SPU – The Super Power of Uplifting Others
Carla Reeves embodies uplifting others as a Personal Mindset Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur. She holds the vision of others’ greatness and teaches them to use journaling to harness that vision. Listen in as she shares how to write your way into your Super Powers. Hello everyone this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm really excited to have with us today Carla Reeves. She is, if you can imagine like, light, being encapsulated in a body that’s how I would describe this woman. Like, I met her from across a room at a networking event, and she's just vibrant. Like she has one of those or a body that you just can't help but be drawn into. She's very pleasant. She's very loving. She just makes you feel good when you're around her. And that's my experience with her. But in [...]