to enlist rather than pursue a commission as an officer because there was only one job I wanted –  counterintelligence. I could get the guaranteed job or the commission, not both…I chose E4). One year and four months later the Army medically discharged me. [...]

2021-06-15T22:33:32-07:00November 13th, 2012|
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