SPU – The Journey of Intuitive Development
Terrie Christine, an Intuitive Life Coach and Psychic Medium, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to explore the journey of intuitive development. She is Clairaudient (hearing), Clairvoyant (seeing) and Clairsentient (feeling). She helps people access love, abundance and peace by clearing old energetic blocks that hold them back. She works with clients all over the world and continues to be a source of emotional and spiritual healing in the self-empowerment community. Over the course of many years, she studied with the Masters on meditation and many different modalities. Today, as an Intuitive Life Coach and Psychic Medium, she can remotely scan a body for environmental and energetic blocks. Listen in as she talks about intuitive development. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Experts, and I'm really excited to have with us today, Terrie Christine. She is delightful and you're going to love her. She's an intuitive [...]